ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future

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Unites - 6/26/2018, 3:39 AM
Gonna see it within 1,5 hours. CAN'T WAIT! I'm so excited! Please, be good!
Demba - 6/26/2018, 3:50 AM
@Unites - wow dude enjoy it! That’s so cool! Have to wait until July 5th :(
Unites - 6/26/2018, 4:04 AM
@Demba - Thanks! The wait feels so long and the hype is so real this time. The official release date in my country is July 18, though. So I consider myself extremely lucky. Hope you will enjoy it too when the movie is out (finally...)! :-)
Imfunnyhow - 6/26/2018, 4:11 AM
What about?
Demba - 6/26/2018, 5:16 AM
@Imfunnyhow - he’s so ugly, I love him!
bropous - 6/26/2018, 6:20 AM
@Imfunnyhow - you're my bestest friend! :-)
Kumkani - 6/26/2018, 5:31 AM
Ghost's motivations are interesting and exactly what I was expecting once I read the first reactions as well.

I'm also kinda expecting her to have a loved one she can't be with because she keeps phasing. That would make her really sympathetic.
JohnnyTBP - 6/26/2018, 5:37 AM
You know Fishburne told a spoiler on the red capert last night?
lawndart - 6/26/2018, 7:11 AM
@JohnnyTBP - go on...we're listening...
JohnnyTBP - 6/26/2018, 7:55 AM
@lawndart - he’s Ghost father
lawndart - 6/26/2018, 8:12 AM
@JohnnyTBP - Guess that confirms the rumors. Hope they treat Janet well and don't try to turn her into a villain or something. Would love to see Janet Van Dyne as a regular in the MCU
OmegaBlack13 - 6/26/2018, 5:38 AM
I don't think Jimmy Woo is gonna be as cool as I was hoping he would. I want the James Bond-y 60s exploitation superspy but it looks like they're going for more of a government handler. I hope he's like a former SHIELD agent or something.

MyCoolYoung - 6/26/2018, 5:47 AM
Laurence fishbournes quotes are very spoilery. From there you can kind of guess what’s happens.
lawndart - 6/26/2018, 7:04 AM
Jimmy Woo! Hell yeah. Hope the actor is in shape. Could Atlas be in the future?
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