There are certain qualities that a Superman movie needs, Clark/Superman persona, Krypton, costume, flying, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor. But how could yu portray these in real world material. I believe I have the answers but let me know what you think.
Lets start with the costume, being the easiest to deal with.
First off, in my Superman movie that I wrote screen play for myself, the acutal suit that Kal-El wears is actually Jor-El's that he gave to ancestors of Jonathan Kent when he visited earth in the mid 19th century. In my universe, Kryptonians used Boom Tube's to travel vast space distances. This is how Jor-El travelled to earth to hide Krypton's knowledge crystal to hide it from Brainiac, leaving the suit as a momento to the Kents'. Kal-El later gets it after his origin is revealed to him.
Lex Luthor
As we have seen with Smallville, Lex Luthor as a powerful and corrupt billionaire businessman works really well, then a "Greatest criminal mind" persona. LexCorp has plenty of possibilities to create storylines for Superman and future movies. It can also create villains like Metallo that would make up my 1st movie.
Lois Lane
Lets have Lois as a nobody reporter trying to make it into the stars. In my universe, she is under pressure from Perry White to perform and get a story, and with archrival Cat Grant making it in the Gossip column at Daily Planet, Lois need something big. She as partnered with John Corben until he "died" after being run over by Cadmus trucks which Lois tried to expose. Clark then comes and is her lucky charm when she scores Superman story exclusive.
I favour the 2 persona's then the 3 persona character. I like the original movie idea of the actor playing Superman and Superman playing Clark as the 2 personas. The difficulty is how do you make simply putting glasses on hm and changing the hair as real world as people would see him a mile away.
The Birthright explanation works a lot here but also, you could have Clark not as a top reporter, but a good one who isn't realy noticed by anybody apart from Lois, Jimmy and Perry. Even then he takes a backseat.
I would have Clark played just like in Superman movies and returns. But would have Lois played as she sees him like a student of hers and she is trying to teach him reporting ways, even though she isn't that great herself. They have a unique bond that Lois loves Clark, but sisterly love.
Tell me what you think