The dub-brothers were set to work on Plastic Man, but Warner Bros. has put that project on hold, and this could allow for the brothers to work on Superman. If they do take the project, it is felt that it would be three-part re-imagining of Superman. goes onto say…
"The Wachowski's are currently reviewing their options as its like being asked to take the final play in a Superbowl final. [McTeigue] says if they do agree, he will likely either succumb to providing second unit support on the movie or will champion the directorship of Plastic Man. The very thought of the brothers making a Superman movie is unbelievable as they have grown up in the world of comic books and they would be ideal for the project."
As for Bryan Singer, he'll take the helm of a Logan's Run remake.
Here's more commentary from CBM contributor jman...
Hmm, I'm not sure about this proposed move, it is proposed because nothing has been signed by anybody including the Wachowski bro's, to helm a reboot of the beloved Superman franchise. WB has only approached The Wachowski Bro's, they have not sealed the deal. I'm not sure if I want the creators of The Matrix to take this one on. The first Matrix was groundbreaking. Its the only movie out of the trilogy that I own. The last two were a let down, it almost seemed they got carried away with special effects and let the character development fall through the cracks. If this rumor becomes truth then here's to throwing the Superman franchise up to chance and hoping that the Wachowski Bro's don't run a muck over it.
One thing is confirmed that Bryan Singer wants nothing to do with a reboot. If WB plans to reboot the franchise it is reported that Bryan Singer will go on with his earlier plans of Directing Logan's Run with producer Joel Silver. Well you know what they say misery needs company and after the two of these yahoos screwed up there last failed attempts at movie franchises (Superman Returns, Speedracer) they are now deciding to take a crack at Logan's Run, hopefully they are successful so that keeps them away from currant or upcoming Comic to movie film adaptions. Haven't these two guys ever heard the advice "Stay with what your good at"???? Bryan Singer should have stayed on for X3 and by doing so, if he didn't screw it up, would be held in high regard. Joel Silver should keep making realistic movies about burned out cops. Now to Joel's defense he made some great movies but were he trailed off was when he took on Speed Racer. Horrible movie.
The next problem we encounter when we look at the above news is: If not the Wachowski Brothers then who?