Check out this new interview with Joseph Gatt, who'll star as a villain in Marvel's Thor.
Could you describe us how was the atmosphere on the set on the first day of shooting, and also tell us which were your feelings? How did you deal with the Asgardians, and especially with the God of Thunder?
"The first day was very exciting. We ate lunch and then a couple of us had a walk through the 6 sound stages filled with the most beautiful sets I'd ever seen. The designers and carpenters have done an amazing job on this picture. I can't tell you anything about the designs except that they will please everyone, from the fan who has been reading Thor since he was 5 to the person who know nothing about Thor, Asgard or The Warriors Three!!!
I know that we cannot ask too much about your role but, nevertheless, could you tell us how did you prepare and approach your character?
"I approached my role on “Thor” the same way i'd approach any other acting job. I read anything i could regarding Thor and the Asgardian universe written by Marvel. I wanted to make sure that, even though I was playing a comic book character based in fiction, every action and word had real motivation behind it. I want people to believe that, through the capes, space, superheroes and special effects... what they are seeing is a form of reality."
Which are your first impressions on the approach and the methods used by Kenneth Branagh?
"Kenneth Branagh is great. He, being an actor himself, really knows the right language to use to get what he needs from his actors. He never lets you forget that we are making a movie (with a minimum 3 cams on every shot it's difficult to anyway), but he directs us like we are performing on stage. He gives his actors the latitude to really go anywhere... as long as he gets what HE needs."
When was your participation in the movie legitimated? From whom have you been chosen, and what do you think had they seen in you so to give you the role of the Asgardian villain?
"I auditioned like everyone else, and my British drama school training and theatre experience helped with Kenneth. But the role also demanded an actor who was very imposing and muscular and able to deal with a very physical, action oriented stuff."
Provided you have had time to read the comics, or you were already a fan of them, have you somewhat felt that the original atmosphere was kept accurately? And in what instead, do you believe this film will differ from the comic, generally speaking?
"This movie will be very close in feel to the comic books... with some changes. As with most movies based on comic books, changes are necessary to make the transition smooth and also for the benefit of those theater goers who aren't familiar with the comic books. The producers are on set the whole time watching every shot and making sure the Marvel look isn't lost."
Again, without going too much into details, could you tell us whether you had to undergo some intense make-up sessions? Moreover, is your costume comfortable?
"Again... not too much can be said for fear of giving any Marvel secrets away... but... it is always a matter of course that, to portray the characters in the comic book... costumes will be uncomfortable and make ups are always extensive... the trick as an actor... is to not show this on screen!!"
You have already stated that your character will be the focus of several action scenes: What is the scale of these scenes? And why can you say that the action of this movie will have something special, compared to what we usually see?
"The action sequences are going to be huge...awesome!! Vic Armstrong is directing the second unit (action unit) and is most famous for bring the action to “Indiana Jones”, “The Mummy”, “Mission Impossible”, “James Bond” etc. So thing... many characters, big sets and huge stunts!!!"
Thanks so much for your time and I'd love to tell you more...when I can.