Smallville: What Should Happen in a Live-Action Season 11

Smallville: What Should Happen in a  Live-Action Season 11

A vision of how the 11th season of Smallville would be like if it ever returns in the footsteps of Prison Break, The X-Files and Will and Grace.

By brodie999 - Jul 19, 2018 08:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Smallville
Source: Smallville

Nearly after 7 years since Smallville ended after 10 seasons, Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum and more recently, Kristin Kreuk said they are open to a animated Smallville revival. In the midst of the return of series such as Will and Grace and the X-Files, fans have been campaiging for a live-action Season 11 as revivals are becoming more and more popular. Justin Hartlet has even said he would be interested in returning to the role of Oilver Queen; "I love those people. We had a great time," he said. "That would be great. There's a couple of people that worked there before I started. I got to work with Michael Rosenbaum a little bit, that was a lot ot fun. We did two seasons or something like that. I forgot, But yeah. I would love that. I miss Allison Mack, I miss Erica Durance... Tom... I miss all of those people."

Recently, the petiton to bring Smallville back to the small screen has almost reached 750 signatures. But It's highly doubtful that will be enough to encourge Warner Bros. to do so. So I have decided to create this article so people can have a vision of seeing more adventures of Clark Kent's adventures of Superman and how he adapts to his new role as a hero when he's not in the shadows. It is from the Smallville Encore Season 11 and 12 on the Smallville Fanfiction Wiki, except with a massive retweaking.

Episode 1 "Destiny"
It's been 7 years since Clark became Superman and defeated Darkseid. He recently stopped a bomb from destroying an elevator uptown and struggles to marry Lois Lane while balancing his life as a hero when he's not in the shadows. Lois decides they should keep their marriage on the downlow for now because he has a responsibility as a hero. Oliver searches for the reason why he was able to defeat the prophets so easilly. Clark worries that maybe his victory over Apokolips was too easy. Lex struggles to understand how he lost his memory.

Episode 2 "Sins"
Lex becomes the president of the United States, but he stil runs LexCorp at the same time. Oliver is still searching for Tess's killer, so he confronts Lex. Superman investigates a string of crimes that seem to be connected. Lois is having a hard time, dealing with her  job after all these years because she doesn't get to see Clark as much. Oliver demands to know what Lex did with Tess 7 years ago. Lex says that she died in a car accident. Oliver is escorted out by security, but before they can drag him out, he says "I know you killed her and I will prove it". And Lex replies "Why would you think I was capable of that?" Oliver realises something isn't right with Lex.

Episode 3 "Manhunter"
The crimes that Superman are investigating get worse and he meets with John Jones(who has now fully adapted the mantle of Martian Manhunter) to ask him what's going on. John says he doesn't know, but every time he tries to investigate as a detective, he gets a lot resistance. Superman and John go to follow up some leads. Lois and Jimmy Olsen have a conversation about Chloe and his late brother marrying in Season 8, but before they can continue, someone runs down the hallway and says, "Bruno Mannheim was released from prison yesterday." She tells Jimmy to take some photos of the crime scene and calls Clark to tell him about the news of Mannheim. Once Clark realizes Mannheim is out, he and John put 2 and 2 together. They realise Mannheim has been starting up his crime ring again. Lex is searching for a way to get his memory back, but without much luck. In the end of the episode, John refects on his history with the team and his friendship with Jor-El.
Episode 4 "Regret'
Chloe comes to town and meets with Lois. Chloe tells her that she can't find Oliver and that she and their son are worried. Lois tries to help, but she is so swamped with work that Chloe realizes there isn't much she can do. Chloe goes to Clark who says that Oliver was searching for Tess ever since she disappeared. Clark says he was so busy that he had forgotten to help Oliver. Clark, of course, thinks this is his fault. Chloe is finally able to locate him using Watchtower's system. Superman flies to meet Oliver who is sitting on a beach remembering the good times with Tess. He is deeply saddended, but quickly composes himself when he sees Clark flying towards him. Clark and Oliver talk about Tess and Clark finally convinces Oliver to return. Oliver states that he will bring Lex down. He won't get away with this. Clark is worried about Oliver because he has seen what a thrist for revenge has done to him in a long time.

Episode 5 "Alliance"
Lex is searching his files and comes across a person who might be able to help him regain his memory. He is angry when he finds out that he is in prison. But he doesn't give up, he goes to Stryker's and visits none other than Winslow Schott. Toyman agrees to help Lex. At a cost. Lois and Clark are extremely suprised to hear Perry White has married  a woman named Alice Spencer. He calls them up to his office and tells them he wantes to be where the action is, and he is going to expect a lot from them. Toyman fashions a breastplate powered by kryptonite that should slowly help him regain his memory. Lex is impatient and says that he didn't break him out of prison for this. Toyman states that he will find a way to accelerate the process, but this is just the first step.

