Well all I can say is well done. I know some of you may not think that this episode was great. I think it was one of the best episodes and by far the best this season or series. From the memories of Lana and Chloe, the Homecoming dance to Jonathan's funeral, the night Johnathan died, to the future where we see a very uptight and nerdy Clark wearing the glasses, and from what I could tell that Clark and Lois are either engaged or married that's just me. Brainiac 5 played by James Marsters was undeniably very well done. The most emotional scene was in the graveyard where Clark finally stops blaming himself for Jonathan's death. Overall, I liked when Clark finally levitated/floated or hovered which ever one you thought he was doing. If you haven't seen this episode, you need to watch it!
It's already on Itunes for purchase.