ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE Concept Art Reveals John Stewart Green Lantern, Scarred Joker, And More

ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE Concept Art Reveals John Stewart Green Lantern, Scarred Joker, And More ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE Concept Art Reveals John Stewart Green Lantern, Scarred Joker, And More

Concept artist Jojo Aguilar has shared some of the work he did for Zack Snyder's Justice League, and that includes the John Stewart Green Lantern, Granny Goodness, Martian Manhunter, and The Joker...

By JoshWilding - Apr 02, 2021 04:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Zack Snyder only added a few scenes to his "Snyder Cut" of Justice League, but a lot of work went into making them a reality. Now, concept artist Jojo Aguilar has shared some of the artwork he was hired to do, and it gives us a much better look at the Martian Manhunter and Granny Goodness designs. 

They both look exactly how they did in the movie itself, though the latter only really appeared in the background of a couple of shots. We also see a slightly different take on Jared Leto's Joker.

The Clown Prince of Crime has the scars we know he was supposed to get in David Ayer's original cut of Suicide Squad and is dressed a little smarter than the version we saw in the movie's epilogue. It's a pretty cool take on The Joker, and one which would have obviously acknowledged the "Ayer Cut." 

However, the big reveal here is the John Stewart version of Green Lantern. Snyder hoped to include him in that final scene with Bruce Wayne, but Warner Bros. pushed back. This looks a little like Omari Hardwick to us, who we know has worked with Snyder on Army of the Dead (and expressed interest in the Green Lantern role when we spoke to him for his movie Spell last year). 

Check out this concept art for Zack Snyder's Justice League below:

Click on the "Next" button below to check out a ranking
of the DCEU movies according to Rotten Tomatoes!

10. Suicide Squad


Score: 26%

Rotten or Fresh? Rotten

Critics Consensus: Suicide Squad boasts a talented cast and a little more humor than previous DCEU efforts, but they aren't enough to save the disappointing end result from a muddled plot, thinly written characters, and choppy directing.

Task Force X's debut was a box office hit, but issues behind the scenes meant that the finished product was something of a mess. There was a lot here that worked, and it's a shame critics mostly focused on what didn't, especially as the dynamic between these villains was a blast to follow. Ultimately, it was Harley Quinn and Deadshot who stole the show thanks to Margot Robbie and Will Smith.

9. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


Score: 28%

Rotten or Fresh? Rotten

Critics Consensus: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice smothers a potentially powerful story -- and some of America's most iconic superheroes -- in a grim whirlwind of effects-driven action.

It may have been vastly different from what Marvel Studios delivered in terms of tone, but Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice didn't deserve the negative reviews it received, even if there were some questionable creative decisions (Batman should never kill). Seeing the Man of Steel go to war with the Dark Knight was a blast, and from a visual standpoint, Zack Snyder delivered a stunning, must-see epic movie. 

8. Justice League (2017)


Score: 40%

Rotten or Fresh? Rotten

Critics Consensus: Justice League leaps over a number of DC movies, but its single bound isn't enough to shed the murky aesthetic, thin characters, and chaotic action that continue to dog the franchise.

Justice League was a mixture of two competing visions (Zack Snyder's original movie and Joss Whedon's extensive reshoots), but it certainly wasn't the worst superhero movie ever released! Whedon's hopeful take on Superman was welcomed, but the cheesy humour was not, and Steppenwolf proved to be a major disappointment. It will be interesting seeing how "The Snyder Cut" fares when it hits HBO Max next year.

7. Man Of Steel


Score: 56%

Rotten or Fresh? Rotten

Critics Consensus: Man of Steel's exhilarating action and spectacle can't fully overcome its detours into generic blockbuster territory.

Considered the best big screen take on Superman by many fans, critics weren't quite what to make of a darker take on this character in Man of Steel (General Zod's death remains a huge talking point even seven years later). There were a tonne of iconic moments, though, including Superman taking flight for the first time and that memorable final reveal that he'd donned a pair of glasses to work at The Daily Planet.