Episode 6 "Family"
Conner(who has recently graduated from college) comes to Metropolis for a Winter break from heroics and stays with Clark and Lois. Clark and Lois are stressed because they have to deal with him while they work overtime trying to impress Perry who is quite a taskmaster. Then Lois finally tells Jimmy about the true circumstances about his brother's death. Meanwhile, Conner is kidnapped by an unknown person and Clark races to find him. Jimmy investigates and finds out that person used kryptonite to subdue him. Meanwhile, Conner is interogated by women. She asks him to join their group. He refuses. Jimmy discovers where they are holding him and goes by himself to try and prove to Clark he can be Superman's Pal. Jimmy is captured by the woman revealed to be Plastique.  Superman uses his super-hearing to find them and flies in and quickly takes Jimmy and Conner to safety. He comes back and asks Plastique why she did it. She replies "I wanted him to join us." Superman says "I will find Flag." And Plastique replies Flag isn't the only one in charge anymore. And then she uses Kryptonite to escape. Conner returns and rescues Clark from the Kryptonite. Jimmy goes to the planet and turns in some photos he took before he was captured. Perry tells him he did a good job and he is always welcome to work at the Daily Planet.

Episode 7 "Retaliation"
Clark has been trying to avoid Lex because he is afraid he will trigger a memory. But Cyborg comes to town and tells Clark that Oliver is trying so hard to expose Lex that he's losing himself. Chloe is also in town, trying to convince Oliver to come home with her to Star City, even mentioning that Jonathan has been worrying about his father. He won't listen because he is so blinded by rage. He goes to meet Lex and knocks out the security guards and hits Lex. Lex has regained enough of his memory to remember his early childhood with Oliver. Lex says "I could easily have you thrown in jail, but for old times sake. If you leave now, I won't press charges." Oliver is about to hit him again, but Cyborg appears and stops him. Oliver attempts to fight him, but Cyborg convinces him to leave. Back at Watchtowver, Clark, Lois, Chloe and Cyborg try to calm Oliver. Oliver is at first furious, but soon is brough to extreme sadness. He says "She didn't deserve to die, Clark." With the combined forces of Clark, Lois, Chloe and Cyborg, they convince him to go back to Star City with Chloe after the funeral and let Clark deal with Lex. Clark, Lois, Oliver, Chloe and Cyborg attend Tess's funeral. And in the last scene, Oliver glances at Lex and shows footage of his illegal activities to the public.

Episode 8 "Sucide"
The Mayor of Metropolis is assassinated and Clark flies to the scene. He investigates and finds no leads. Later, Lois finds out that in the coroner's report, the bullet had the mayor's name on it. Clark instantly recognizes it as Deadshot's trademark. Superman tracks him down to an abandoned warehouse where Deadshot shoots him in the shoulder with a kryptonite bullet. Rick Flag appears and beats on him just for kicks (pun intended). Clark asks what he wants. Rick says he wants revenge for all those years Chloe blackmailed them into helping her, but someone higher up wants something else. Deadshot leans down and takes a sample of his blood and puts it in a vial. They leave him there in agony, but Lois finds him, using a lead from a source. She takes him to Dr. Hamilton and he removes the bullet just in time. Superman searches for them, but he can't find them. In the last scene, it shows the Squad in a checkered room, waiting for someone. A woman walks in and is revealed to be an alive Amanda Waller (her hair is shorter). She says "By order of the President, the Black Op organization Checkmate is reinstated. Congratulations. You are the lucky few. You get to do what other agents aren't allowed to think about. Welcome to the Suicide Squad. 

Episode 9 "Fate"
Zatanna comes to town and tells Clark that there are some mysterious mystical disturbances occuring all over the world and she has tracked the source to the JSA brownstone. She asks Clark for some backup. They go to investigate and find a woman holding the Helmet of Nabu. Zatanna tries to get her to put it down, but the woman won't. So Zatanna attacks her. Surprisngly, the woman easliy defeats Clark, and she eventually defeats Zatanna. Once Clark and Zatanna recover, they trace the woman down to a graveyard and they see the woman emitting some energy from her hands through the helmet and consuming a grace. They try to stop her, but she puts a forcefield around herself. Superman and Zatanna watch in amazement as Kent Nelson rises from the dead. He puts the helmet on his head and says, "Do not be alarmed." Clark says "How is this possible?" Dr. Fate replies "I told my wife Inza that if a suitable replacement was not found for the helmet, that she needed to bring me back. Because there must always be a Dr. Fate. And there must always be a balance." Clark and Dr. Fate catch up on everything that's happened in the last 8 years. And Inza apologizes to Zatanna. Zatanna asks that Inza teach her some of her powers. Inza agrees.

