AHSOKA: Who Exactly Is [SPOILER]? Episode 3's Live-Action STAR WARS REBELS Debut Explained

AHSOKA: Who Exactly Is [SPOILER]? Episode 3's Live-Action STAR WARS REBELS Debut Explained AHSOKA: Who Exactly Is [SPOILER]? Episode 3's Live-Action STAR WARS REBELS Debut Explained

This week's third episode of Ahsoka featured the live-action debut of yet another Star Wars Rebels character, and just in case you didn't watch the animated series, we have an explanation right here.

By MarkCassidy - Aug 31, 2023 11:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Via SFF Gazette

The third episode of Ahsoka is now streaming on Disney+, and "Time To Fly" features the live-action debut of yet another character we first met in the Star Wars Rebels animated series.

Spoilers follow.

If you never watched Rebels or were only a casual fan, you may have no idea who Jacen Syndulla is, since he only appeared very briefly in the closing moments of the series finale.

The son of General Hera Syndulla and the late Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, Jacen was introduced in the epilogue of "Family Reunion – and Farewell." Dave Filoni has previously confirmed that his first name was inspired by Jacen Solo, the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo in the now ret-conned Star Wars Legends continuity.

In Ahsoka, Hera first mentions Jacen during her conversation with Mom Mothma and the other Republic senators, before greeting her son and Chopper in the corridor. The now slightly older Jacen, played by Evan Whitten, retains his green hair from Rebels, though his ears (the tips of which were also green as a nod to his mother's Twi'lek skin) were not visible.

Jacen tells his mother that he wants to be a Jedi (like his father before him).

Will he get a chance to follow in Kanan's footsteps? Filoni has admitted that he never really gave much thought to where Jacen's story could go after Rebels, but he clearly has plans for the lad in the live-action universe. Of course, there's always a chance "Time To Fly" will be Jacen's only appearance in Ahsoka, but he is certain to return down the line, possibly in the movie Filoni is currently developing at Lucasfilm.

If and when he does return, some fans believe a grim fate may await him as a casualty of Luke Skywalker's Jedi training academy, but we're going to be a bit more optimistic and assume he doesn't wind up on the wrong end of Kylo Ren's lightsaber!

What did you make of Jacen Syndulla's live-action debut? Drop us a comment down below.

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regularmovieguy - 8/31/2023, 11:43 AM
Feel like we’re in the appendixes of Star Wars.
clintthahamster - 8/31/2023, 11:54 AM
@regularmovieguy - Yeah, Ahsoka definitely has a lot of lore pulled in from Clone Wars and Rebels, and it's clearly made for fans of the wider "Filoniverse." That said, I am one of those fans, so I'm having a blast with it.
grif - 8/31/2023, 11:54 AM
i am not sure how you can make Mary Elizabeth Winstead look unattractive but good work
MarkCassidy - 8/31/2023, 11:55 AM
@grif - really? Still totally would.
iceballsreborn - 8/31/2023, 12:02 PM
@grif - nah man. to the contrary im now into women who have head tails.
Urubrodi - 8/31/2023, 12:16 PM
@grif - Unnatractive? What you on about?
McMurdo - 8/31/2023, 12:46 PM
@MarkCassidy - Praise God
marvel72 - 8/31/2023, 1:38 PM
@MarkCassidy - You dirty man but I can see why.
Crtdacct2say - 8/31/2023, 11:57 AM
Kanan must be a freaking Viltrumite! His genes dominated.
TyrantBossMedia - 8/31/2023, 12:21 PM
What an absolutely horrible show.
Cap1 - 8/31/2023, 4:22 PM
@TyrantBossMedia - as much as we often disagree, I sighed a sigh of relief seeing this here. Just an absolute hot mess of a show. So incredibly boring and wooden
TyrantBossMedia - 8/31/2023, 8:44 PM
@Cap1 - "boring and wooden". I too agree with that assessment.
OptimusPrime114 - 8/31/2023, 1:27 PM
Of course Jacen Syndulla got his name stolen from Jacen Solo.
Urubrodi - 8/31/2023, 1:30 PM
@OptimusPrime114 - Well that character can no longer be added to canon for obvious reasons, so what's the problem in paying homage to their own characters?
The1st - 8/31/2023, 2:15 PM
@OptimusPrime114 - For his sake, I hope he's not tooooo much like Cae...er, Jacen.
OptimusPrime114 - 9/1/2023, 11:13 PM
@The1st - Kylo Ren already filled THAT role.
The1st - 9/15/2023, 9:34 AM
@OptimusPrime114 - Exactly.
AnthonyVonGeek - 8/31/2023, 1:45 PM
Oh look Disney keeps looting the the stuff they made “non canon” cause they can’t come up with anything original. 🙄🥱😴
Urubrodi - 8/31/2023, 1:53 PM
So the only alien trait he got from her was the green hair colour?
Timerider - 8/31/2023, 3:17 PM
I think General Hera will disobey Chancellor Mon Mothma. I have a feeling we’ll get General Hera saving the day and flying the Ghost with Zeb at the guns blasting away. Sabine saves Ezra as they board the Ghost together. Then we see Sabine teaching Jacen as Ezra looks on.
NinnesMBC - 9/2/2023, 2:20 AM
I really hope there are plans for Jacen in the future.

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