Being an Australian like so many other Aussies the Mad Max films are something which is near and dear to my heart, after about 25 years George Miller has finally finished his next installment in this original post apocolyptic franchise and I for one am extremly looking forward to it. This latest trailer has revealed many new juicy images within the movie and I had a few ideas on what they might be.
First off there are many of these steering wheel symbols in the trailer, the one on the chastity belt, the ones on the ceiling and the one on the waterfall carved into the mountain of rock, this looks like it is a major part of the story and I think this gives some hints as to what is happening
The Mountain of rock is actually like a sacred temple and all these young girls are kind of virgin priestess who live within the temple (I’m presuming they are virgins due to the chastity belt we see). The guys with the white faces are the priests, and these people live there and kind of protect this sacred place. It is also a possibility that there is some connection with the priests with white faces and Screwloose from Beyond Thunderdome, is he one of the white faced men now grown up, could he be the original Priest and the founder of this cult of water?
Screwloose from Beyond Thunderdome

I think the movie will be centred around two main plots, the rescue of the girls and a fight for water.
My guess is Charlie's character whose name is Imperator Furiosa, has a sister or friends in this temple who are kept there as prisoners by the Priests to be used in their rituals or possibly even used as sacrifices to the sacred water Gods, Imperator is on a mission to rescue her sister/friends and on her way meets Max who she convinces to help her in the rescue.
It looks like there are three different groups fighting each other and they all have different goals. Team Max/Imperator are on a rescue mission while the Priests are attempting to stop Max and Imperator from their rescue, while the other group of crazies goal could be to take over the water temple.
I also have a theory that the steering wheel symbol could be a religion formed around Max himself and these Priest worship him as the messiah/saviour which is a continuation from the Beyond Thunderdome storyline with the feral children, though I think this may just be a small part of the back story and not something that revolves around the main plot, more likely that they see him as a Messiah like figure and Max uses that to earn their trust in order to rescue the girls. Thou ultimately they turn against him after they realize he isnt the messiah they thought him to be.
Chastity belt with the steering wheel symbol on it, also she is being held captive.
The steering wheels on the ceiling.
The steering wheel on the mountain of rock, notice in the first picture the waterfall is flowing and the next picture there is no water flowing, could the drummers be beginning the ceremony to sacrifice a virgin and bring forth the water.
Max being caught after breaking into the temple when attempting to rescue the girls.
One of the white faced men is allies with Max and his group, perhaps he is romantically involved with one of the girls and is also trying to escape the temple.
Is this white faced man attempting to rescue Max from this vehicle?
This is all pure speculation of course and there is absolutely no way to be certain what is really happening from watching a two minute trailer, but I think it could be a basic outline and I might have hit the mark with a few of these ideas.
Mad Max Fury Road could possibly be one of the greatest films of 2015 if not the decade, it has been highly anticipated and I would love to hear other peoples thoughts and ideas on what they think may or may not happen.