Below I’ll be discussing every single – well hopefully – every single easter egg featured in the newly released Legends of Tomorrow trailer!
Now, lets dive right in!
The Year 2166: In this version of events Rip Hunter, the time master himself, ventures back in time from a dystopian future in order to gather a group of “Legends” that will, in time, help him save the past, the present, and the future, without changing the past and the present (crazy right?). Although the dates don’t match up exactly the year 2166 may be a reference to the 1991 DC Comics storyline, Armageddon 2001, in which:
Monarch was an oppressive tyrant from a bleak, dystopian Earth fifty years in the future. The people were unhappy with his rule, particularly a scientist named Matthew Ryder, an expert on temporal studies, who was convinced he could use his technology to travel back in time and prevent the maniacal ruler from ever coming to power. He learned that in the late 20th century one of Earth’s superheroes had become evil. In the year 2001 this hero had killed all of his comrades, assumed the identity of Monarch, and began his rise to global domination. Because Monarch always appeared in a suit of full body armor his prior identity was unknown.
Chosen by Monarch to take part in a time-travel experiment, Ryder traveled back to 1991, the year in which the series was published, and ten years before Monarch’s massacre of Earth’s heroes. Ryder was determined to find out who the Monarch really was and, if possible, kill him before he could rise to power. As he travelled through the rift, his body mutated into a form of living temporal energy, and upon arriving at his destination, he took the name Waverider.
While Waverider is alluded to, we’ll get to that, it seems as if Savage may simply be the TV version of Monarch, and the Season 1 arc of Legends of Tomorrow may be an adaptation of the aforementioned storyline.
An Ancient Savage: Reminding the fans that Savage has been around for much longer than almost every other immortal we’ve met so far (again, confusing…right?) we see a shot of Savage in Ancient Egyptian garb. For those who don’t know, Savage’s ties to Egypt, and therefore to Hawkman and Hawkgirl will be explored in this years annual Flash/Arrow crossover, set to premiere next week.
Cold War Savage?: While this shot certainly isn’t from the ancient past, nor the far future I myself can’t say exactly when it is from. However, the buzz around the internet is suggesting that the markings on the missile imply it’s from the Cold War. If the aforesaid is true, then it seems the show will – quite obviously – play up Savage’s manipulations with the world over time.
Amulet of Anubis? And A Hawk Statue: some have claimed that the item featured in the middle of the shot above is the Amulet of Anubis, a powerful mystical “weapon” used by DC comics hero Dr. Fate. Personally, I don’t see the item in the middle as looking anything like an amulet, but to each his own…
However, on the right of the amulet you will see a statue of a hawk (possibly a nod to the Egyptian god Horus) which serves as an almost definite nod to Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s appearance in ancient times as well.
The Ibistick?:
The Ibistick is a resevoir of nearly unlimited power, and can produce any mystical effect that its caster can conceive of. Ibis once used the Ibistick to cover all of Fawcett City in a protective force field.
Four thousand years ago, an Egyptian craftsman created a mystical wand and gave it to his nephew, Prince Amentep. Dubbing the wand his Ibis-stick, Amentep used it to save the life of his beloved Princess Taia, who had been felled by a poisoned arrow, fired by a dark sorcerer known as the Black Pharaoh. Amentep knew that Taia required time to properly heal from her wounds, so he used the stick to place her into a state of suspended animation, and then cast the same spell upon himself.
In 1940, the wizard Shazam used his own power to awaken Amentep. He adopted the name Ibis the Invincible, and used the Ibistick to track down the sleeping Taia. He found her wrapped as a mummy in a museum several miles away. Ibis used the magic wand to awaken his love, and together they engaged in a series of occult related adventures throughout the United States of the 1940s.
Source: DC Wikia

Savages Army: While we get a few shots of them throughout the trailer, it’s worth noting that these “men” (if they are men) are likely part of Vandal Savages Army in the future. Again, it’s also worth noting that they may not be, as other villains are seen sporting much different armor at other points in the trailer.
Re-Used Flash Explosion?: Sorry for not being able to craft a better photo, but at the 0:18 mark of the Legends of Tomorrow trailer an explosion in a rural area is featured and, being that I’ve seen every season of The Flash and Arrow numerous times I immediately noted that the scene (top photo) was taken directly from The Flash’s fourteenth episode Fallout, when Ronnie Raymond and Professor Stein attempted to separate for the first time.
Keen eyes helped…and the fact that at about 0:19 you can make out The Flash running away from the explosion.
Savages Knife of Nth Metal?: Despite this scene above clearly taking place in the dystopian future, Savage still seems to be carrying the same knife he’s had with him in most of the other shots we’ve seen of him thus far. Presumably Savage will be taking on the role that DC Villain Hath-Set plays in their origin being that:
He kills them with a cursed dagger which has been forged from Nth Metal. This results in a cycle where all three are reincarnated together. In many different incarnations over the centuries, Hath-Set murders the Prince and Princess.
