Preacher: The Unadaptable Series

Preacher: The Unadaptable Series

Why Preacher will never grace a screen.

Editorial Opinion
By TheCrisisKing - Dec 30, 2009 10:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Preacher

Garth Ennis's lovechild of mythology and the south come together in his epic series Preacher. If you don't know what Preacher is...well then you arent a true comic book geek. Since the late 90's Ennis had a success in Preacher and with the resurgence of comic book movies, people were wondering when Jesse Custer and crew got there share.

Well, they wont. Here is why...

In a post 9/11 world, we have seen a resurgence in religious faith and a respect for those within this profession. While, Jesse Custer is obviously not preaching the almighty word to his flock anymore ( because they got burned like Kentucky BBQ) he still carries the outfit and the responsibilities. With only that collar and back story, if we were to ever see Jesse tell a sheriff to " Go f*** yourself", thus causing the sheriff to actually do it, the public would be in outcry. Jesse Custer is a judgmental man, a vulgar man, a violent man and while we all realize that men of religious authority do this, it corrupts the image we as a society reflect onto them. Let me give you an idea of our limits today are on pastors/priests in the media. In 2006, a short lived show ran on NBC called "The Book of Daniel." It centered around a painkiller addicted Episcopal reverend named Daniel who struggled to raise his family which included a homosexual son, a drug addicted daughter, and adopted Asian teenager and a deceased twin of the eldest who had died of leukemia. The main character Daniel wasn't even close to being Jesse Custer in terms of controversy. Due to public outcry, the show lasted 4 aired episodes with a total of 8 filmed. This just shows that whether it were to end up on a movie screen or in a HBO night line up. It just won't fly.

Then there is Cassidy. In the years before the vampire outburst of popularity there was only one southern non-traditional vampire. It was in Preacher and went by the name of Cassidy. Now, we have shows like The Vampire Diaries and True Blood, all which pull aspects from the Preacher series. If there were ever to be an inkling of the character being a vampire (which actually was a twist earlier in the series) the adaptation would be nailed with the titled "Another Vampire Bullshit Movie" by the public. That wouldn't ever do Garth Ennis and Preacher justice.

Also, the portrayal of many of religious icons wouldn't be to good either. I'm not talking about the Angels and Archangels and Genesis. I'm talking about the incest bred mentally handicapped ugly teenage boy, descended from a crucifixion-surviving Jesus Christ, known as the Messiah. Let me repeat that, in Garth Ennis's Preacher, the Messiah is a incest bred mentally handicapped ugly teenage boy, descended from a crucifixion-surviving Jesus Christ. If that isn't the most blasphemy in the world I don't know what is. I realize that this isn't even the tip of the controversy iceberg, but I felt the need to throw the most basic ones out there.

In all, we won't get Preacher on any screen. It's not because of money or casts or scripts, but it's the public's readiness to accept Preacher. That is why I believe that Preacher should be OUR book, our own for us comic geeks to praise. We gave the public Watchmen, now let's keep this. Being a comic is what made Preacher groundbreaking. What could have easily been the next DaVinci Code is an amazing comic book just for us to hold dear.