Episode 10 "Kneel"
General Zod and his two followers are able to escape their suspended animation prison and find their way to Earth. Zod, of course, immediatelly  begins plotting his revenge on Superman. Zod has his followers spy on Clark at the planet and disxovers that his old "friend" Lex is alive. (Major Zod bonded with the General Zod wraith, so he has all the memories of possessing Lex) General Zod sets out to search for someone to help him defeat Clark. He finds out that Faora and his creation was buried deep beneath the Earth. He pays a visit to Lext, but soon finds out that Lex has no memory of his past. Zod says that he will help him gain his entire memory back if he will help him do something up. Lex discovers that the kryptonite  that powers his breastplate weakens Zod. He captures Zod and has his scientists experiment on him because he doesn't trust him. Zod's followers disregard their need to remain anonomies and start trying to find their leader. They attack Lexcorp and Superman shows up and after a major battle, he defeats them. He imprisons them in the Fortress temporaily until he figures out what to do with them. Lex makes a cal to the person experimenting on Zod who turns out to be Toyman. Toyman says that they've made a fascinating discovery. Lex says, "I want to know everything".

Episode 11 'New Krypton Part 1" (originally called "World")
Clark is still stressed out about the recent attack by the Kryptonians. (The rogue Kryptonians told him nothing about Zod coming with him). Lois tries to get Clark to relax, but that is short-lived when Martian Manhunter contacts him and tells him that he needs to see him right away. Superman meets MM hovering above the Daily Planet. MM says "It's always something, isn't it?". Clark say what's happened. MM explains that someone has broken out of the Phantom Zone. MM says he doesn't understand how it happened and that he is having a hard time, tracing the being. Clark says "Let me try" and he uses his super-hearing to locate the person in a alley and MM and Superman fly to find him. They find a young man laying in a alley not far away. Superman asks him what he wants and how he escaped. The man says he is a friend and explains he is the long lost son of the Kryptonian scientist Dax-Ur. Martian Manhunter says, "Jax-Ur", revealing that MM knows who Jax-Ur is. MM says "Your father imprisoned you there because you were too impulsive on Earth and he was afraid to take you with him when he escaped there before Krypton was destroyed". Jax-Ur replies, "Yes, my own father sent me to hell because he was afraid of what I would do on Earth, but he couldn't bare to leave me to die on Krypton. But I'm not here for vengeance. I came here to warn you." Jax-Ur goes on to tell Clark and MM that the rogue Kryptonians he faced came to murder him and that he needs to banish them to the Phantom Zone, but Clark doesn't know how since he destroyed the console. Jax-Ur says that he fixed it and that together Superman, MM, and Jax-Ur can subdue them. MM asks him how he was able to fix the console. He replies "My father was the greatest scientest on Krypton, except for maybe your father(looking at Clark). I pciked up a few things." Superman says "I'll think about it". And John and Superman fly away. John says to Superman that they can't trust Jax-Ur and that he was nothing, but trouble on Krypton. Superman says "He must have been pretty bad for his own father to turn his back on him. But what choice do we have?" That is the end of the first part.

Episode 12 "New Krypton Part 2" (originally called Planet)