So, could this be the nth metal dagger? Or the same dagger Savage used to kill Carter and Kendra (Hawkman and Hawkgirl) in the past?
Waverider and Armageddon 2001: The ship that it seems the team will be using to Time Travel sports the letters W.R., what seems to be a reference to DC hero Waverider who, GAINED his powers time-traveling. Next to the initial are the numbers 2055, which is the same year (or around it) that the storyline Armageddon 2001 would have taken place.
Rip Hunter’s Study: In the comics Rip Hunter tends to “hang his cape” at Vanishing Point, a place where all Time Master’s gather and monitor time outside of the time stream. While I don’t think this is Vanishing Point, I do think this is the same “study” that Rip Hunter has at Vanishing Point in the comics. In the comics, Rip’s study has various artifacts he’s, safely, collected throughout time, and I’m sure we’ll see plenty of easter-egg’s stemming from this little roomy area in the time traveling ship.
Everyone Goes Undercover, Especially Sara Lance?: While donning clothing more in tune with the time periods they visit makes sense for the members of the “Legends Team” it’s worth noting that Sara Lance is seen undercover on more occasions (at least in the trailer) than everyone else. Could he skills as an assassin lend themselves to Sara Lance being the DCTV version of Black Widow, the ultimate undercover agent/assassin?
A Young Rip Hunter?: While this may just be some random boy (or someone else of significance) Savages hair and attire suggest a time that isn’t ancient, and the soldiers behind him suggest more scenes from the future…could it be that this is a time a little whiles before 2166 and we are seeing the “origin” of Rip Hunter?
Laurel Holds Her Own Against Sara: For those still annoying – yes annoying – enough to say Laurel isn’t trained “enough”, I’m hopeful that this scene convinces everyone otherwise. It’s also worth noting that Sara is still wearing black in this scene, and it’s quite possible that it’s Laurel (in her confirmed 1 episode appearance on Legends) who convinces her to let go of the darkness within her and embrace the light. They’ve basically confirmed that last part as Laurel tells Sara to, “be a hero in the light” in the very next cut-scene.
A Booster Gold Nod & Not Kryptonite: Looking behind Captain Cold in this shot shows us a blurry blue and gold outline in a display case, and while to some that means nothing, others know that this may very well be Booster Gold’s costume BEFORE it was Booster Gold’s costume. In the comics Michael Jon Carter (Booster), eventually secured:
“a job as a night watchman at the Metropolis Space Museum, where he studied displays about superheroes and villains from the past, particularly the 20th century. With the help of a security robot named Skeets, Michael stole devices from the museum displays, including a Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring and Brainiac 5‘s force field belt. He used Rip Hunter‘s time machine, also on display in the museum, to travel to the 20th century, intent on becoming a superhero and forming a corporation based around himself to make a comfortable living. He is a shameless self-promoter whose obsession with fame and wealth irritates other heroes”
While I doubt we will see Booster on the show – for various reasons as of now – it’s worth noting that Booster has ties to Rip Hunter in that Rip Hunter’s time machine is the one Booster stole to go back in time and become a hero, Booster and Rip work together a lot in the comics (Rip keeps the time stream as in tack as he can while Booster “helps”) AND it’s been revealed that – unbeknownst to the both of them for awhile – Rip is actually Booster’s son!
On another note, I’m almost certain that they made the rock Cold is looking at green as a means to nod to Kryonite – and to the Batman v. Superman trailer (it features a similar shot).
Firestorm Gets a Costume: Many people, and I mean many people, were disappointed for the entirety of The Flash’s first season that Firestorm never got an official costume…but now, now he does!
Fun fact about his costume in the comics (and likely on the show as well) is that it’s actually made of inorganic matter that he (Firestorm) has transmuted into a costume around himself!
A Nod to Comic Fashion: This may be a stretch, but the mid-riff shirt being worn by Kendra may be a nod to the costume she used to wear in the comics which featured a very similar mid-riff-less shirt.
First Look at Both Hawk-Wings: This is our first look at both of the Hawks with their outspread wings, and I’m more than glad to say they look much better than the practical effects wings featured on Smallville a little over 4 years ago.
St. Roch [University]:
St. Roch is a city, patterned after New Orleans, Louisiana, that has appeared in various comic book series published by DC Comics. Its most prominent appearances came in the series Hawkman. In that series it was featured as the home of Hawkman and his partner Hawkgirl.
Chronologically within DC’s main shared universe, the DC Universe, it has existed since the founding of Louisiana and has played home to many other characters in DC’s history, though most of these characters were previous lives of Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
There is in fact a small neighborhood and an avenue in the Eighth Ward section of New Orleans called St. Roch.
