Latino review recently interviewed Ryan Reynolds about Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine. Hopefully this will ease doubts about Weapon Xi and Deadpool.
On talking about how his character would be portrayed in the film he said:
“ Ya, he walks the line. Ya, I think you will actually care about him. You'll be curious about him. You'll be curious beyond the film, you'll be curious about him. I play Wade Wilson and I play Deadpool, and the character I play as Deadpool, I personally, Fox may differ from me, but I personally don't consider him as Deadpool, I consider him to be what Deadpool becomes. Or the thing Deadpool came from. It doesn't carry on past that.”
When asked about the possibility of a Deadpool spinoff he replied:
“Ya, I love the character. I've always loved the character. I remember reading one of the Deadpool comic books, and somebody asked Deadpool what he looks like. And he said he looks like a cross between a Shar-Pei and Ryan Reynolds. And I was like, I really, really wanna play this guy at some point. I thought it was pretty cool. It's a guy that knows he's in a comic book. How hard is it to shoot that properly? That's not something they put in Wolverine nor would it belong in that universe.”
That means no breaking the 4th wall...
When asked if the mask, or costume would be in the film he said:
“I'm not gonna answer that.”

When asked if the reason he wears the mask would be in the film, he said:
"Ya, ya. Well, it's an origin story, so again I don't consider myself playing Deadpool. I'm the thing that will eventually become Deadpool. But ya, he's scarred up. You're gonna see the scars. That's all in there."
Reynolds also said that a sequel would depend on Wolverine, and popular it is, it also depends on how well Deadpool is recieved.
Well I hope that he does get a Deadpool movie. That part about him playing what Deadpool was has me worried that Weapon XI will be him. but maybe not cause Reynolds didn't say he would not have the mask.