Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI One Of His Favorite Things From Disney Era

Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI "One Of His Favorite Things" From Disney Era

OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: He [Was] Drinking Too Much...
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OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: "He [Was] Drinking Too Much..."

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NinnesMBC - 2/5/2020, 12:04 PM
I never knew of this character. Hopefully they can still find a way to bring him to live action if the plans haven't changed that much.
L0RDbuckethead - 2/5/2020, 1:05 PM
@NinnesMBC -

Worth the 5-minute watch. With knowledge of his backstory in Legends, you can kind of see where they were going with his involvement in the Obi-Wan series
GhostDog - 2/5/2020, 12:14 PM
He would've been nice to have and I feel like they could've tweaked the story to make room for him, without him going after Luke.
bobevanz - 2/5/2020, 12:23 PM
Rewrite and have obi wan fight Darth Maul live action wooooo
SerKurtWagner - 2/5/2020, 12:27 PM
I hope they find a way to still use him. He was always my top choice to be the villain in this.
Chewtoy - 2/5/2020, 12:31 PM
Here's the problem I have with a prequel story like this with Obi Wan protecting a young Luke Skywalker... What is possibly in doubt? Luke's gonna live. Obi Wan is gonna live. The villain is never going to be heard of again.

You're already handicapping yourself with a hero who can never be in real jeopardy, so you have to have a goal that can be put in doubt.
clornelas - 2/5/2020, 12:36 PM
@Chewtoy - Rogue One was the best Star Wars movie (that's right, I said it) and you knew both that the rebels were going to get the plans and that everyone involved was going to die. Still spectacular.
Chewtoy - 2/5/2020, 12:48 PM
@TheJustinHammer - Sure, but it's still a handicap to *know* it without a doubt... and as I said, you offset that by having a goal that can be in doubt instead. Here, it would have neither.

@clornelas - I disagree entirely that Rogue One is written in a way that the audience is supposed to know ahead of time that all of the major charactes die in the end. It specifically uses all-new characters with different goals to tell the story.

Regardless, it's true that you can make a compelling story out of a known tragedy... a sense of known dread actually helps build drama. But keep in mind this Obi Wan thing can't be a tragedy for Obi Wan or Luke... there is no building sense of doom. They can't lose.
clornelas - 2/5/2020, 12:56 PM
@Chewtoy - As to Rogue One, all new characters... that never show up in any subsequent movies. I guess you can tell yourself that maybe after they inevitably succeed they decide they're done with the rebellion and ride off into the sunset, or maybe these soon to be heroes become background extras as the original trilogy unfolds.
As to Ob1 and Luke, they can't lose... Unless someone, anyone becomes special to either of them in the 20 years on tattooine. Not entirely unforeseeable. In fact, you've gotta imagine that the cast will consist of more than OB1, Luke, Beru, and Owen, and that some of those people will be of marginal significance to the ones we know survive to Ep. 4. I suspect OB1 will lose a great deal.
Chewtoy - 2/5/2020, 1:12 PM
@TheJustinHammer - @clornelas -

And there you go... you have both added goals that are in doubt to make the concept more interesting, because you have to... the core concept of "Obi Wan protects Luke" is inherently uninteresting, as it is in no doubt.

So, the more interesting premise to this series is not "Obi Wan must protect Luke from A'Sharad Hett", but rather "Obi Wan must accomplish ________ while keeping his vow to watch over Luke."

I don't have a problem with this villainous character or even a goal to protect Luke, but that's a complication and not a compelling storyline itself, and so it's shouldn't be sold as the conflict of the tale. The meat of the storyline is what protecting Luke is conflicting with... that's where things get interesting.

clornelas - 2/5/2020, 12:41 PM
I like the idea because if a force sensitive, good or bad, were to visit tattooine, they would undoubtedly sense the presence of OB1 and Luke's power. So if you're planning on a story with OB1 solely on tattooine, you're probably going to include Luke in some way, UNLESS OB1 will not be going up against other force sensitives, which The Mandalorian already showed us is both possible and enjoyable.
clornelas - 2/5/2020, 12:44 PM
How about an episode with an older Cal Kestis and maybe Cere showing up, helping out Ob1, and realizing that the time isn't right to begin Luke's training? As filler episodes go, it would be a great one. Hell, any excuse to get Cameron Monaghan more involved in the SW universe.
ngg8tron - 2/5/2020, 1:02 PM
This might be the maddest I have ever been with the new canon. I LOVE Legacy and they keep ruining it.
AnthonyVonGeek - 2/5/2020, 1:07 PM

Here Kennedy admits the scripts are done and it’s ready to shoot so what happened?
Why the abrupt change of everything?
She is the worst choice to lead Lucasfilm, everything she touches falls apart.
L0RDbuckethead - 2/5/2020, 1:08 PM
Damn, that's a shame. I knew they were thinking of using him and his backstory when this was still considered a movie., but I didn't know the plot had carried over to the TV show plans.

I can kind of see what they meant by saying it would've been a bit too similar to the Mandalorian.

Sucks though. Hett v Obi-Wann would've been badass.
bkmeijer2 - 2/5/2020, 2:21 PM
I'm kinda glad they're moving on from that idea, because I think it would be kinda boring to introduce another Jedi that survived Order 66. I much rather see a character like the MCU's Zemo, just a regular guy with a very personal connection to the main character
Darth258 - 2/5/2020, 3:33 PM
Bring back Durge!

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