Until next year, I'll see you on the Throne
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Ugh - 12/30/2009, 11:07 PM
Gotta disagree with on this. Although the series is blasphemous in ways not seen on television, its the story that get that pulls it past that. The church is an F-ed up institution in as many instances as it helps, and Ennis was really good at pointing to problems story related. Like when Jesse has that first freak out at his flock before they get dixie fried, people confess their sins to him not because they are guilty but because it gets them out of dutch with God. And despite vampires being overused these days, great characters always make the difference.
CorndogBurglar - 12/31/2009, 5:21 AM
maybe it won't make it to TV without censorship, but there are very blasphemous movies out there. so there is still hope.
answer - 12/31/2009, 6:45 AM
I can see your points! I for one would love to see it on screen but the likelyhood is slim. I love Preacher and just started rereading it all last week!
MarkCassidy - 12/31/2009, 6:54 AM
Preacher would be a controversial movie for sure..but it would still pass without censor. It just takes a studio with the balls to fund and release it, thats all. Sam Mendes says he will make the movie at some point.
longbowhunter - 12/31/2009, 7:09 AM
I gotta' say making the movie would be an endevour. I live in the bible belt, so I know how fanatical christians are. Still, I dont see it as impossible. It doesnt look like Kick-Ass is gonna' be censored to death. Whoever gets there hands on Preacher will have to have the same drive, and tell the studios to eat a polar bear's rectum.
invalensname - 12/31/2009, 7:13 AM
Great article. And while I agree with you on many points, I think an unsanitized version of this will one day see the light. I would have more faith in it as a movie though than a tv series (even though HBO or the ilk would serve it better)- Book of Daniel got a tv series, The da Vinci Code got a sequel.
loganoneil - 12/31/2009, 7:52 AM
I agree with Ror - it could be done if a studio with the stones to stand behind it ever did it, BUT I don't think it could ever be on the big screen. There's too much meat 'plot-wise' to ever try and be condensed into a 2-hour film. This needs to be on TV in a mini-series or series format (a cable network - someone like HBO). Give the material the space and time to breath and properly grow.
StephenStrange - 12/31/2009, 8:36 AM
I disagree. They absolutely could do a Preacher movie AND do it right, but it would just have an "R" rating.

If the public reacts negatively, so what? Just look what that did for the pseudo intellectual bufoonery of Dan Brown! If it worked for him it would work for this.
And I SHO DO wish they would make a movie about this! Preacher rocks

Personally I loooove blasphemy lol.

Especially if it's directed at Islam!
When i was a kid I had a real mad on against religion. Then i grew up and got over it.
Then 9/11 happened and then Reverend Wright.. now I am.... not angry, but just extremely critical. I disdain religion, but I only truly hate Islam.
MarkCassidy - 12/31/2009, 8:42 AM
Im not organized religions biggest fan, but there are extremists in every religion that taint it for people that just want to worship and live good lives.
richrushnj - 12/31/2009, 8:55 AM
I could not agree with a article more then I do this one. I know I'm fairly new to postingo n this site but I've most of all the articles daily written on here in work. And I felt this way about "Watchmen" I thought they destroyed that gem of a book and took away from the original idea of it. With that said I couldn't imagine how they would destroy my favorite comic series. With all the romanticizing of vampires now this probably would be shred apart to depict the general media's taste for vampire instead of the 80's gutterpunk vampire Cassidy. I really hope it never gets made but if I'd still give it a chance. Based on how true they stay to original.
PopeBadass - 12/31/2009, 9:18 AM
Preacher, in my mind, is a better series than Watchmen ever was. That's not to put Watchmen down, it just shows how great Preacher is. Ennis plotted a series with a begining, middle and definite end. Remember that Watchmen was twelve issues and they couldn't fit it all in one movie. How many of your favorite things were left out of that. Now take 67 issues of back story, trials, tribulations, incest, blasphemy, cannibalism, penis shaped heads, genitalia being removed by a dog bite, JESUS DE SADE!!!??, granma, TC f*%king a chicken... need I go on? That doesn't even include the goddamn grail storyline... maybe, just maybe if HBO did 67 episodes with a coupla specials about the Saint of Killers, or Good ol' Boys storyline, or you know who...The story has enough material for a Harry Potter length series of movies, and they would still have to leave things out for brevity's sake. No, if this is ever a movie it will be too watered down, there is to much to cram in to make a marketable movie. Although I would like to see an Arseface pez dispenser, or a Starr happymeal toy (with detachable penis?)
loganoneil - 12/31/2009, 10:05 AM
Crisis - Who's to say it's GOT to be done by a BIG studio? There are a lot of up-and-coming studios that are more cutting-edge and willing to take risks. Risks like 'Preacher' that a. have a following and b. would give them cred and publicity. The real problem wouldn't be finding a studio, it would be trying to get it past the MPAA! Anyone who can give 'It's Complicated' an 'R' rating just because the main character smokes a joint while giving the bloody 'Sherlock Holmes' a PG-13 needs to have their heads examined!
TheDemonHunter - 12/31/2009, 10:25 AM
Preacher's following is its own niche in what's already a niche industry.