Jax-Ur flies to find someone and eventually finds a old Luthorcorp facility. He breaks in to find Zod being experimented on by scientists. Jax-Ur destroys the Kryptonite with his heat vision and Zod breaks free. Zod slaughters everyone in the building mercilessly. He asks Jax-Ur why he helped him. Jax-Ur says he wishes only to serve and that he has a plan. Jax-Ur flies to South America and retrieves a dormant piece of the brain interactive construct. He somehow repairs it and Brainiac is reborn. Jax-Ur alters its intative and sends it on a mission. Superman and MM track Jax-Ur down at the fortress. And when they arrive, they are shocked to see him standing next to Zod and the freed rogues. Superman says, "traitor". Jax-Ur says "You're just as naive as your father." Superman and MM start to attack, but before they can, Brainiac lands between them. Superman says "how is this possible?" Brainiac says "I am Brainiac. You can't destroy me." Superman replies "I will defeat you just like I always have." Brainiac replies "No, not this time because as we speak duplicates of me are flying into space to continue my new mission given to me by Jax-Ur." Then MM punches Brainiac and he flies into the air. But before Superman and MM can reach Zod, Jax-Ur and the rogues, Zod says "Do it". And Jax-Ur activates something on the fortress console and they disappear. Superman asks MM if he can trace where they went, but MM says that Jax-Ur made it fry after activation. Then Brainiacc lands and says "Our  destiny was not here. Earth is destined to die and you right along with it. You are arrogant to think that you are powerful enough to defeat an entire planet that easily. Didn't you think that maybe it was maybe just a little too easy? Maybe Jax-Ur was right. Maybe you are as naive as your father. Superman, getting angry, yells "My father was not naive" Brainiac replies "He could have easliy saved himself, but instead died on a planet he thought he could save singlehandedly. He was a fool." Then Brainiac flies away. MM tells Clark that his father was a hero. Clark asks John if he thinks Darkseid will return. MM replies "If he does, there is no doubt in my mind we will defeat him together. The last scene shows Brainiac morphing into Lex Luthor and authorizing men to begin to dig. Lex walks out onto the Lexcorp roof and says "Good luck, Kal-El" and flies off into space.

Episode 13 "Preparation"
Clark is at the Daily Planet with Lois and he says they need more heroes to be ready if Darkseid returns. Lois say that maybe he should begin to search for new members. Then Perry calls them up to his office and says that he is looking to promote someone and he has his eye on Clark, but there is another reporter who badly wants it. Then Cat Grant walks in and Perry says "Here's the deal. Whoever can get me a front page story gets the promotion." Lois asks him why she's there and he wants her to investigate a lead in Central City, so that Clark can do this alone. Lois leaves and Clark is more worried about Darkseid than he is for the promotion, but he begins to investigate what looks like a group of professional assassinations. He discovers that they are all killed with a sword. He calls Chloe and asks her to do some computer digging for her. She says she is surprised he has taken so long to find a replacement watchtower. He is working on it. Chloe says that "It looks like our old friend Slade's MO. Superman begins to search for Slade, but soon finds out that someone has kidnapped Cat. He eventually tracks down Slade who now calls himself Deathstroke and saves Cat. He watches as the police take him away. He writes the story and turns it in at the Daily Planet. And Perry surprisngly says he has to promote both of them. The last scene shows Deathstroke overpowering the guards in the truck, and driving it to a Checkmate operative. The operative asks if he got it. And Deathstrokes replies "I don't' make a habit of falling".

Episode 14 "Initiation"
Superman calls a meeting with everyone on their team. The people who couldn't be there are on the computer screen (like in Salvation.) He tells the group that they need new members and he explains that Darkseid might be returning and they need to be ready. Superman brings Conner in and asks if he can allow Conner to join the team. The team votes and it is almost unanimous. They say "Yes". Toyman finds a way to accelerate Lex's memory. Lex wants him to find a way to get it all back, but Toyman tells him not to rush his work. Clark begins to work at his new promotion and is surprised to find out that Lois pulled some strings that got them an office to share. Clark is worried because he says that people might suspect that they are still in a relationship, and he thought they had agreeed to keep it on the down low. Lois reassures him and says that she made it look like they were forced to share the office because there was little room. They agree to act annoyed that they have to share an office with their ex. Toyman introduces Lex to Martionette Ventures and asks him to join the Secret Society.

Episode 15 "Intergang"
Bruno Mannheim accelerates his crime ring's activities and the city becomes scared because of the quick crime rise. Superman enlises Impulse's help to stop the crimes. Bart tells Superman that he met an interesting guy in Central City who has powers similar to his own and has been fighting crime there. Superman says that he might be a good addition to the team. Bart says that he will try to track him down, but he is really fast. Clark is surprised to hear that the person is faster than Bart.  Superman and Bart discover that Bruno Mannheim calls his crime ring "Intergang" and it is a lot bigger than they realised. 

Episdoe 16 "War"
After his Impeachment from the White House, Lex joins Marionette Ventures and he and Toyman devise a plan to steal something from a government organization. Lex and Toyman send Metalloy and a humongous zombie who calls himself Soloman Grundy to infitrate the lab. Lex and Toyman didn't count on there being elite team to stand in their way. Plastique, Rick Flag and Deathstroke battle Metallo and Grundy. Superman hears the battle on patrol and comes to see what is going on. The Suicide Squad puts up a good fight, but Grundy and Metallo gain the upper hand. Grundy knocks them all out and Superman shows up. Metallo instantly weakens him and Grundy beats on him hard. Lex commands Grundy to kill him over the radio while Metallo retrieves what they came for. With Metallo gone, Superman regains his strength and subdues Grundy. Mentallo returns, however and before Metallo can kill him, Rick Flag shoots Metallo. Lex commands them to return because they have what they came for. They escape and Superman asks the Squad why they helped him and Rick says "It wasn't our mission to take you out.

