Emm, emm good. That's what I think about Natalie Portman's sweet self of hotness, every time I see her on the big screen, small screen, and anything in between. Natalie is hot and not that normal "Hey Joe, she's kinda cute" Hot. No, she gets the "Move out the way Joe and let me get off my ass and go talk to this girl right now" treatment if she ever walked by. Joe would be sitting by himself.
So with out further ado, I bring to you, Natalie Portman's Gallery over at ComicBookHotties.com!
Or, you can click on any of the below pictures to get over to ComicBookHotties.com and start what will become a beautiful journey on around and all about Natalie Portman!
If the above pics are not enough to satisfy your Appetite of all things that are Natalie Portman's Hotness, then I say to you "Good job Man, keep up the hard work!" I also say to you "Check out the below video of Natalie and Chris Hemsworth behind the scenes Video of Thor"!
Also check out the 'Thor' Panel at the SDCC2010!
That about does it for this edition of 'J-Man's ComicBookHotties.com Gallery Extravaganza!' Stay tuned for the next gallery and don't forget to make your voice heard on what beautiful Women you want to see exposed next!