BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Star Javicia Leslie Believes The Show Did For TV What BLACK PANTHER Did For Movies

BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React
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BATWOMAN Canceled At The CW After Three Seasons; Showrunner & Cast React

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Kurne - 12/5/2018, 4:27 AM
I haven't kept up with Flash since season 3, but I personally feel like they're pandering with the constant use of John Wesley Shipp. At least in the way they're using him, with his face being Henry on Earth 1, then tying Jay to the Allen family on Earth 3 just so they can use his face again. And now by bringing back his original Flash, now he's also Barry on an even more distant earth? I love the guy, but again it feels too much like fan service.
DaHyro - 12/5/2018, 4:29 AM
@Kurne - to be honest, I skipped the second half of both seasons theee and four. They just... sucked, imo. You should give season 5 a try! It’s been really really good so far
cyclopsprime - 12/5/2018, 4:59 AM
@Kurne - what's wrong with John wesley shipp
JoeInTheBox - 12/5/2018, 5:28 AM
@Kurne - Oh it's definitely fan service, but surprisingly not overused. He's only in a handful of episodes. He only really appears a couple times a season now.
WarnerBrother - 12/5/2018, 10:47 PM
@Kurne -

JWS has been part of the show since season one and was always meant to be a form of fan service
similar to Dean Cain, Helen Slater and Lynda Carter being cast on Supergirl. It just turned out
to be good luck that since The Flash has already established the whole doppelganger thing, that
JWS would be Jay Garrick just as Henry Allen was being written out of the series.

The very reason JWS was cast in the first place was his role as the 90's Flash and since it makes
sense under the rules of the show that he reprises that version of the Flash during an epic crossover
that really shouldn't be a problem.

Fanservice is when you cameo a character or refer to another story or franchise to invoke nostalgia
while not servicing the actual plot of the movie. It would be like if Marvel had actually cast Toby Maguire
in the next MCU Spider-Man film.

JWS as the Flash can be there for a reason.
Trimount - 12/5/2018, 4:27 AM
I can’t wait!!!
Darlene1974 - 12/5/2018, 4:56 AM
Why can't they show a flying Black Superman and show Batwoman moving?
RageDriver2401 - 12/5/2018, 5:26 AM
@Darlene1974 - flying I'd chalk up to budget cuts. There's been a big downgrade in CGI across CW shows this year (don't know about Supergirl). The time-travel looked ridiculous on Flash last night. You don't see much of superpowers on Legends also now.
sixthsense - 12/5/2018, 5:09 AM
A Crisis is coming...nice!
LEVITIKUZ - 12/5/2018, 5:20 AM
New image of Nora & a old friend of ours

RageDriver2401 - 12/5/2018, 5:23 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - this is Nora Fries?
RageDriver2401 - 12/5/2018, 5:21 AM
First episode of Flash I've liked in two seasons last night. I don't think it's a coincidence that the best episode this season is one where they weren't force-feeding Iris to the viewers. Nora getting to know her this episode was handled well for the first time last night.

And as always, EoWells is a delight to watch. I'm hoping he is the big bad of this season to some extent. Cicada is very uninteresting.
KWilly - 12/5/2018, 5:29 AM
@RageDriver2401 - Yeah, that was a real solid episode. I'm guessing the next great one will be the 200th episode.
Origame - 12/5/2018, 6:06 AM
@RageDriver2401 - dont really think cicada is uninteresting. Just not enough of a challenge for a full season. Maybe he would have worked better in a captain cold situation. Shows up for one technically filler episode then occasionally re emerging to either help or attack.
KindredMac - 12/5/2018, 5:52 AM
Jesus christ my head is spinning trying to keep up with what is what and who is who in that trailer...
Origame - 12/5/2018, 6:07 AM
@KindredMac - and they didnt even bring up that iris has switched minds with diggle.
gremlin22 - 12/5/2018, 6:32 AM
So even though the DC movie universe hasn't had as much success as they should have had, they can still tell the tv shows not to use certain characters like Huntress. How long until they tell Arrow to get rid of Siren, and Canary.
BackwardGalaxy - 12/5/2018, 6:46 AM
@gremlin22 - No reason to change Siren. But just out of curiosity, have you been watching the show? Don't see a lot of either of those two in the mask lately, do ya?
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