Episode 17 "Doubt"
Oliver is concerned after Clark warned them that Darkseid might not have been defeated. He secretly gets Black Canary to go with him to Ireland to investigate where the Bow of Orion was at. Lois tells Clark that Chloe is on a break from Watchtower duties to spend time with her son. Green Arrow and Canary find what looks like a computer hard drive hidden in the cave wall. Oliver convinces Canary not to tell anyone. Lex and his scientists begin to experiment on whatever they stole from Checkmate.

Episode 18 "Clone"
Lex and his scientists successfully use what they stole from Checkmate, which turns out to be the blood Checkmate stole from Superman and his clone research to fashion a clone of Superman. It isn't very intelligent, but Lex sends it to battle Superman. It attacks Superman and nearly defeats him, but Superman eventually defeats it. But before anyone can move him, the clone escapes and returns to Lex. Lex surprisingly seems pleased with the clone's performance and calls him Bizarro.

Episode 19 "Recall"
Lex regains almost all of his memories, but he stops regaining them when he remembers going to the Arctice to kill the traveler. Lex realises the traveler is Superman and develops a hatred for him. Chloe looks after her son and Lois goes to help her in Star City. Clark stays because Intergang is commiting a lot of crimes, using some really high tech weapons. Dr. Hamilton tells Clark that they stole them from a research facilitiy called Star Labs. Superman manages to retrieve the weapons and returns them. Emil gets a job at Star Labs.

Episode 20 "Lover"
Lana Lang is living in Edge City and is now a successful fashion designer. She is kidnapped by who are revealed to be Lex's men. Lex experiments on her to find how the power suit works over a long period of time. He discovers that the suit is slowly damaging her brain. During an extremely painful procedure, Lex ungraphs the suit from Lana and strips her of her memory of the past 12 years. He leaves her in a alley and begins working on a previous version of the power suit that he might be able to fix the brain damage side effects. Lana goes to Clark who tries to help her and Lois can't help, but feel a little jealous. Clark takes her to Jor-El in the fortress  and asks him to return her memory. He does and she tells him that Lex kidnapped her and did this. She returns to Edge City and Superman goes looking for Lex. He can't find him, and he gets a call from Martha Kent who says she's retiring from being the Junior United States Senator and has decided to return to Smallville.

Episode 21 "Rebirth"
Dr. Fate finds Superman and tells him that the Helmet of Nabu has told him that he is meant to resurrect someone if they are to win the battle ahead. Clark asks him who, and Kent says that the helmet said to stay with Clark until he sees the sign and that the sign will tell him who. Clark says that it is amazing that he can bring people back from the dead. Dr. Fate replies that he can only do it when the cales are uneven and that that is the only way he was able to return. Superman and Fate fly to the top of the crow's nest and suddenly, a portal opens up. Kara and Brainiac 5 step through the portal. Superman asks her why she is in the future. Brainiac 5 says that they are on an important mission and they don't have time to waste. Clark becomes angry and says "We'll make time because your Legion helped defeat my Brainiac and they assured me that he was gone, but he came back and flew off into space and my cousion has been missing for 8 years. And now I find out that she has been with you. So I don't know if you guys even know what the heck you're talking about." Brainiac replies "My previous self was defeated, but someone came back from time and gave Jax-Ur the tools he needed to escape. And when people come back from, they can alter history. "Well, why don't' you stay in your own Time zone?", says Superman. Dr. Fate "perhaps, you might tell us why you're here. We came back to find and tell you to bring back Carter Hol. It says in a prophecy we should come back and tell you who to bring back." Superman asks Kara to stay, but she says that her destiny is in the future and his is to defeat Darkseid alongside his team. She says "Goodbye" and they return to the future. Superman and Dr. Fate return to Hawkman's grace and Dr. Fate brings him back. Hawkman comes out of his coffin and Fate says "Welcome, Hawkman. We have much to discuss."