Not saying it can't be done, but right there, saying that the following it has already would immediately make it a success is incorrect. This isn't a property like X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman, where more than half the population of the world has at least had some exposure to the stuff and isn't likely offended by most of it.

If this ever got made, it would be watered down to the point where it wouldn't be something that same following loves it for.

If they make Preacher as a movie, they'll catch hell from people like those of us here on this site, complaining that it wasn't faithful enough to the source material while catching hell from the mainstream about how it protrays religious icons.

If they don't make the movie, they'll catch hell from the people who aren't footing the bill on something that could be a huge, huge box office disappointment if it even got finished.

It's a no-win situation at the moment for anyone who would want to make it.

Not likely to see movement on this one anytime soon, I'm thinking, especially given the current economic climate. Someone has to fund this thing and take the risk that it could be a box office bomb, for any of the reasons listed above.
loganoneil - 12/31/2009, 10:37 AM
Crisis - Waitasec... 'Preacher' - printed by Vertigo... owned by DC... in turn, owned by Warner Brothers (and we all know how the WB LOVES taking risks!). My god, man - you're right! The point to moot. This will never happen! Damnit all to hell!
loganoneil - 12/31/2009, 12:06 PM
Well like you said in your article, maybe it's all for the best. Somethings are better left untouched... I'd hate to have to imagine some pablum 'family-values' PG-13 version of this graphic masterpiece being forced down my throat! Still... IF it were done (and done RIGHT) it could be ABSO-BLOODLY-LUTELY BRILLIANT!
crazyray - 12/31/2009, 1:56 PM
well done and thought out article, gotta respect the prose and talking points. Well-done... BUT, gotta disagree, an R-rated movie (or NC-17) is vastly different than an NBC weekly show.

NBC gotta please its paying advertisers-THATS why they (and other networks) will bend to "public" outcry (dont even get me started on 'astro-turf' campaigns staged by larger PACs or the like). People can't stop stuff from beamed into their living rooms over the 'waves (aside from changing the channel, but that would too easy now, wouldnt it??? >=P )

Im with ROR, its gonna take a director and studio with giant sized noots. Just think- Bad Lieutenent, Last Temptation of Christ, all of 'those types' of movies have had controversy, but ended up being made. Have faith.

As for 'keeping' it ours... thats sounds dangerously close to being an "us vs. them" mentality with the public. Share comics. Love them.
crazyray - 12/31/2009, 2:29 PM
@loganoneil- great point!!!
crazyray - 12/31/2009, 2:57 PM
Gotta agree- there hasnt been anything like it before on the screen.

I think the public would freak, personally, but pushing the envelope is progress (sometimes?). I think for certain 'things' they could be done similar to the scene in "Eyes Wide Shut" or "Lord of Illusions" (to pull out a truly obscure Clive Barker/Scott Bakula reference) for portraying an 'orgy'...there are tricks everywhere... btw i do admit, it will bring down the 'authenticity' of the translation.

I thought Sony Pictures had the rights to Preacher most recently or has something else happened???
GUNSMITH - 12/31/2009, 5:43 PM
TheGerman - 1/1/2010, 10:34 AM
Preacher hast to much controversy in it i mean sex, violence and a preacher hunnting god? that´s just too much for any screen

HBO did cancel rome only because of the sex and violence...
strilfe - 1/1/2010, 6:19 PM
There's no way Preacher would get to any screen. If the producers aren't in jail by the second chapter, some fanatic would burn HBO down (or whoever did it).
Unless, of course, Hollywood adapts 1 percent of the story. Which would be like a powerless Superman movie (?)

On the other hand, I think that the origin story of he Saint of all killers would make a hell of a movie! And if that one is a hit, who knows?
KillerOfSaints - 1/1/2010, 6:28 PM
look at my name below!!!!!!!
comicb00kguy - 1/2/2010, 12:13 AM
As a Christian, I find a lot of things about Preacher just way beyond offensive, but instead of being one of these whiney types that wants to ban it, I choose to simply not buy it or read it- the old 'if you don't like it, change the channel' thing.

