The future of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise (Major Spoilers)

The future of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise (Major Spoilers)

Click the jump to find how I would like the franchise to continue after the events of The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Editorial Opinion
By WebheadStudios - May 08, 2014 05:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

This article contains plot points and storylines from The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man comics. This article does contain spoilers from those listed above.

The Amazing Spider-Man 3:
Harry Osborn orders new villain Chameleon/Mysterio to create life model decoy or hallucinations of Gwen Stacy as another obstacle for Spider-Man, to complicate and mess with Peter's mind because of Gwen Stacy's death in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Harry Osborn destroying Peters life and people close to him, will lead Peter to go after Harry and will meet the Green Goblin; Spidey tried to beat the Goblin to death after the death of Gwen Stacy to get revenge then to realise that Goblin is much stronger than Harry. The Green Goblin reveals that he pulled the strings between Chameleon/Mysterio and Harry Osborn. He reveals how he cheated death and that. he was the Gentleman and claims that he is Norman Osborn. When Norman reveals himself to Peter that Norman Osborn is still alive and will cause a really big shock and talk over New York City. Norman Osborn also reveals that he was behind all of the things like Peter's surveillance and death of Peters parents. Then Norman Osborn gets pierced by his own Glider attempting to kill Spider-Man. It's revealed that Harry takes an overdose after hearing his dad's words. After Peter's powers prove to be too strong he takes of the -Symbitote and it's passed onto Eddie Brock.
The Amazing Spider-Man, Venom:
Following the events of the previous film the Symbitote has been passed onto Eddie Brock. Eddie uses it get revenge on Spider-Man. Spider-Man and Venom fight each other. Spider-Man and Venom realise they are both equally matched they won't gain anything from fighting each other. So they team-up to face the newly created villain: Carnage.
The Amazing Spider-Man 4:
Otto Octavius is a research scientist working head at Oscorp after the death of Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn. Left in Norman's will he plays a part in creating Oscorp's Future Sinister Six. Adrian Toomes he is an elderly scientist who claims that Oscorp has been corrupted by Norman Osborn; using Alistair Smythe's created flying technology he seeks revenge against Oscorp. He takes his 'Vulture' name from Osborn's insult and soon jailed after an encounter with Spider-Man. After Adrian Toomes didn't succeed. Otto uses the last Spider-Slayer: the four-armed harness, they becomes fused to his spinal cord, he goes after Spider-Man to take down the web-slinger himself.
The Amazing Spider-Man, Sinister Six:
In response after Doc Ock's failure of beating Spider-Man: Doc Ock plans to hire five other super-villains Spider-Man has faced. He breaks into Ravencroft Institute home the criminally insane and offers super-villains Spider-Man has faced the opportunity to escape, under the deal that they would join Oscorp's Sinister Six as redemption against Spider-Man. Only three of the criminals accepted the offer: Aleksei Sytsevich, Adrian Toomes, Dmitri Smerdyakov/Quentin Beck. Doc Ock discovers Max Dillon (once the fan, now the enemy) so he begins to search for Max at the Oscorp Power Plant were he last was seen, "Max come out to play, joint our team for redemption against Spider-Man" after a while the wires and circuits starts to move and Max Dillon reforms himself as Electro "I'm going to catch that Spider, he made me live in the wires and circuits of this city for years. Now he is going to pay the price." Doc Ock then manipulates Dr. Curtis Connors to become the Lizard once more time. Doc Ock suggests the team should fight Spider-Man one at a time; then Spider-Man will be weaker each time. The plan fails and the Sinister Six become divided they fight against each other, making Lizard depart from the team and turn against the Sinister Six and teams up with Spider-Man as Sinister Six caused mayhem and destruction over New York City.

Let me know what you think and disscus below what you would like to see in the future films.
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CaptainAmerica31 - 5/8/2014, 6:09 AM
I think they said TASM4 is the sinister six movie
nibs - 5/8/2014, 6:38 AM
nope, venom and sin six are spin-offs. TASM 4 already has already booked a 2018 release date.
Bekss - 5/8/2014, 7:52 AM
the fact that everything is from Oscorp is completely stupid. Every villian origin will be "Harry hire me". All the conspiracy with Richard Parker was unnecessary and it's what caused this Oscorp thing.
WebheadStudios - 5/8/2014, 7:59 AM
Note that Sinister Six needs to be the Sixth Spider-Man film in the franchise. You remember that Peter is left tormented after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 so it would make perfect sense to have the Symbitote when Peter is depressed. Then the next one will be the Venom film because Symbitote has been set up in the previous film now allowing Doc Ock to be a solid main villain after Norman's Death for The Amazing Spider-Man 4.

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (2016)
The Amazing Spider-Man, Venom (2017)
The Amazing Spider-Man 4 (2018)
The Amazing Spider-Man, Sinister Six (2019 or 2020)
Thing94 - 5/8/2014, 11:03 AM
Speculating doesn't really get anywhere just wait until it's all confirmed who the villains will be and go with it and enjoy it. I'm excited for part 3. I hope there is a part 3 with all this bad press and box office intake nonsense!
kong - 5/8/2014, 8:14 PM
"Then Norman Osborn gets pierced by his own Glider attempting to kill Spider-Man" where have I seen that before?

GizmoEl - 5/8/2014, 8:25 PM
Green Goblin getting killed by his own glider was in the comics, it didn't originate in Spiderman 1.
MightyZeus - 5/8/2014, 9:16 PM
First of all the studio needs to hire new writers for TASM 3 and the future films connected to TASM universe.
LegendaryOutlaw - 5/9/2014, 3:35 AM
When did you mention the symbiote before Peter takes it off? That was confusing.
Lhornbk - 5/9/2014, 10:26 AM
What I want for the next few Spiderman films-for them to not happen. Especially with these storylines.
nikgrid - 5/9/2014, 11:50 PM
I never want to see Venom in these films....Venom is a terrible character.
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