Episode 22 "Betrayal"
Chloe is back from watching over her son and she goes into Oliver's office and finds the hard drive Oliver anc Canary found in the cave. She touches it and it transports her somewhere. Oliver looks for Chloe and begins to worry. He enters his office and sees a large Omega symbol burnt onto the fllor. He leaves his son with a trusted babysitter and calls Clark. Superman flies to Star City to help Oliver look for Choloe. He finds the hard drive and asks Oliver what this is. Oliver tells him about the cae. Clark asks him why he didn't tell him about this. And Oliver says he wanted to handle it by himseld. Clark says that Darkseid must be responsible. He sends out an alert to the whole team to tell them about Chloe's disappearance  and tells them to help search for her. Oliver and Clark send the hard drive to Emil for him to analyze it. Lex has almost completed his suit of armor and he puts the kryptonite powered breastplate at the center of the armor. He tells his team of villains to prepare for an all out assault on the team of heroes. Emil contacts Clark and Oliver and tells them that the hard drive is definitely alien. And that's sadly why he couldn't figure out what it did with Chloe, but he did intercept a transmission it sent out. Clark asks what it said. And Emil says, "Sacrifice ten pure of heart." Chloe awakes and looks up in fear at a red sky and she hears a voice say "Don't worry, child. Granny's here."

Episode 23 "Armageddon"
Clark and Lois are at the Daily Planet talking about Chloe when they hear that 40 bodies were found dead in an abandoned church on the outskirts of the city. Lois is disgusted and says "Who would slaughter 40 people." Clark figures out that the person is searching for people of pure heart. Green Arrow apparently heard the same news he begins to look for the killer. Clark goes to Watchtower. And after he leaves, Lois gets a lead that Lex has resurfaced. Superman sends out a alert to all members of the League and tells them to come to Metropolis and rendezvous at Watchtower. Meanwhile, Oliver tracks down the killer to a warehouse who turns out to Desaad. Green Arrow points his arrow at Desaad and fires.  Desaad stops it in mid-air and chuckles "Not this time". He ties Green Arrow up and tells him his mission. "Since your people are a little more difficult to convert, then we thought we have to sacrifice 10 people of pure heart for our Lord Darkseid to come here in his true form." Oliver asks why. "Our Lord feeds off the anguish of others, and since we could not induce that here, this is the only other option. Desaad contacts someone and says "Godfrey and I could only find nine" And the other person (Granny) says "Don't worry. Set up the sacrifice. I have the tenth." Lois follows one of Lex's people to a research facilitiy where she is captured. She sees Lex put on a giant suit with a Kryptonite core. And he tells Metallo, Toyman and Grundy to prepare the others for battle. Desaad transports his 9 purt of heart to the middle of Metropolis. He uses his abilities to clear Main Street and arranges the bodies in a circle on the ground. Than Granny appears and says "I have the tenth". And she ties Chloe down with the others. Granny asks Desaad where the Boom Tube Generator is. And Desaad says "He should be here shortly." Granny replies "we can't afford to make any mistakes. Godfrey joins them, smiles and says "Today is the day". Granny says "Where is the generator?" Desaad says "Godfrey doesn't have it. Someone else does." Meanwhile, the heroes are gathering at Watchtower and they see the news. Superman says that it's happening and they have to go. Superman flies away towards Main Street with the other heroes close behind. Lois watches as Lex prepars his army of villains, then suddently, the room is filled with smoke and a dark figure(Batman) attacks the villains. They try to fight back, but eventually, the fumes overtake them. Right before Lois passes out, she sees a throwing knife shaped like a bat come flying out of the smoke and cut her ropes. She sees a figure in black approach her, then she passes out. Superman flies like a bullet towards the unholy trinity, but with their combined abillties, they throw him into the sky. Then Emil walks up besides Desaad and hands him the Boom Tube generator. A Omega symbol appears on Emil's forehead. Dessad says "You have done well", then he looks and the unholy trinity watches as Martian Manhunter and Hawkman lead the heroes to back up Superman. But Desaad activates the Boom Tube generator and several Boom Tubes open and Parademons by the dozens come out and attack the heroes. Then the trinity start the sacrifice. Desaad says "Be of good spirit because you are the lucky ten. You get to bring forth the dawn of a new age." Then the Trinity begins chanting in Apokolyptian. Omega Symboles appear on the people's heads and Darkseid appears in his true form in the center of the circle. Darkseid turns and says to the trinity. "You have done well. Now watch as humanity crushes before my might." Then Superman flies through the clouds and takes out three Parademons with his heat vision. He attacks Darkseid and they battle for a long time while the Justice League fends off the Parademons. Darkseid is still winning, even with Superman using all of his strength, but eventually, Superman begins to slowly gain the upper hand and Darkseid unleashes his Omega Beams on Superman and he falls to the ground. Darkseid says "You have put up a good fight, Son of Krypton. You valiantly defend your adapted world. But you cannot defeat me. Because no matter how much power you possess, you are merely a man and I am a god."

