Superman:Requiem is a fan film written, directed, and produced by Gene Fallaize and is starring Martin Richardson as Clark Kent/Superman, Julian McDowell as Perry White, Audrey Kaipio as Cat Grant, Robert Hartley Wainwright as the film's villain, Alex Luthor the estranged son of Lex Luthor and Stacy Sobieski as Ali Noels - who is this film's version of Lois Lane. Why they are changing Lois - I have no clue and do not agree with it.
This film is about Superman losing his powers and has to somehow find a way to get them back to save the world from an evil villain whilst learning many things about himself throughout his journey.
The film takes place during the "Donner-verse." The story loosely follows the events after the first two Reeve's films and is set exactly three years after
Superman Returns. (So does this mean we will also have the Super-kid??!?)
As a Superman fan I will watch this just for fun. I don't agree with some of the decisions made for this film along with the casting decision of Richardson as Superman, but this is a fan film and with WB's big screen adaption of Superman heading for theaters in 2012 this film isn't going any further. Therefore, it is really just for fun. This film should be out by winter of 2011.
What do you guys think about the teaser? Share your thoughts below.