New Wolverine Poster? Maybe.

New Wolverine Poster? Maybe.

Here be a new poster for Wolverine (im dropping the "Origins" bit from now on!), or possibly a fan-made one? Who the hell is Mike Markus?

By MarkCassidy - Mar 24, 2009 10:03 AM EST
Source: MTV Splashpage

This new poster features (as before) Logan, Sabertooth, "Wade Wilson" , Gambit and Silver well as Emma Frost and a young Scott Summers, who seems to be featuring much more prominently in the marketing for this movie lately..being the focus of a couple of new TV spots and so forth. Its certainly a turn around from just having a rumored cameo at the start!

So what could be the reasons for this? Are Fox panicked that people might not flock to a movie based soley around one X Man? Or is it an attempt to draw a younger audience by putting a teenage Mutant in the movie?

Either way fan reaction to Summers inclusion in the movie has been lukewarm to say the least! How will this poster go down?

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bleclercq - 3/24/2009, 11:58 AM
I thinks its fake. It looks like the X-Men X in the background and Wolverine isn't an X-Man in this movie yet, though one could argue that its there because this is an X-Men movie.
SdProphet - 3/24/2009, 12:02 PM
Steroids... Damn horse of a man lol.
Hey what if deadpools outfit/mask was orginally made for weapon cause he's so ugly and when wade loses all the super mutant powers at the end he finds the outfit in the base and puts it on to cover up his battle wounds.... (just a theory)
CrookedJaw - 3/24/2009, 12:10 PM
that's kind of the common consensus jeter...that his body either rejects the implants, or he regenerates without them and takes on the name Deadpool at the end...but about the poster...I actuallly think it looks good, it does look photoshopped, but who cares, bravo to Mike Markus, goo work
DarkAvengers - 3/24/2009, 12:18 PM
Best poster so far. Fake or not, looks good.
MarkCassidy - 3/24/2009, 12:20 PM
Well, apparantly its the real deal..Mike Markus has a web page that gathers together new clips and posters that hit the web..i have no idea why he felt the need to plaster his name on it but it seems to be on the link
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 3/24/2009, 12:24 PM
Good poster but I think it's fake. It's the same Logan from the "eyes down" pic, the background looks like the x men "X" and the other people look a bit too "cut and paste" (if that's even a phrase?!). Does look pretty cool though.
hamish - 3/24/2009, 12:26 PM
This is a real poster! I live in the UK and it was in a paper called the Metro yesterday (Monday). The "Mike Marcus" bit has obviously been added by someone but this poster was on a full page and mentioned at the bottom that there would be an advert at some point during "24" on Sky 1 last night, which I unfortunately did not get to see...
Juicerules - 3/24/2009, 12:32 PM
I am glad Cyclops is in this movie. He did not get any good scenes or screen time in any of the prior x-films. From the trailer he appears to have a better action scene in this flick then in any of the other films. Just remember the movie-verse is different then the comic book universe. The sooner we all realize this the easier it is to accept the changes.
MarkCassidy - 3/24/2009, 12:46 PM
Yeah but the reason he didnt get much screen time is that the character is a frakking asshole! I HATE Cyclops..even the writers hate Cyclops for Gods sake! In nearly every comic hes in hes portrayed as a grade A bastard, and is usually just foil for Wolvie to crack jokes about..This is the whole point of the character, and James Marsden brought it to the screen wonderfully!
FalconX2 - 3/24/2009, 1:15 PM
Man, where's my Emma in the assgrabbing pants, thighhighs, and megacleavage bustier... I feel gypped.
spanky - 3/24/2009, 1:40 PM
nice pic, makes me laugh, i'm spanky and i just don't know anymore!
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 3/24/2009, 1:41 PM
I agree 100% with you Rorschach. I even hated him in the cartoons, such a tosser! Like you said, that's what he's there for, a self absorbed, pompous prick with a rod up his ass.

I have no problem with him being in this movie, if they hint at the Sinister side (I sooooo hope they do) then I'd go as far to say his involvement is a good move.
loelife - 3/24/2009, 1:55 PM
if people are saying they see the poster around then it can't be fake unless we have a lot of fakes on here. i think the poster is cheesy, it reminds me of the xmen movies and this is a wolverine movie. i'm starting to think that they are adding too much shit to this, i will love this movie, but i will still probably think that it could be better. if they stayed on the sabertooth part and really built on their relationship, it would be the movie i dreamt of. but i can say it now, and ya'll can tell me what you think after the movie, but i have a feeling liev is going to surprise all of us. i think that he is going to knock the part outta the gnikcuf park. i think everything will be good though, but i would love if they stuck hard to the weapon x book, that and in the movie x2 it shows a flashback of him running out of the weapon x building with blood all over him yelling and shit. as long as they keep that going too. i don't know if they are going to have sinister in it, but i can't see anyone else who that actor could be.
mutantJ - 3/24/2009, 1:55 PM
People this poster is not fake trust me..i was on the tube station reading the paper and i came across this very poster inside!!!! its 100% real and i REALY did see it..its not fake
DJCheckPoint - 3/24/2009, 2:20 PM
Fake, just like all my fat. Fake fake fake
mutantJ - 3/24/2009, 2:48 PM
its not fake and neither is that pic u gt up that iz actuali u lool

i saw it myself in a frickin news paper blud so u can kiss my mixed race ass loool
moraghan - 3/24/2009, 2:52 PM
its 100% REAL....

it ran in the british press here yesterday....
there was full page adds featuring this image in "londonlite" and "the metro".. free papers you pick up in the subway/tube.

