Michael Shannon Talks More About Landing The Role Of Zod And Leaked Set Photos!

Michael Shannon Talks More About Landing The Role Of Zod And Leaked Set Photos! Michael Shannon Talks More About Landing The Role Of Zod And Leaked Set Photos!

Talking to Collider at the Toronto Film Festival, Michael Shannon has spoken revealingly about how he came to play General Zod in Man of Steel and what it's like seeing all those leaked set photos online...

By JoshWilding - Sep 10, 2011 04:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Collider

Many thanks to Collider for the following excerpts from their interview with the actor at the Toronto Film Festival. Be sure to click on the link below to head on over to the site to read more. For now though, here are the most interesting Man of Steel excerpts.

On How He Came To Land The Role Of Zod In Man Of Steel:

He reached out to me and he asked me to come out to Pasadena. I went and met him at his house. He lives in Pasadena in the hills and the view from his house is stunningly beautiful. He basically sat there and he ran through the whole…it was almost like he was pitching it to me, which I found to be a little bizarre. I felt like the tables should be turned and I should be on my hands and knees trying to get the part. But he was like, “Yeah, doesn’t it sound great? Then this is going to happen! And then this is going to happen!” I said, “Yeah. That all sounds wonderful.” Then we stood up and shook hands. He took me down and showed me some artwork, storyboards, and stuff. I just remember that the whole time he was pitching the movie there were these hummingbirds behind him in the window flying around. It was one of the most surreal mornings. It was in the morning too right at the beginning of the day. I had just flown in the night before and I was little jetlagged. So it was just very…but then I went back when it was going to go further. I did a test with Henry [Cavill] and we did a scene together. That was intense and my palms started sweating a little bit. After the test, a couple of weeks went by and I was at the grocery store with my family when my phone rang. It was a private number and I didn’t even know who it was. I answered it and he says, “Hey, this is Zack. Want to be General Zod?” I was like, “Yeah. Let me just get these cookies over here. Who is this again?” The whole thing was a real trip.

On How He Feels About The Huge Amount Of Interest And Expectations:

It is surprising that people are snapping photos and stuff and then putting them on the internet. For me, it is like, “Why would you want to do that?” It would be like knowing what your Christmas presents were before Christmas morning. It is taking all of the fun out of it. I know it is a long wait. The film isn’t coming out till 2013. I just keep promising everybody that I will talk about this film a lot after this film has come out. I will give you my number and you can call me up. We’ll have a long conversation about it, but for right now I have to zip the lips.


Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman
Amy Adams as Lois Lane
Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent
Diane Lane as Martha Kent
Michael Shannon as Zod

RELEASE DATE: June 14th, 2013.

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Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:08 PM
I call BS on his giving out his #
AiyalKilU - 9/10/2011, 5:12 PM
^^^It's called sarcasm, for those who just settled into civilization
Canon108 - 9/10/2011, 5:13 PM
Michael Shannon is great on Boardwalk Empire...I really hope he hits this out of the part, seems like such a humble guy.
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:14 PM
^but you don't know it when you see it
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:15 PM
I'm not 100% on this but I think Shannon has a lazy eye.

He better be careful with his heat vision.
JDUKE25 - 9/10/2011, 5:16 PM
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:21 PM
@AiyalKilU: Actually he probably will give the interviewer his number.... SMH. Your sarcasm-detector is defective. It's bass-ackwards.
PaulRom - 9/10/2011, 5:26 PM
Who's General Zon? ;P
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:33 PM
Heh heh heh
Braveheart - 9/10/2011, 5:34 PM
He'll be good .. was mental in Bug!!!
SansComic - 9/10/2011, 5:46 PM
AiyalKilU's is a kind of lateral sarcasm that intentionally skews his detector-readings to expose a rhetorical opening for his comment
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 5:55 PM
@SansComic: lmao!

Holy shit that was funny.

And it hurt my brain. :)
sheebz - 9/10/2011, 6:02 PM
i'm tellin ya, he's got the googly eyes
batmanrises - 9/10/2011, 6:10 PM
Crazy ass presents, huh....

Michael Shannon sounds like a stoner hippie in interviews. Which is cool. Plus Eminem beat him up in 8 Mile.
VinzClortho - 9/10/2011, 6:22 PM
He's good in everythings he does. He's definately going to make a good Zod!
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 6:25 PM
Oooooohhhhhh.... 8 mile! That's why he looks so familiar
BobHasMyPants - 9/10/2011, 6:27 PM
guy's on acid. good actor though.
superbigguy32 - 9/10/2011, 6:43 PM
It sounds like he just lost his VIRGINITY, hahahaha!!!
CaptainTall - 9/10/2011, 7:10 PM
Great interview, really looking forward to this movie. Loved him in 8 Mile.
JULEZ13 - 9/10/2011, 7:47 PM
Every time I read/watch this guy's interviews I start liking him more and more!

I could only imagine how great the trailer for this film is going to be!
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 9:32 PM
How bout everyone stfu and let's not hear any of your petty opine's. However disagreeable.

That would be oodles of fun.
Greengo - 9/10/2011, 9:34 PM
On second thought: all of you cocksuckers that I don't see eye-to-eye with: Say your peace.

Where it not for differing pov's this site would decay into a CBM news site :)
CyberA - 9/10/2011, 9:40 PM

So now, they still, just need, a Lana Lang, a Jimmy Olsen, maybe, I mean, just, maybe, a Cat Grant, but most definitely (...at least, IMO, anyway...), a Lex Luthor, not in a, major role, mind you, but at the, very least, in a, cameo role here, ya know?


I also, have a few, things, to say about, the new suit, as well, but I'll just, swallow my pride, and leave that one, alone that is, of course, at least, for now, anyway, ya know?... P :)
DarthTesla - 9/10/2011, 10:07 PM
God I forgot it wasn't coming out til 2013.

That sucks.
LP4 - 9/10/2011, 10:53 PM
@abw2- I totally agree with you on every character you mentioned...except for Cat Grant, LOL.

LP4 - 9/10/2011, 11:14 PM
@TGDSUPERGUY- I am excited to see Shannon's take on Zod. But I think you're being a little bit too harsh on Scorpion there.

Scorpion has a point- Zod cameod in the intro to Superman The Movie and then was the main villain of SupermanII. Now he's the main villain of the reboot. That's...2 full films + a cameo in another. Compared to Darkseid= 0 and Brainiac= 0

And this having been WB's chance to finally introduce Brainiac I can see why Scorpion is upset.

Now i was just explaining Scorpion's side to things. Now what are MY personal thoughts?

Zod will be a fine villain and Shannon is a great actor and I can't wait to see what he does with the role. But I do hope that once they make a sequel to this (IF they do) Brainiac should logically be the new villain because people have wanted Brainiac in a Superman movie even back before the 90's era.

LP4 - 9/10/2011, 11:21 PM
Now...ahem. I wonder what version of Zod they're going with in this film. Hopefully he has a suit on of some kind...something more akin to either his suit from the picture of the comic posted above in this article or my personal favorite- Russian General Zod.

He's got some HEAVY CGI influence obviously...so they must be giving him some serious out of this world battle-suit.

Though doubtful...

make THIS happen Snyder.

BDJ - 9/10/2011, 11:45 PM
I gotta love his honesty. He's getting cookies and wondering who the Hell was on the line. LMAO. Priceless.
Vital - 9/11/2011, 2:12 AM
It's amazing that so simple of a topic can turn people against one another lol. I literally have no idea why people are being douches to each other.
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