Do you want to see Smallville be revived for a Live-Action Season 11? Or do you prefer an animated series?"

Please let me know in the comments below.

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ILoveStargirl - 7/23/2018, 11:26 AM
I think that Smallville Season 11 and 12 could work better as an animated Smallville follow-up called Metropolis with the original cast (minus Lee Thompson Young and Allison Mack) reprising their roles.
brodie999 - 7/23/2018, 2:00 PM
@ILoveStargirl - That's an interesting idea. But I was thinking a live-action Smallville Season 11 and 12 would be more interesting because they'd find a new actor for Cyborg and revivals are an antidote for classic and modern shows, even those who people felt like they ran their course. So I'm sure if the CW revives Smallville, it could be exactly what superhero fans need to pop the cherry on top of an already delicious selection.
ILoveStargirl - 7/23/2018, 2:04 PM
@brodie999 - So bring Season 12!
brodie999 - 7/23/2018, 2:13 PM
@ILoveStargirl - Will do!! But first, could you please write out the plot synopsises for the last 12 episodes of Season 12 from the Smallville Fanfiction Wiki? "Imposter", "Duplicate", "Mastermind", "Heir", "Lena" "Shazam" "Continuum", "Knight" "Revelation", "League", "Invasion" "Superman".
Drakenxtreme - 7/25/2018, 3:55 PM
I definitely would love Smallville to come back but i have a few concerns and issues that need to be addressed first

Making it take place 7 years later is fine BUT the way the plot is set up feels like its literally taking place right after the finale. for example you have Lex 7 years later still trying to figure out his memory issue and Oliver worried about Tess 7 years later

Another issue is cast and character..Allison Mack would not be asked to reprise due to the controversy surrounding her so the character would either have to be recasted or killed off...the 7 year gap allows for the character to be killed off but if fans atleast want her character then a recast is a MUST...Michael has expressed interest in voicing Lex but he has stated in various interviews that the role of Lex requirement to be bald was very taxing on outside work which is why he made his brief reprisal and wore a cap...animated form allows him to just use his voice and may be his preferred method to reprise the role...Lee Thompson Young passed so future JL appearances would have to accommodate his absence or recast and Alan Ritchson is on Titans now so it Aquaman would have to be recasted if a JL appearance is needed....

The only true revival i see is to include Smallville in the Arrowverse putting it on a different Earth but even that is a stretch. I feel a animated series would work better and allow for recast and many more characters to appear without dealing continuity or cast issues and scheduling.
brodie999 - 7/26/2018, 6:55 PM
@Drakenxtreme - Well, Tess never really interacted with the other cast members in the second part of the series finale, so they never actually saw or heard her get killed by Lex. And even if 7 years passed, he still wouldn't have his memory back. That's why I have these plot points in the season and Lana Lang being stripped of the Kryptonite suit by Lex and the past 12 years as a way of regaining his memories.

I'd definitely be up for a recast for Cyborg. They need to find a actor who looks like Lee Thompson Young. Besides, having new episodes of Smallville on the same channel as the Arrowverse would be like mixing the old with the new on a DC Universe block.
brodie999 - 8/2/2018, 5:06 PM
@Drakenxtreme - Hey, Draken. I've made a few minor updates to the page to make it more like it's taking place 7 years after the Season 10 finale. What do you think?
Drakenxtreme - 8/3/2018, 1:07 PM
@brodie999 - i mean it still contains the same problem that i originally stated it feels like its a direct continuation of the last episode instead of 7 year time skip...Again why is Lex 7 years just now trying to figure out why his memory is altered...why is Oliver just now 7 years later trying to find Tess and another thing i notice was a Connor was enrolled in HS during Season 10..7 years later would mean he would have already graduated College at that have to answer these questions cause as a viewer i find it hard to believe that 7 years later the characters are basically in the same place they instead of making it take place 7 years later you make it directly afterward then that would be different but the 7 year time skip is element that makes it very jarring and doesn't do the character justice....for example...when they rebooted Prison Break they didnt pick up where the series left off...they showed that time passed and the characters have moved on to other things and evolved....your series shows that in 7 years the characters have not evolved at all...John Jones is just NOW 7 years later deciding to dawn the Manhunter mantle and that Darksied takes 7 years to pretty much try and take over the world point is this seems more like a Season right after Season 10 then a need to show progression and evolution...

