Well There was a lot of speculation on who in fact is the Red Queen and Martha Kent's name kept coming up well look at the trailer and see for your self? I hope MK isn't the RQ.......... Read after the trailer for my review on last night's Episode Sacrifice.
Well it's been a good while since I done a review but after watching Smallville Sacrifice I thought I share my word. This episode by far exceeded my expectations. Wow Zod really became that bad guy we all know and love from the earlier years. The return of Amanda Waller and that little guy name Stuart who was shot by Tess earlier in the year in Pandora is in fact a Checkmate Op. while Chloe and Tess locked away in WT, Ollie decided to find Zod and take him down in fact he does with a Kryptonite Arrow, but Zod got the upper hand and burned a "Z" into Ollie's chest. Big shocker-Fiaroa was pregnant? that was in fact shocker. when did Zod and her ever start babymaking? No Lois whoohoo in this episode. But I think this episode was for Zod because he took out Checkmate HQ, Killed Fiaroa, why the heck does he keep going to the fortress?, and also a little brief Clark and Zod shove fest, And pretty much having all the Kandorians siding with him and dubbing the name General.Well the writers and producers are gearing up for that big war in the finale can they live up to the hype and give that epic fight between Zod and Clark or will it be a down right bummer or epic failure from last season Doomsday.. This episode is given a 10 by me. I believe this episode is if not one of the best this season.