You never know what you'll find on the Internet. While strolling through my Twitter feed I found myself checking up on Marvel's account. There was something about a job opening that caught my attention (reposted from Social Media Manager @AdriCowan). As a Marvel fan, I checked it out. Who knows? Maybe they'll hire me to write every comic and direct every movie and eventually give me the company. I soon realized that a college education and some sort of talent were required, so any chance of that happening flew out the window.
I figured the next best thing to being successful, wealthy, and happy, was having a lot of Twitter followers. I checked Marvel's Following list to see if they subscribed to any ordinary fans. A few people into the list, I found two rather interesting accounts.

What I found interesting is that these aren't simply parody accounts. Major companies don't usually follow parodies (if Marvel followed and supported all of the fake Deadpool accounts they'd have some major trouble). Also these accounts have zero total tweets. If they were just some fan showing off their favorite character, they'd be tweeting like crazy. They'd also follow a huge amount of random people to gain attention. These Iron Fist and Jessica Jones accounts have done neither of those.
Again, this is seriously insignificant news. Honestly, I don't know how many have been interested enough to get this far (if you've read to this point, I applaud you). But do these Twitter accounts mean we will be getting some announcements soon regarding the characters' Netflix shows? If so, where are the Luke Cage and Daredevil accounts? This may just be Marvel trying to snatch up some usernames before they have to buy one from a fan. I suggest you all make a username associated with one of these heroes so Marvel sends you a large check to use it. Remember though, this is the Internet, so nothing can be guaranteed. It does appear that something is coming eventually though, maybe not soon, but something is starting...