if you are doing 7 years later Clark and Lois should already be married or you explain logically why they haven't gotten married...Lex being President is fine but it would be a lot better for us to see that progression cause you making the audience miss the chance to see business Lex go against have alot of plot holes and i advise really fleshing the season out making it believable and logical for a 7 year time skip cause you are resolving plots from Season 10 7 years later is not what a revival is about if anything the first 2-3 episodes should be gradually painting a picture of what has occurred in the last 7 years If it were a 7 year time skip which i honestly dont recommend in live action form but if it were to occur i would not make Clark the focus...I would make Connor Kent the focus with Clark being the mentor...Connor would be just graduating college and trying to find his place and the core cast would be like a live action Young Justice but set in the smallville world...the season finale would be Death Of Superman and the following Season would be Reign Of Superman as Connor tries to take over for Clark while dealing with other Supermen and Lex...with that its believable we get little glimpse of what the original Smallville Cast is up to..and the second season transitions it to really be about Connor and his journey because honestly with it being 7 years its too late to finish Clark's story...the perfect example is 90210 when it was revived the first season brung the feel of the old show but the main focus was the new generation...and then the second season shifted away from nostalgia and pushed forward telling the story of the new generation...thats how you do a start off giving us a glimpse of the old but you shift it to the new

brodie999 - 8/3/2018, 2:41 PM
@Drakenxtreme -Okay, so if it should act like it takes place 7 years, how should all the episodes be redone to make it look like it takes place 7 years after the original series finale and what should the plots say?
Drakenxtreme - 8/4/2018, 8:52 AM
@brodie999 - I mean thats really up to you but if it were me the plot for a revival would focus on Connor and expanding the universe from what it was on Season 10 but also retaining some nostalgia...lets see...since its called Smallville as much as the last few seasons shifted to Metropolis bringing it back to Smallville should be the setting...I would have Clark send some meta humans to Smallville for Connor to watch over as they attend Smallville would be similar to young justice cast..Aqualad, Martian Girl, Speedy/Red Arrow, Jeese Quick, and Billy Batson/Shazam, and Connor becomes a counselor or gym teacher to watch over them and train them..the regular villain would be Vandal Savage who would be a big CEO of Savage Industries that buys out most of Lex's interest in Smallville. He doesn't physically show up until Connor and the young heroes showcase themselves in Smallville and then he begins testing them and mainly Connor by hiring villains or local metas...meanwhile the subplot would be his growing relationship with Clark who would regularly visit or assist especially when Lucy Lane takes up tryin to get the scoop on SuperBoy...The big arc would be Vandal takes Connor DNA and uses it to create Doomsday again..which ends with Death Of Superman and the second season would see Connor shift his focus to protecting metropolis and dealing wit the rise of supermen one of which was created by Lex while the young heroes feel the distance Connor putting between them

I haven't had the amount of time you probably had to really think about so that was just a really rough idea...mainly because i really honest dont know what a Season 11 would look like....Im not saying your idea is bad but it needs tweaking because 7 years have passed and growth needs to be shown in the characters if you are going to have the entire cast of characters return you can't have it where it picks up right where season 10 left off but then say its 7 years later then it feels thing is either have it set 7 years later and really show progression with the characters or have it directly after season 10 with no time skip...your idea fits more better for a direct continuation than a revival with a 7 year time skip...
ThunderKat - 8/4/2018, 11:05 AM

I highly encourage you to create your fully original fan fiction, edit it, and make sure name's are correctly spelled.

I really appreciate your effort in this.
brodie999 - 8/4/2018, 2:26 PM
@ThunderKat -Thanks!! I'll think about it. Could you please help me out with the plots on the last 12 episodes of Smallville Season 12? The guy never made any after he left the Fandom Wiki.
ThunderKat - 8/12/2018, 11:26 AM
@brodie999 - that would take some research as I watched it, but never bought it. I recommend checking
brodie999 - 8/12/2018, 2:17 PM
@ThunderKat - I looked up on IMDB, but it's not there. So you're gonna have to figure out the plots for "Imposter", "Duplicate", "Mastermind", "Heir", "Lena", "Shazam", "Continuum", "Knight", "Revelation", ""League", "Invasion" and "Superman". One of the plot points I'm doing for "Continuum" where Clark finally convinces Kara to come home and resume her life in her own time.
ThunderKat - 8/12/2018, 7:18 PM
@brodie999 - Gotcha. Happy to help. I'll look in to it and get back to you. I don't know how to direct message here. Do you?
brodie999 - 8/12/2018, 7:28 PM
@ThunderKat - All you have to go on to my profile, click on "contact brodie999". And then you can send me a direct message. That's it. You can do it with anyone.
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