They used it to to trail exclusvie promo footage/tv spots of the film they would be showing on satelite/cable channel SKY1 during the commercial breaks of 24...

it was used to advertise the forthcoming film and indeed flog the SKY channel and 24...


sorry to burst your bubble DJCheckPoint...well done mutantJ
mutantJ - 3/24/2009, 3:03 PM
moraghan- Thank you i was finkin maybe i shuda just saved that paper just 2 prove it lool
moraghan - 3/24/2009, 3:03 PM
moraghan - 3/24/2009, 3:19 PM
ta dah!...

but while we're on the subject... the poster REEKS of studio panic!....

Wolverine was supposed to be a "solo" outing feature film,... but yet here we have him in a team flick...again...

oh and doesn't it look like X-men?...oh yeah the public liked those films...we'll market this shambles like one of, erm i dunno... X-MEN 4!!!! WOW what a blinding idea...perhaps they wont realise we've made a movie full of expensive set pieces with bad dialoge, dissapointing acting and a sham of a story...LOL...

just a thought...I'll reserve judgement till I see it....i think it looks good but the new marketing campaign is a worry...
moraghan - 3/24/2009, 3:39 PM
again studio panic...cause he was in X-MEN....remember the general public dont like "new" things...they like more of the association they will flock to see this cause they liked X-men and it will gross millions!!!!!...apparently

you cant polish a turd...

people know when your pissing on their boots and telling them its a rain storm...

make a poster that suits the character and movie you've made and let the folks decide, dont dictate to the audience what they are getting, they will only be dissapointed when it turns out to be something different...
Metalhead82 - 3/24/2009, 4:39 PM
Totally Fake!!!!!!
Acidust - 3/24/2009, 4:50 PM
This is an official poster. I saw it the other day when I went to the movies.
TheSoulEater - 3/24/2009, 5:57 PM
I'm thinking this looks more like X4 then Wolv origins
Lazyhero - 3/25/2009, 12:06 AM
They messed up heck of ####ing bad with the x-men story line. It is kind of desapointing at least Wolverine looks cool but come on u know every one would go to see the movie if he wore his suit.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 3/25/2009, 4:43 AM

"you cant polish a turd..."

Clearly you've never walked a dog on a frosty morning!
moraghan - 3/25/2009, 5:10 AM
@Howlett04...thanks for the tip!

@Meatlhead82...erm...did u read the previous posts it is 100% real...its runing in the British Press?...duh?

amd what u cant see under the "mike markus" overlay, is little "X" oil smear on his white vest...lord!
StSharp - 3/25/2009, 9:33 AM
this is obviouly fan-made. No movie posters say the day its out...WEDS 29-04-09. WEDS? come on. And besides, its supposed to be the other way around, 04-29-09...but overall, this poster looks pretty cool XD
Colt - 3/25/2009, 12:15 PM
thats how the entire rest of the world writes dates. and thats exactly when its coming out in the UK.
LEEE777 - 3/25/2009, 1:32 PM
How can CYCLOPS be in the movie?? Ain't it like 20 or so years in the past???? WTF??? : D
MarkCassidy - 3/25/2009, 1:44 PM
It goes all the way up until about 15 years before the events of X Men 1..Cyc is sposed to be about 16 or 17 in this movie.
moraghan - 3/25/2009, 4:12 PM
@neumn13......ITS REAL!!!!!!......christ you have three posts here by different people(clearly all london based) that have seen it in the british press!!!!!!!!

with our very own use your eyes and read the posts previous to your own..jeeez!

...or we could just have made it up to taunt people like yourself...but seriously, like we have the time...

CaptMarvelfan - 3/25/2009, 7:17 PM
Why would Cyclops or any of the X-men from 1-3 even be in it? This would throw the standing story line into turmoil..

X-men they are susposed to meet for the first time following the Truck Accident in Alberta.. I could see Sabertooth and Lady Deathstrike appearing since they were all part of Weapon-X. Showing any X-man from the 1st - 3rd would be as bad as the mistake in Spiderman 1 & 3 (Spiderman 1 mentioned Eddie Brock getting a picture of Julia Roberts in a Thong but yet Jamison has no Idea who Eddie Brock is when he appears in Spiderman 3)
Hobgoblyn - 3/27/2009, 2:36 AM
Who the hell cares about the standing story?... The standing story was so ****ed up what with X3, it really doesn't matter much if they stick with perfect continuity.

They never cared for much sensibility or continuity when it came to Wolverine adventures in the comics.
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