THE ACOLYTE Spoilers: Showrunner And Star Explain Violent Character Deaths And The Master's True Identity

THE ACOLYTE Spoilers: Showrunner And Star Explain Violent Character Deaths And The Master's True Identity

The Acolyte showrunner Leslye Headland breaks down today's shocking episode, "Night," and explains the thinking behind those big character deaths. The Master actor also chimes in to discuss his unmasking!

By JoshWilding - Jun 26, 2024 02:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: EW (via

In today's episode of The Acolyte, Manny Jactinto's mild-mannered Qimir is unmasked as the Sith villain Entertainment Weekly (via has dubbed the "Stranger." 

We've been referring to him as The Master until now but, according to the villain himself, he has no name (perhaps making "Stranger" a better fit). Either way, after seeing him brutally slice his way through the Jedi - including a couple of fan favourites - we know this baddie shouldn't be taken lightly. 

Talking to the site, showrunner Leslye Headland addressed the twist and the fact some viewers may have seen this reveal coming. 

"I think a good twist is not about hiding everything from the audience and then throwing it on them like, 'Hey, this is what you didn't see! We hid it so well that you didn't see this!'" she said. "I think a good twist is telegraphing what's going to happen, and then once it does, executing it without an ounce of pity or sentimentality."

"That's what I loved about starting with the red shirts," Headland adds, referring to the unnamed Jedi who accompany Sol, Jecki, and Yord on this mission. "You're kind of like, 'Oh, he's just going to kill a bunch of red shirts, and everybody is going to be fine and... OH MY GOD, JECKI'S DEAD! Okay, I'm listening.'"

For Jacinto, playing Qimir/the Stranger meant exploring a duality we haven't really seen in Star Wars since Darth Sidious was posing as the unremarkable, kindly Senator Palpatine in The Phantom Menace

"We talked a lot about how you take a low-status character and convert him to a badass," the actor explains. "He's a guy that is so under the radar, that nobody is paying attention to, and all of a sudden he's actually the guy pulling the strings."

"We wanted a character that was not just oppressive and powerful, but when you see him, you feel disturbed by him," Jacinto adds. "We wanted a character that isn't just a Darth Vader type of guy who overpowers the screen. It's the concept of the uncanny. It can be a stumble in a person's walk or a twitch in somebody's eye. It's very subtle, and it's just like this uncomfortableness that people experience — and that's what we wanted to hone in on for this Sith Lord."

As the episode ends, the Stranger finds the downed Osha and says, "What extraordinary beings we are. Even in the revelation of our triumph, we see the depth of our despair."

Asked what that means, Jacinto says, "I think it's essentially our introduction into the third act. It's basically summing up everything that you thought you knew in these first episodes. Now we're going into completely different territory. Now it's a different world that we're going to introduce you to, and not just a new story, but new motivations for all of the different characters."

"Osha is going to want to hear some of the things that the Stranger has to say," he concludes, teasing what sounds like an exciting final few episodes.

What did you think about today's episode of The Acolyte? Let us know in the comments section below.

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McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:08 PM
"I think a good twist is telegraphing what's going to happen, and then once it does, executing it without an ounce of pity or sentimentality."

So not a twist.
Origame - 6/26/2024, 2:14 PM
@McMurdo - clearly the best twist is one that's clearly explained to you beforehand 🤣

And before anyone says anything, the execution needs to be far more subtle then what they did. She wrote this guy's dialogue so he either was the master or that's the dumbest attempt at a red herring ever.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:15 PM
@McMurdo - wrong. The twist is simply not in the charactwr reveal but in the entire direction of the narrative.

People mistake "twist" to only apply to being a character you didn't see coming, but thats wrong. It can also be a thematic shift you didn't see coming, a death you didn't see coming etc
Slotherin - 6/26/2024, 2:21 PM
@Origame - have you watched any of this for yourself or still getting it all filtered through someone else?
TheFinestSmack - 6/26/2024, 2:23 PM
@McMurdo @origame - Ok, so I know that any of us can become writer's for this site, but how does one go about writing content for bags of Disney money? Do we just start writing stuff like this? Or do we wait for a contact dressed as Jiminy Cricket?
Origame - 6/26/2024, 2:28 PM
@Slotherin - I've literally seen his dialogue as he's talking g to Mae about her mission. It's crazy on point with him being the master.
Origame - 6/26/2024, 2:29 PM
@TheFinestSmack - my guess is just start blindly praising everything disney does and defend it religiously. Then you'll get the check in the mail.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:42 PM
@Toonstrack - lol and so what is this "twist" of the narrative man? Indulge me.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:50 PM
@McMurdo - its not hard to underhand. Tne entire show has changed in a single episode, from perception, to expectation, to tone. Before this ep not a single person would ever told you that we were looking at maybe zero main characters making it out of this alive and now that seems to be the prevailing theory. In 30 minutes the show went from "decent Disney star wars romp" to a jedi bloodbath and a story in which the villains are going to likely win.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 3:00 PM
@Toonstrack - before the episode, quite literally the only way the sith are back but they aren't plot makes a lick of sense is if no one makes it out alive. This is what people were theorizing prior to the shows release on boards and elsewhere. The story is about the Jedi becoming the villains for covering up the villain. It's been that story since episode 1.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 3:05 PM
@McMurdo - except no epsixoe before this even mentioned any sith. This epsidoe is the first time that's brought up, and its said by a guy who clearly is not a sith as he doesn't have the yellow eyes. Maybe he wants to be a sith, but hes not one.

