When Superman star Henry Cavill casually posted a photograph of him next to a life-size Superman statue of himself with the caption "I don't always workout, but when I do, I workout with Superman" there was speculation as to where was the photo taken (what place could have a proper Cavill mannequin?), what did it mean? Was Cavill trolling WB? Or was he announcing renewed talks about a possible Man Of Steel sequel? Or simply revealing to fans that he had topped his Superman physique for his role as Geralt of Rivia?
Turns out the explanation is much simpler! The photograph was taken at the gym where Cavill is beefing up for his role in Netflix's The Witcher - Flex Gym Budapest. It looks like the statue is a donation by Cavill to the gym of some kind indicating 'Superman himself once trained here' and Cavill's aforementioned picture was taken just before the official signing of the statue which Cavill's trainer Dave Rienzi captures in his picture.
Rienzi reveals that he was in Budapest prepping Cavill for some key scenes. Cavill also managed to score a compliment from his bodybuilding idol Phil Heath who praised the muscle development of Cavill's shoulders by making a comment in Rienzi's post - "His delts are capped wth is going on here". Six weeks ago Cavill had posted a picture of himself working out next to a Phil Heath poster and had said, "Recently I've been exploring some of the big players in bodybuilding, both from the past and the present. It's absolutely fascinating to see what they put themselves through, the drive and mental strength required to get to such a place physically. Phil Heath in particular has caught my eye not only for his achievements but also for his genuinely humble and informative approach to his messaging." Cavill's research into Heath seems to have paid off as Cavill managed to top his Superman physique.
So no movement on the Superman sequel. Will it ever happen?
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