INHUMANS: New Details Revealed About Why Kevin Feige Scrapped The Movie And TV Show's Failure

INHUMANS: New Details Revealed About Why Kevin Feige Scrapped The Movie And TV Show's Failure

INHUMANS: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Characters Before They (Hopefully) Return To The MCU
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INHUMANS: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Characters Before They (Hopefully) Return To The MCU

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MonsterSquad35 - 1/25/2017, 8:48 AM
Just make it a movie. Thanks.
LoveLoveLove - 1/25/2017, 8:52 AM
Just give me some casting announcements. At least tell me who will be Crystal.
MonsterSquad35 - 1/25/2017, 8:52 AM
And why I say that is, I don't want Marvel to be cheap on an awesome franchise that in my opinion, would be great on the big screen. Yes, Yes i get the whole new trendy release in IMAX then on TV...

But Marvel is a money making machine and they have an awesome product going...would just like to see the INHUMANS in the movies...not on TV.
AsgardianHobo - 1/25/2017, 8:56 AM
8 hours of Inhumans with movie level effects instead of just a 2 hour movie? Yes, please
Menks123 - 1/25/2017, 9:00 AM
So excited for this! Want a pure movie, but their idea with IMAX is so unique and intriguing, might open the door in a big way in the future.

Also, is it normal to not have a cast announced at all this close to shooting? Or is it just Marvel trying to surprise people or wait for a certain day to announce?
sKeemAn - 1/25/2017, 9:01 AM
Add Chloe Bennett...
sKeemAn - 1/25/2017, 9:03 AM
Spock0Clock - 1/25/2017, 9:44 AM
@sKeemAn - Add Chloe Bennett... everything? Agreed!
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