And given that up tol this epsidoe no one mentioned sith it was entirely possible that the jedi would never know about his real intentions, so the expectation they'd have to die because of that kneodge wasn't there.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 3:14 PM
@Toonstrack - dude I'm not the one being dishonest here. In episode 2 we had our first Jedi suicide in SW history....and yet this was during the "lighthearted arc" according to you. We have a Jedi murdered within the very first minutes of the series. And now you are somehow convinced that two more Jedi main/not so main characters dying is somehow new!? You're killing me here. I am happy you enjoy the show but there quite literally is no tonal shift involved. It's literally episode 5 of the Acolyte. More Jedi die. Dark shit has been happening since the intro.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 3:37 PM
@McMurdo - not portrayed in the same way. You csnf just ignore the way everyone is reacting here. Some bloodless deaths with a small knife and an off screen death to a dude getting neck snapped on screen is a tonal shift and the evidence is in how everyone else is reaction to it
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 3:56 PM
@Toonstrack - LOL DUDE SUICIDE. MURDER. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. characters witnessing death is not, I repeat, NOT a tonal shift. You've insulted my intelligence for the last hour and now you've just outted yourself as having absolutely no clue as to what you are talking about regarding tone and a shift in tone.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 4:19 PM
@McMurdo - shift in tone has nothing to do with whether the same things are happening or not. The fact you dont know this proves you dont understand tone.

Captain america 1 and 2 both have the hero fighting nazis and good guys going down along the way. The tone of the two however is completely different.

Book of Boba fett has a higher body count in one epsiode than the entirety of Ashoka season 1, but ahsoka season one feels like a darker show because thats the way its totally displayed.

This isnt hard and your intelligence isn't being insulted. Im just giving you the information as it presents.
CreateNowSlpL8r - 6/26/2024, 4:27 PM
@Origame - She is a talentless idiot. She is essentially copying the very popular Hollywood trope avoidness technique ...subversion. Except, she has not talent and goes right to the twin switch trope. I mentioned this in my post in the last thread on the episode. Even the things she thinks shes "hiding" is telegraphed. Sol will tell Mae, Qimir will tell Osha. No one will care. This show is supposed to be about mystery. Where is the intrigue. Thats the problem with the writing. Headland writes like an amateur. She decides these "twists" need to happen and fills in the plot around subversion as opposed to writing the characters journey in a way where the twists are out of character or a change in the external conflict of the story.

This story has no character development. This show doesn't even know who its protagonist is. Its about Mae, Osha is just a plot device for Mae's conflict which is told so poorly, you can't buy into it. Shes bad, now shes good, now she leaves her sister (she turned good for last episode) stranded and alone on an alien planet Arrrghhh its so bad.

