No, it's not James McTeigue. And no it's not Zack Snyder. I've chosen someone who I haven't heard mentioned yet. The choice I have to direct The Man of Steel is...Danny Boyle.
Danny Boyle is probably most famous for directing (and winning Best Director for it) Slumdog Millionaire. He is also known for directing the sci-fi thiller Sunshine as well as 28 Days Later. From his track record, you can see that is known for directing films with relativley small budgets, the biggest budget coming in at 50 million for his film The Beach. Because of this, many of his films (Sunshine being one of them) focus on great storytelling and strong charaters. Granted, those devices usually come from the script, but it takes a talented director to flesh those devices out. (Plus, since we all know that Goyer is a talented writer, I don't think we have to worry about that.)
Anyway, my point is that Boyle has become used to directing smaller films, thus focusing on directing actors the best way possible. Also, for those who have seen Sunshine know that he can direct action very well, even with the small bits of action in Slumdog Millionaire. With a cast of talented actors and a script by Goyer, Boyle (IMHO) could turn in one of the greatest Superman films we will ever see.
Now some of you may be concerned as Boyle has never directed a big budget action epic. He is known for directing smaller films, but then again, so was Jon Favreau when it came time for him to direct Iron Man (even though he has some experience with Zathura) or Richard Marquand when it came time for him to direct Return of the Jedi. Hell, even Peter Jackson hadn't directed a big budget spectacle before moving on to the 285 million budgeted Lord of the Rings trilogy and look how that turned out.
Danny Boyle is, in a nutshell, a great filmmaker. He knows how to shoot quality films and keep you guessing until the very end. He may not end up directing The Man of Steel, but he should without a doubt be given a chance. He could be like Kenneth Branagh to Thor or Martin Campbell to Green Lantern, or even Chris Nolan to Batman. You never know.
Tell me what you guys think in the comments below. ;)