As for a movie based on the series, I think there are just too many extremely controversial elements that would anger large numbers of people for any movie studio to be willing to risk large amounts of money to make a movie based on it. There would simply be too many headaches involved, and it would almost certainly be a box-office-killing NC-17, which would further limit it.
Phinehas - 1/2/2010, 1:17 PM
I agree with comicbookguy. I am also a Christian. I guess since I find Preacher objectionable and offensive, I am now disqualified as comicbook geek. Fine. But I also have to disagree with the premise that is based on the example of The Book of Daniel tv program being cancelled for being blasphemous. BROADCAST television vs. Cable and big screen films is a huge jump difference of production and demographics. Public access to broadcast tv is much more generally accessible than the other two. Is their hypocrisy in the treatment broadcast gets? Sure. The religious right (with which the left would identify me) can be very hypocritical in this area when it comes to broadcast tv. But that doesn't mean that this show wouldn't find a following on such cable-run series done by the likes of Showtime, and HBO. They've run numerous show in the last couple of decades with enough blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy to keep the fires of Hell stoked for many millenia to come.
So my objection is this; You're right that it wouldn't work in public broadcast TV. And I would agree with those objections. But if they could find a following, it WOULD work as a series on Showtime or HBO because they have proven to push smut and crap for years!

And about WB not taking risks, thats not entirely true either. They know how to hide behind other studio labels they way Disney does with Touchstone. Disney created Touchstone and Miramax with the express purpose of making a profit on more riskier films that their typical family-oriented filmed flair permits with the Disney name. WB, Sony, and Fox all do the same. They're not dumb. If they know that they can turn a profit on a controversial film, they will. They don't bow to the God of the bible. Their god is green. And I'm not talking about Gaia.
MarkCassidy - 1/2/2010, 4:34 PM
Im sure you can still call yourself a comic geek while not enjoying Preacher Pine! But I will say this, you are missing out on a damn fine comic because it clashes with your beliefs. I can never understand why people with strong religious beliefs can't just read/watch/listen as men and women first and foremost. If something offends a belief you have why take it personally? Its just someone else's don't have to like it, but why rail against it so vehemently?

This is very relevant to something that is happening in my country at the moment. The actually passed a blashphemy law!

So basically, If I say something like "Jesus is gay"..and someone gets offended by that, technically I have committed blasphemy. LMFAO...are we living in the dark ages? I'm moving to the states, at least freedom of speech seems to mean something to you guys.
Phinehas - 1/2/2010, 6:41 PM
I like WonderWoman even though her feminist ideals, and pagan beliefs clash heavily with my Christian beliefs and ideals. The difference is, the Preacher graphic novel mocks Christianity and exalts doing so. So, no. I would recieve no pleasure in reading it for recreation.
"I can never understand why people with strong religious beliefs can't just read/watch/listen as men and women first and foremost."
Perhaps its because our "religious beliefs" define what it means to be human. Destroy that foundation, and one would be like a piece of driftwood at sea.
"why rail against it so vehemently?"
Is my voice amongst others not entitled to give my account of a situation? If someone verbally blasted your family, nation, wife, or whatever it is that you hold dear, would you not respond?
Why is it Christians are expected to have their beliefs persecuted without recourse? If I said, Buddha was a gluttonous sloth, and Muhammed was murderous, woman-hating, pedophile, I would recieve a verbal tongue lashing like you wouldn't believe. There is a double standard for sure.

"freedom of speech seems to mean something to you guys."

You betcha! That's why I want an American to play Cappy! LOL

Seriously though. If you capped and traded speech, then how would ideas flourish? I'm all for free speech. Especially holocaust deniers, antisemitism, blasphemy, and/or racism. When its free, then its open to public debate to find the error in it. If you suppress it, then you allow error to persist without response.
Our Founding Fathers new the value of speech, that is why it was the first of Amendments.
MarkCassidy - 1/2/2010, 7:24 PM
Preacher doesn't necessarily mock Christianity as it does Catholicism. But it sure does take its shots. Its funny though! In Ireland the Catholic Church have been all but exiled from society because their priests wont do us the courtesy of refraining from raping our children. These things tend to lend themselves to a bit of backlash. You say if someone verbally abused my wife, family etc would I not respond..of course I would, but then, I see a persons family as being slightly more important that a religion they choose to follow, but again, I realize you do not.

