Clint Morris over at Moviehole has spent a bit of time trying to verify the rumors ran by Geektyrant about Christopher Nolan's bro Jonathan helming the upcoming Superman project which Chris is involved with. Apparently a source has revealed a few things...

Late this afternoon I hopped on the phone with a contact who shed some light on the J. Nolan rumours.
"You know, some of that is true", my very reliable* contact, said ."Jonathan Nolan is not onboard yet, but it looks like he will get the job. Jonah wants to direct, Chris wants to land him that gig, WB doesn't want to upset Chris. That said, it is far from a done deal -- but with Chris and Emma producing, the odds are with Jonah"
"Also, it is a TV star that they're looking at for the lead - but, despite what that article says, I don't believe anyone has actually tested." (He/She has heard nothing of Zachary Levi being considered).
So there you have it, Nolan is the frontrunner for the job.
Sorry? What? Oh, you want to know which "TV star" is currently atop of the WB wishlist?
Says our insider, "[He's a] popular TV actor that no one is thinking of, but everyone will be thrilled with if he pulls on the blue tights"
So, they have their Supers, he's a tv actor, you know who it is, but we can't? Mmmmm. He goes on to say
Your first guess is likely the right one. I'm getting a terrible Tom Welling feeling. But that would never happen.. would it? Anyway Morris then says that nothing is set in stone, and WB just have their favorite for the role. Their source also says...
"This Superman is neither a reboot or a sequel. It's just a Superman film. The basic elements of the storyline are: BIG action, BIG set-pieces, witty dialogue, playful romance, a light-hearted feelgood mood juxtaposed with derring-do and danger, top-notch cast, epic feel, sci-fi background (sounds a little like Donner, right?) BUT with some sort of huge twist on the legend."
I can almost hear the purists ears prick up! Twist on the legend isn't going to make many people happy. And also the whole not a reboot or a sequel, just a Superman movie..what the Hell does that mean! If its not following on from
Returns its a reboot, and if it is its a sequel! Anyway, for those of us hoping for a Routhboot of some sort, it doesn't look good(but we did already know that anyway I guess)..
"Certain very well-placed people at Warners loved Brandon Routh as Superman and wished he was continuing in the role, but unfortunately, he won't be back".
Morris then goes on to confirm the validity of his source, claiming he/she has been spot on on a plenty of other big scoops. So, looks like it could well be a very Nolan affair, with a well known TV actor already in consideration. Any and all comments mentioning Tom Welling shall be instantly deleted;)