Source: Hawkman Wikia

CCCP: Seemingly further nodding to occurrences in the 70’s, the reactor(?) in this shot features the initials CCCP which I’ve found mean:
Russian СССР (SSSR), abbreviation of Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик (Sojúz Sovétskix Socialistíčeskix Respúblik, “The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”).
Time Travel Mishaps Will Occur: In a very Back to the Future style way, the trailer shows us that not all of the teams journey’s with go perfectly and they’ll likely have to fix some of the damage they do (such as wiping Stein’s marriage out of existence) as they go.
“I’ve seen Men of Steel die and Dark Knights fall”: Any DC comics fan knows that these two nicknames, the “Man of Steel” and the “Dark Knight” are references to DC comics characters Batman and Superman. What those comic fans (not all of them) don’t seem to understand…is that this DOES NOT mean the characters will show up. Last season on The Flash Harrison Wells made a throwaway line about Barry not being a “man of steel” and this line serves as the same, it’s just a fun little nod, likely nothing more.
Is That…The Arrow Bunker?: While I can’t tell for sure, the shot above certainly seems to be or at least it could be, the new Arrow Bunker. The left side of the shot seems to feature the costume cases while the right side seems to feature the raised platform in the middle of the room.
If this is indeed the bunker, this scene likely takes place in the future and is part of the episode featuring someone who may be Connor Hawke/Green Arrow Beyond/Green Arrow 2.0, and that is discussed much more in-depth here.
Is This Vanishing Point?: In the shot above we see Rip Hunter in a place where people who seem to be his elders/superiors are looking down upon him, possibly punishing him, possibly assigning him a task. The cylindrical look of this room is reminiscent of how Vanishing Point has been drawn in the comics (it usually features one silo-like structure).
Vanishing Point is a metaphysical dimension that lies outside the normal space/time continuum. It exists during the last possible moment in the universe, the last nanosecond before entropy ends everything. At the center of Vanishing Point is a floating fortress which serves as the base of operations for the Linear Men, a group of volunteers who have taken it upon themselves to police the timestream.
Source: DC Wikia
Two Deaths? or Two “Deaths”: In the shot above we clearly see what seems to be Stein, Rip, Ray, Sara(?), and Jax at two graves. Missing from the shot are duo numero uno Captain Cold and Heat Wave AND duo numero dos, Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Personally I think whoever’s deaths these are, they’ll last all of one episode (if it’s central characters) and I doubt Cold and Heat Wave will be the ones too die…they play a huge part in making Barry the “true” Flash. On the other hand it wouldn’t be shocking if the two characters who are rebirth-ed everytime they die…are the ones too die.
A Younger Captain Cold: I’ve seen a lot of people around the web stating that this scene (above) indicates that Cold might be a father…to which I say…wtf?!? If you listen to Sara’s voice over while we see this scene being played I’d say it’s pretty clear indication that we’re seeing Cold meet his younger self, and essentially saying that they cannot change their own fates. Seeing as Cold was abused as a kid, he likely has to allow his younger self to take the beatings he “needs to take” in order to NOT change his own fate.
Rip Hunter’s Gun: While Rip Hunter is famous in the comics for the use of his genius-level brain, and knowledge of the past, present, and future, it’s notable that:
Rip is a regular human though he is skilled in firearms and hand-to-hand combat. He also has in his possession a number of high tech items which he uses for his travels through time
This Mystery Woman: While this woman may actually just be Kendra from behind – it really doesn’t look like her though – many people seem to think that the Legends have traveled back in time to a point in the near past in which Ray is forced to see his deceased fiancé once again.
Those “Other” Soldiers: While I’m certain Vandal Savage’s army changes appearances over time, I personally think this soldier looks a lot more high-tech/futury than those featured in the scenes depicting the future. Could people be following the Legends through time as well? Possibly in an attempt to further destroy history?
Oliver Queen Fighting Ghosts: While some people have sworn that this is future Green Arrow and he’s sporting a goatee (I honestly don’t know why they say that) I think it’s pretty clear that Oliver is fighting Damien Darhk’s ghosts, and this is nothing more than a scene cut from Arrow’s fourth season. That being said I’m certain we will see an older Oliver Queen in the sixth episode of Legends of Tomorrow, but I discuss that more
Stein and the Firestorm Matrix?: Now this is just pure speculation, but the item featured above and the flames that are coming off of it make me believe that Stein is touching the FIRESTORM Matrix, before it’s been absorbed into anyone. Which makes me wonder, could it be possible that, when the Legends change the past (and Stein’s marriage is wiped away), he also never absorbs the Firestorm Matrix? Could this be him having to absorb it again to become Firestorm?
Peter Francis James’ Character, is He Hector Hall?: I’ve gone more in depth with the theory and thoughts about this character
Rip v. Savage in the Past: Just a nice shot where we see Rip Hunter facing off against Vandal Savage in what seems to be ancient Egypt. Funnily enough it seems Rip is wielding the knife that Savage wields in nearly every other shot in the trailer.
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