And I have to ask, have you actually ever read it? Because hearing about something and experiencing it first hand can leave you with a completely different could just be pleasantly surprised.
Phinehas - 1/2/2010, 11:10 PM
This is true. I have not read it. I was basing my allusions to TheCrisisking's description of Christ as "in Garth Ennis's Preacher, the Messiah is a incest bred mentally handicapped ugly teenage boy, descended from a crucifixion-surviving Jesus Christ." Is that in any way misrepresented?
Now, I'm not some insane Dutch Muslim that would threaten anyone with death for making a cartoon strip( I would not even slap a lawsuit for blasphemy on Ennis in Ireland! :) He has the right to speak and create blasphemous work.
Regarding Roman Catholicism, I certainly respect your feeling against the frocked pedophiles. I utterly do not understand what biblical basis they have for forbading their priests from marriage. Its actually UNBIBLICAL! They're told to have one wife (1 Timothy 3:2) in Scripture. Then it says to avoid those that forbid marriage (1 Tim. 4:3). Check it out. It doesn't make sense to me.
I swear, that "church" is one step from being a cult, imo.

"I see a persons family as being slightly more important that a religion they choose to follow"
I'd agree, if we're talking about an organization. But I'm talking about Christ. A relationship with Him. If someone verbally started blasting TheMyth, TheHawk, InTylerweTrust, or LEEE (or whomever I'm neglecting to mention), you would come to their defense. I know it! I've seen it. Yet, I'm willing to bet you have never met them face to face. I've never met Christ face to face, either.
MarkCassidy - 1/3/2010, 9:38 AM
Its is actually kind of inaccurate. That stuff is only something that an organization called The Grail(the villains i might add) believe to be the case. They maintain that Christ was taken from the cross before he dies, raised a family, and his bloodline was kept in tact for thousands of years by inbreeding. So they have that teenage boy from the description and are flaunting him as the Messiah. Not exactly praising Christianity I know! But there is much more to the story than that.

And dude, if Christ was to post on these forums that would be a very different story:)..those guys are real people! Now I know you believe that Christ was real and still is and thats cool, but thats still just a belief. I believe in God(in some form) and am a spiritual person, but if someone was to write a book/comic/thesis making fun of that, well, thats his opinion, and I would actually be too curious NOT to read it!
Phinehas - 1/3/2010, 1:25 PM
" if Christ was to post on these forums that would be a very different story"

He did post somewhere, its the New Testament.

"but thats still just a belief"

Yes, but on very overwhelmingly strong evidence.

Anyways, if it was a substory of something else, I wouldn't mind so much. But honestly, it doesn't really blow my skirt up as a compelling concept. I don't go looking for material that assualts my beliefs or glorifies those things that are diametrically opposed. I don't mind the challenge or else I would been frustrated long ago with our conversations. But I like you and our chats! :)
strilfe - 1/3/2010, 5:04 PM
I'm catholic and enjoyed most of preacher. I haven't finished it yet, sometimes it's too much even for me, but it's art / comic / wathever you call it. It's not for minors, it's blasphemus but it's similar to what happened with Da Vinci code: it's fiction, don't take it seriously. If anybdy does, it's making a mistake.
it's too shocking for 90% percent of the world to be able to enjoy.
defnitely agree with comicb00kguy, choose to simply not buy it or read it. but don't ban any 21 years old to read. Most won't enjoy it, anyway...
DeathBringer1983 - 1/3/2010, 6:33 PM
horse shit....

They can get away with putting this on TV, like late night HBO.
or Showtime.

The controversy would only help to bring in more viewers.

if only the studios would grow a set....
JohnClayBurchett - 1/3/2010, 10:07 PM
This post is opinionated bullshit. Very well thought out and researched bullshit...but bullshit nonetheless.

Money says we see Preacher come to life on the big screen in several installments or it's own series on HBO or Showtime.

I see much more blasphemous shit on basic cable. Yea the "sheriff [frick]in' himself" scene is too harsh w/o a pay channel rating....but come will be adapted. They've already started development on this project and it's lost it's will pick back up.
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