Kenji Kamiyama's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, titled The War of the Rohirrim, has its eyes set on making its world debut at the Annecy Film Festival in France, far in advance of the film's scheduled theatrical release on April 12, 2024. As the film's producer Jason DeMarco revealed on Twitter, the premiere of the film is scheduled to take place in Annecy in the month of June 2023.
The 2023 Annecy International Animated Film Festival will be taking place this summer from June 11-27!
Check out the official twitter announcement below:
Here's a little about The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim:
Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is set 183 years before the events depicted in the original The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Helm and the people of what will later come to be known as Helm's Deep must make a daring last stand when the Dunlending lord Wulf launches a sudden attack. Can Helm's daughter Hera find the strength to lead the resistance against this deadly foe?
Back in 2022 it was announced that Brian Cox (Succession) would be playing the role of Helm Hammerhand, Gaia Wise (A Walk in the Woods) would be playing the role of Hera, Miranda Otto (returning from The Lord of the Rings trilogy) would be playing the role of Éowyn/narrator, and Luke Pasqualino (Snowpiercer) would be playing the role of Wulf.
Phoebe Gittins and her writing partner Arty Papageorgiou are working on the screenplay for the film, which is based on a script written by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews. Philippa Boyens is serving as the film's executive producer, as was previously reported. In addition, John Howe, an illustrator of Tolkien's works, and Richard Taylor, a makeup and visual effects artist who worked on The Lord of the Rings, are also members of the creative team.
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