Space Dogs is an animated franchise that follows the adventures of Belka and Strelka, two characters based on the Soviet space dogs that survived an orbital space trip, the first to do so, in 1960.
The first of the Russian computer-animated films, titled Space Dogs, was released back in 2010. Since then, fans have gotten a sequel in Space Dogs: Adventure to the Moon and a television series companion with Space Dogs Family. The show is so popular that it is currently in production on its third season.
Now, to bring the film trilogy to an end, Space Dogs: Tropical Adventures is set to hit theaters on April 2nd, with a VOD release soon to follow on the 6th and a Blu-Ray release on the 20th. We were given the trailer to share with you guys, as it has just become available on YouTube!
Check out the trailer for Space Dogs: Tropical Adventures below, along with the movie's synopsis, and be sure to share your thoughts with us in the usual spot!
When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, astronauts Belka and Strelka are sent to investigate. With the help of their good friends, Belka and Strelka must once again act heroically and complete a daring mission to save the planet along with the distant home of their new alien friends.
Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure hits theatres on April 2nd, VOD on April 6th, and Blu-Ray on April 20th!