ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Michelle Pfeiffer Reveals Biggest Challenge Of Working With Marvel Studios

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Star Hannah John-Kamen Is Staying Quiet About Ghost's MCU Future

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DrReedRichards - 6/26/2017, 5:16 AM
KIDCOM - 6/26/2017, 5:20 AM
@OedipusGrex - I don't want to hear about that stupid Marvel's symphonic universe video ever again. The guy seems to abandon his channel now. Good riddance.
DrReedRichards - 6/26/2017, 5:42 AM
@12daysleft -

He did bring up the actual problem of temp music (which is an issue for every film nowadays), but this video right here proves just why his claim that MCU soundtracks are completely immemorable is downright wrong.
SisterSunday52 - 6/26/2017, 9:09 AM
@OedipusGrex - It's not that they're unmemorable. It's that the studio doesn't care. They just change composers and themes from movie to movie (The only exception being Guardians, The Avengers, and, hopefully, Ant-Man) regardless of whether or not they have a good theme or not. Another reason that Civil War is one of the most disappointing Marvel movies, to me, is that it disposed of Captain America's iconic theme for no reason.
DrReedRichards - 6/26/2017, 9:27 AM
@AMrSundayGirl58 -

I strongly disagree on Civil War. Cap's theme didn't work for the tone of the film, just like it didn't work for his previous instalment (except for the scene at the museum). The fact that they used the themes of Winter Soldier was exactly what made it work, just as much as the newly composed "clash" theme.
DrReedRichards - 6/26/2017, 9:29 AM
Also, I'm hoping Giacchino's work on Spider-Man and Strange stays just as loyal to the franchise as the ones you mentioned before.
DiegoMD - 6/28/2017, 3:22 PM
@OedipusGrex - If you enjoyed the Ant-Man shorts they released not so long ago sign this, we need good Marvel cartoons
MUTO123 - 6/26/2017, 5:18 AM
Cool. The theme from the first was pretty catchy.

KalEl7 - 6/26/2017, 5:29 AM
That's kind of disappointing. I was hoping for a change in composer with someone like Tyler Bates.
noahthegrand - 6/26/2017, 5:32 AM
Have we gotten any casting news yet?
auditore - 6/26/2017, 5:52 AM
what a great song

Highball - 6/26/2017, 6:00 AM
Aaw yiss. Mother [frick]ing Christophe Beck.
Easily one of, if not the best score that Marvel has.
The 1st Iron Man and Ant-Man are the only ones I listened to in loop.
I'm happy about this, also looking forward to Michael Giacchino's Spider-Man!
grif - 6/26/2017, 6:36 AM
antman had one of the worst marvel scores so far.
Lem1 - 6/26/2017, 7:03 AM

There's not much to be excited about in comicbook film scores these days. PreMCU comicbook movies tended to have more stand-out soundtracks, I find.
ArmGunar - 6/26/2017, 1:18 PM
@Lem1 - Xmen, Spiderman trilogy, Batman Begins/TDK don't agree
Spock0Clock - 6/26/2017, 8:14 AM
That new Ant-Man suit has really grown on me. It's a shame it took so long and now he's probably going to get a new one.
KIDCOM - 6/26/2017, 8:18 AM
@Spock0Clock - I like that new suit a lot more. Hope they don't alter it too much in the sequel
lukehero - 6/26/2017, 1:33 PM
The MCU scores are whack...meh...
LGauch - 6/26/2017, 3:59 PM
Kinda want more antenna ant piece on suit but still like the suit
LGauch - 6/26/2017, 4:00 PM
Kinda want more antenna ant piece on suit but still like it
LGauch - 6/26/2017, 4:00 PM
Kinda want more antenna ant piece on suit but still like it
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