I'll star out by saying, no. This movie is actually decent. Ill even o as far as to say this is closest thing we'll get to a comic book accurate X-men film. Thats not to say its not without its problems because clearly there are quite a few.
Ill start out by saying James McAvoy and Michael fassbender once again deliver stand out performances. Quicksilver is great, though a bit overpowered. Newcomers, cyclops, nightcrawler, and jean all do their part, and for once are actually given something to do. Visually the movie looks impressive. It was pretty cool finally see magneto with his magnetic fields, jean with ther flaming phoenix, the X-men fighting as a team, and even an awesome (and suprisingly graphic ) cameo by wolverine. Almost every character, save for Apocalypse himself, look very much like their comic book counterparts. One scene in particular, involves Eriks family being murdered by police officers as they attempted to take his daughter away. I wont go into detail here but, this was a pretty emotional scene. Michael Fassbender really sells it. The Third act, though goes on a bit long was really a joy to watch.
As exited as i was to finally see En Sabah Nur himself on the big screen. I have to admit i was disapointed in how they protrayed the character. While Bryan Singer does a good job at showing us his powers. The movie itself, barely even touches on the full extent of his powers. I also feel, like Oscar Issac was wasted here. While his performance is fine, his character could have been written and designed alot better......I mean.......Come on Singer, was this so hard to adapt to the big screen?!

It also doesnt help that his goals were never made clear. But it doesnt end there, Psyloche was barely even a character in this film and Angel gets the shaft again. (His death scene was terrible ) Also as much as i enjoyed the wolverine cameo scene, i felt it didnt add anything to the story. After the X-Mansion gets destroyed, Stryker, out of knowhere appears and captures Mystique, moria, beast and quicksilver. Why is stryker in this movie again?! I take it this scene was reshoot of sorts just to shoehorn wolverine in the movie. This scene, though awesome went knowhere.
Outside of that, there are a few pacing issues and the runtime was bit long.
A flawed, but very entertaing addition to the X-Men Franchise. While it doesnt quite hold a candle to Days of Future past, its not as bad as X-Men Origins.