@McMurdo @Toonstrack @TheFinestSmack @Slotherin
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 4:40 PM
@CreateNowSlpL8r - no, she's doing solid work. You're actually upset that she DIDN'T subvert things here. Using a twin plot isn't off limits to anyone, even Lucas used it for an asspull in ROTJ
Origame - 6/26/2024, 5:21 PM
@CreateNowSlpL8r - twins is like the laziest plot device you can use for a murder mystery.
Origame - 6/26/2024, 5:23 PM
@Toonstrack - there's a huge difference between "this person I knew for 3 movies turns out to be my sister. Neat. Anyway..." and "I didn't murder anyone. It's my identical twin sister who we only don't suspect because we supposedly saw her die"
BritishMonkey - 6/26/2024, 5:35 PM
@McMurdo - What I was thinking. That's the exact opposite of a twist, or if it is, it's a piss poor twist.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 5:43 PM
@Toonstrack - IM NOT THE ONE SAYING THAT CHARACTER REACTIONS TO PLOT MEANS THE TONE CHANGES, YOU ARE. I'm literally saying the tone hasn't changed because murder and suicide and dead Jedi have been happening since the opening of the show. You have lost the plot kiddo. Literally and figuratively. The tone has been dark since episode 1. The thematic material has remain consistent since episode 1 whether you are too dense to grasp it or not. You're the only person in any comments section arguing there's been a tonal change lol. That should tell you all you need to know!
TheFinestSmack - 6/26/2024, 6:11 PM
@CreateNowSlpL8r - it sounds like she went to the Rian Johnson school of scriptwriting haha
Slotherin - 6/26/2024, 7:40 PM
@CreateNowSlpL8r - Osha and Mae are both the focus... As is Sol. How has that not been clear?
They're the constants of the show.
Mae and Osha both don't know what to think because both them and the audience still don't have anything resembling a full story and know they're missing something...
Holding off on reveals and leaving things in the dark is part of mystery...

What did you @ me in your whining for?
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 11:04 PM
@Origame - ....given that the twin is revealed in epsidoe one, no theres not much difference. One chance recontextualizes everything and opens up plot holes(and introduces an incest kiss) and the other we only spend 20 minutes even believing to be the case lol.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 11:05 PM
@McMurdo - just because the story has featured murder and suicide doesn't mean it's been dark this whole time.

The tone has changed. Everuone but you has noticed. If you didn't feel that way im sorry.
Origame - 6/27/2024, 6:02 AM
@Toonstrack - well it does for the entire episode. And it kinda matters since that episode was where the entire mystery was (in a mystery show).

Dude, you're making a bigger deal out of this then the movie did. All that was recontextualized is that two characters we didn't know were related are now related. And what plot hole?

You wanna talk about a plot hole? How about sol believing Osha about Mae being alive despite seeing her dying.
Malatrova15 - 6/26/2024, 2:16 PM
He k
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:17 PM
Heck of a reveal. Yes Qimir was telegraphed af. But the shocking bit is how much impact ues had on the entire vibe of the show. Its literally like you're watching two different characters between ep 4 and now. Entire show is now dark and depressing in tone when it was hopeful and lighthearted before. This is the shows equivalent to X men 97 epsidoe 5
Slotherin - 6/26/2024, 2:20 PM
@Toonstrack - I definitely thought he was a red herring. The talk of the mother was a good smokescreen to that and I think connects in some way still
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:45 PM
@Toonstrack - the shocking bit is how much impact he has on the show???

What about Darth Nameless' impact has been shocking? And you're comparing this show to XMen 97. I'm dead lol
The1st - 6/26/2024, 2:51 PM
@Toonstrack - I mean Palpatine was too, but the difference was we knew anyway, OG fans did anyway. I'm not sure what fans want from SW anymore? I don't mean that literally...but, kinda.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:51 PM
@McMurdo - i compared the tonsl shift of the epsidoe to the tonal shift that happens in epsidoe 5 of 97 yes.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:53 PM
@Toonstrack - yes you did. And that's insane to me.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:54 PM
@The1st - trust me they arent sure either.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:54 PM
@The1st - fans want content like Andor with genuinely competent writing. Or even Rogue One. Or Mando season 1 and 2. This feigning ignorance thing from those who like this series is truly astonishing and it's becoming old hat.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 2:55 PM
@McMurdo - shouldn't be. The similarities in directional shift arent hard to see. Both shows began fairly light hearted and then halfway through become dark and dire for the heroes.
McMurdo - 6/26/2024, 2:58 PM
@Toonstrack - there is no tonal shift. Jedi are being killed by a Sith whilst the Jedi collude to cover it up. This episode was quite literally more of the same.
Toonstrack - 6/26/2024, 3:02 PM
@McMurdo - lol stop being dishonest.

Prior to this we have one jedi killed and another suicides, both of whom played a part in a dark act from their past that haunted them. This episode we have completely heroic main character jedi getting offed in brutal fashion including a child heifn killed on screen. The tonal shift is obvious and is completely disingenuous to pretend otherwise.
The1st - 6/26/2024, 3:13 PM
@McMurdo - I dunno sometimes. I mean I've read comments about how The Boys isn't treading new ground, but when it first came out it was so great. Now that they're desensitized to's forumulaic, derivative. Okey dokey I guess. The same fans that said GOT was great, said the last season wasn't, but now say HOD would never do that to them again. Okey dokey.
dagenspear - 6/26/2024, 3:17 PM
@Toonstrack - Murder is murder.
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