Naturally the first thing that's addressed is if there are any updates regarding him returning to the role.
"The only thing I can really speak to in regards to this question is that, I’d love to," enthuses Routh. "With Chris Nolan (again, another extremely talented director…and British!) shepherding the new film, it’s anybody’s guess what will happen. I look forward to meeting with him if I have the opportunity, and to discuss the project. The most important thing, no matter who plays Superman, is that they are able to truly honor and uphold the legacy of the character that is so deeply loved by so many."
Talking about his portrayal of the character, he explains that he did his best to uphold Christopher Reeve's interpretation of the character.
"In Returns, Supes goes through a lot," he adds. "I always wanted to make sure he never got down, or depressed, but was always searching for some way to fix the problem, some way to overcome the obstacles. I view him as an amazing philosopher, although we never really get to hear any of this, it comes out through his actions and the way he approaches challenges."
He was also asked whether or not he'd be interested in appearing on Smallville as both Dean Cain and Christopher Reeve have. "It would be fun," he muses, "but perhaps a it might be a little bit strange since my portrayal of Superman was more recent than the others."
When asked about his favorite role so far, he doesn't hesitate to say that it's Superman. "He is such an iconic character that you can’t just be Superman on screen, you have to uphold the legacy to some extent as a person as well. If I filmed the movie, then ran around Hollywood partying, doing and saying dumb things, then that would not bode well for the film. Not to say that this was much of a challenge for me as I don’t party that much and do my best to think before I speak, but it’s still something I choose to bear in mind."
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