In Avengers: Endgame, Peter Quill finally returned to Earth...with very little fanfare. He took part in the final battle, and then left Earth alongside the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy - and Thor - shortly after. However, many fans have wondered what he was getting up to in the interim.
Did he finally visit his grandfather or just get acquainted with his home planet again?
Well, it seems the answer is neither, as Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has revealed that, "Peter despised being back on earth and got off that planet as fast as he freaking could." The reason? Understandably, "He associates it completely with his mother dying."
Peter Quill's final memory on Earth was his mother passing away from cancer, and after running from the hospital, he was immediately kidnapped by Yondu and the Ravagers.
It makes sense that he wouldn't want to stick around and relive those events, and points to Star-Lord's future adventures remaining in outer space, despite how much some fans would like to see him join The Avengers! Still, it definitely would have been fun seeing a little more of Peter's time back "home."
What do you guys think?