6. Wonder Woman 1984


Score: 59%

Rotten or Fresh? Rotten

Critics Consensus: Wonder Woman 1984 struggles with sequel overload, but still offers enough vibrant escapism to satisfy fans of the franchise and its classic central character.

When the review embargo first lifted, Wonder Woman 1984 had a score in the high 80s and a completely different Critics Consensus to the one you've read above...oh, and it was "Certified Fresh" as well! That all changed in the weeks which followed, hence why this sequel is now considered "Rotten." Why the response so drastically altered is hard to say, but this take on Diana Prince was not embraced by fans.

5. Aquaman


Score: 65%

Rotten or Fresh? Fresh

Critics Consensus: Aquaman swims with its entertainingly ludicrous tide, offering up CGI superhero spectacle that delivers energetic action with an emphasis on good old-fashioned fun.

Aquaman was definitely a step in the right direction for the DC Extended Universe, but not even that made many critics happy! There were heaps of incredible visuals, lots of groundbreaking technology, and some legitimately funny jokes, and the action was definitely strong. It sometimes tried a little too hard to be a Marvel movie, though, so that could explain why it wasn't ultimately "Certified Fresh."

4. Zack Snyder's Justice League


Score: 73%

Rotten or Fresh? Fresh

Critics Consensus: Zack Snyder's Justice League lives up to its title with a sprawling cut that expands to fit the director's vision -- and should satisfy the fans who willed it into existence.

Zack Snyder's Justice League has been embraced by fans (and many critics!), and it's currently just 2% away from being "Certified Fresh." Whether it will reach that status remains to be seen, but this four-hour epic has been embraced by most, even if it does nothing to change the minds of those who don't like the filmmaker's work. Now, the #RestoreTheSnyderVerse movement demanding a sequel has begun...

3. Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)


Score: 78%

Rotten or Fresh? Certified Fresh

Critics Consensus: With a fresh perspective, some new friends, and loads of fast-paced action, Birds of Prey captures the colorfully anarchic spirit of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn.

Birds of Prey flopped at the box office, but was exactly the movie critics were looking for...well, mostly! While not quite a critical darling, Cathy Yan's unique take on the vibrant world of Harley Quinn was positively received, even if comic book fans were disappointed (and many will be angry to see it rank above the Snyder Cut). After all, the Birds of Prey were an afterthought in their own movie, but this still pretty good fun. 

2. Shazam!


Score: 90%

Rotten or Fresh? Certified Fresh

Critics Consensus: An effortlessly entertaining blend of humor and heart, Shazam! is a superhero movie that never forgets the genre's real power: joyous wish fulfillment.

The most Marvel-style DCEU movie to date, Shazam! was a legitimately very funny origin story for this character, but also one that featured a lot of heart. Given how weak the Seven Deadly Sins were as villains - and how rushed the introduction of the Shazam Family was - this score seems a little too high, but there's no getting around the fact that David F. Sandberg delivered an awesome take on this fan-favourite superhero.

1. Wonder Woman


Score: 93%

Rotten or Fresh? Certified Fresh

Critics Consensus: Thrilling, earnest, and buoyed by Gal Gadot's charismatic performance, Wonder Woman succeeds in spectacular fashion.

Still considered the best DCEU movie by many, Patty Jenkins definitely exceeded expectations with Wonder Woman and will hopefully do the same again with Wonder Woman 1984. Making it clear that female-led superhero blockbusters can work, the 2017 release was a lot of fun, features a great cast, and an unforgettable - and now iconic scene courtesy of that "No Man's Land" sequence set during WWI. 

