Thief of Thieves was created by Robert Kirkman, and focuses on Conrad Paulson, a highly-successful thief who quits the business and begins a new life stealing from other thieves. Featuring numerous writers and artists, the series has become one of Image Comics' best-seling titles in their Skybound imprint. It has in fact become such a hit that AMC (the network behind The Walking Dead and other critically acclaimed series' such as Breaking Bad and Mad Men) are already working on adapting it to the small screen. Thanks to Comic Book Resources, we have the following update from the "We Love the Dead" panel at MorrisonCon today.
Kirkman offered an update on the AMC "Thief of Thieves" TV series, which is currently in the script-writing stage. Once the pilot script is finished, then the network will read it and give notes and then they may get the chance to shoot a pilot. Kirkman said writer Charles Eglee was doing "an amazing job" on the script.