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The JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie That Never Was: Everything We Know About Will Beall's Scrapped DC Movie

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DeadClunge - 4/2/2021, 2:44 AM
GL would have worked better than MM at the end.
Origame - 4/2/2021, 4:09 AM
@ClungeZilaVDong - I still think it would've been better with that being superman officially joining the league.
DeadClunge - 4/2/2021, 4:59 AM
@Origame - Didn't think of that, would have been a nice moment 🤔
Odin - 4/2/2021, 4:15 PM
@ClungeZilaVDong - Apparently in the original script, that scene had Tomar-Re and Kilowog visiting Bruce Wayne and telling him that due the Darkseid's activities Earth will once again get it's own Green Lantern.
Darkknight2149 - 4/2/2021, 2:45 AM
Really glad they changed Joker from the 2016 look.
InfinitePunches - 4/2/2021, 2:45 AM
Pretty crazy that Granny Goodness was all CGI. Combined with those AI voice generators and pretty soon we won't even need actors anymore.
RageDriver2401 - 4/2/2021, 2:52 AM
The Snyder news:
IcePyke - 4/2/2021, 3:00 AM
@RageDriver2401 -
The answer:
dracula - 4/2/2021, 3:01 AM
@RageDriver2401 - As long as Josh is on this site, it will never end.

Even when we do get a Justice League movie with a new cast, he will probably be praising his lord and savior snyder
dragon316 - 4/2/2021, 5:20 AM
@dracula - @dracula - same with stupid RACIST FAN CASTING that will never end pick people who best looks part in books not right it’s best who experiance not looks dominoe is black in movie but white in comics no fan cast there
Satan - 4/2/2021, 6:33 AM
@dragon316 - Why is everything you say incoherent? Are you trying to say it’s racist to cast someone in a role who isn’t the same color they are in the source material?
dagenspear - 4/2/2021, 10:00 AM
@dragon316 - What? Are people not allowed to want a fancasting they think looks the part?
dagenspear - 4/2/2021, 10:01 AM
@dragon316 - Why is that racist or stupid?
dracula - 4/2/2021, 2:59 AM
Granny Goodness : It works

John Stewart : It's okay, one of Snyder's simpler designs compared to how much he usually over designs everyone else. Id say the Ryan Reynolds suit was better, if only they had good CGI.

Martian Manhunter : Sucks, Supergirl did it better

Joker : Looks like he just took some of the art from Suicide Squad
dracula - 4/2/2021, 3:01 AM
Why does everyone except Granny look like a lord of the rings monster on apocalypse
Odin - 4/2/2021, 3:21 AM
@dracula - To be fair, has it ever been addressed in the comics why some new gods randomly look like a complete aliens, while others can pass as humans?
4thMaster - 4/2/2021, 8:15 AM
@dracula - She's a very last minute add, probably to help fill up space in that scene. So they didn't have the time to change her design from the comics.
Gustopia - 4/2/2021, 9:57 AM
@Odin - if memory serves, the New Gods like Orion and the people of Apocalypse have been at war for a long time, then the kings like swapped princess as a peace offering or something so the 2 worlds had a truce. So if you see anyone on Apocalypse that looks human, they are from the New Gods planet, I wanna say it was called New Genesis but im not solid on that.
Repian - 4/2/2021, 3:16 AM
Granny Goodness could be Nicky Guadagni. The concept art is very similar to her.

Moriakum - 4/2/2021, 3:19 AM

And some people think WB is gonna spend hundreds of millions of dollars in another Snyder DC movie. His movies disappointed at the BO and now the vast majority of people are not watching ZSJL until the end. The general audience just don´t care about the mediocre Snyderverse.
dracula - 4/2/2021, 3:21 AM
@Moriakum -
Blergh - 4/2/2021, 5:03 AM
@Moriakum - wow, that's a pretty damning statistic.
Amuro - 4/2/2021, 3:31 AM
It's a sad thing to say but the more I see about Zack Snyder's aborted plans, the more I'm hyped about what could have been, while I can't say I'm hyped about the actual plans for the DCEU's future movies, except for Michael Keaton returning as the Batman.
valmic - 4/2/2021, 3:42 AM
Cut the whole epilogue out and it’s better. I want Ed Asner as Granny Goodness in live action.
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