AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Hi-Res Stills Feature Thor, Rocket, Groot, And Eitri In Nidavellir - SPOILERS
A new batch of hi-res images from Avengers: Infinity War have been released and these not only feature new looks at Thor, Rocket, and Groot but also reveal how Eitri and Nidavellir were created...
Avengers: Infinity War took us to a lot of different places in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Nidavellir being perhaps the most surprising. While rumours that Thor would head to the home of the dwarves were swirling before the movie was released, Marvel Studios mostly managed to keep that and Peter Dinklage's role as Eitri under wraps in the months leading up to the epic ensemble's release.
Now, some incredible new images from Avengers: Infinity War have been released and these focus not only on Thor's unexpected team-up with Rocket and Groot but Eitri and his home in Nidavellir.
As well as providing a fascinating look at how Peter Dinklage's character was brought to life, we see some before and after shots of Rocket and Groot along with a lot of key moments from the Marvel movie during this part of the film. So, to take a look at these awesome new Avengers: Infinity War stills, all you guys have to do is click on the "View List" button below to check the lot out in one go.

As unexpected team-ups go, it's fair to say that putting Thor with Rocket and Groot wasn't something any of us saw coming before Avengers: Infinity War was released. Here, they head to Nidavellir.
Thor is shocked to learn that the star which powers the home of the dwarves has died and we later learn that Thanos is to blame for that after he forced Eitri to create the Infinity Gauntlet for him.
There are many directions Marvel could have gone in when it comes to the home of the dwarves but what ended up on screen made for a memorable visual, especially as it's cast in darkness.
This unlikely trio enters the home of the dwarves hoping to create a new weapon for the God of Thunder. He ultimately winds up with the Stormbreaker, a pretty badass looking axe/hammer combo.
Thor has to go to extreme measures to reignite that star even if it nearly kills him. As seen in the trailers, Marvel cut the scene where he powers up to make his Wakandan entrance more dramatic.
The star is reignited and while it doesn't last for long (something which seemingly leaves Eitri alone in Nidavellir to ponder what he's done), it's thankfully enough time for the Stormbreaker to be forged.
These visuals are absolutely gorgeous and seeing Rocket's reaction to somewhere he's clearly only ever heard rumours about was a lot of fun as he's clearly now convinced about Thor's Godhood status.
As Thor does everything within his power to keep the gate open long enough for Eitri to put the Stormbreaker together, he's pushed to his limits and very nearly doesn't make it to the other side.
Many fans have been critical of Peter Dinklage's performance, likening it to Star-Lord's impersonation of Thor! Regardless, here we get to see how the Game of Thrones star's scenes in the movie were shot.
The Russo Brothers found a perfect way to introduce the Guardians of the Galaxy in Avengers: Infinity War as "The Rubberband Man" plays in the background and the heroes jet through space.
Rocket Raccoon may be a CGI character but seeing that look of awe on his face when Thor powers up was an incredible bit of work by Marvel Studios as it's fair to say he's never seen anything like this.
This before and after shot shows the physical set which created and what then happened when the CGI Rocket and Groot were added during the post-production process. Seriously, it's literally flawless!
Rocket is definitely the captain, right? As fund as it would have been to see Thor and Star-Lord working together, the instant bond between the God of Thunder and talking racoon was awesome to see.
These gorgeous shots of Rocket in the movie show the incredible amount of work which was put into bringing him to life on the big screen. Sean Gunn and Bradley Cooper also deserve a lot of credit.
After Baby Groot stole the show in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, an argument could be made that the adolescent version of the character was something of a disappointment. He was just...moody.
However, the sentient tree was given some pretty cool moments in Avengers: Infinity War, including when he introduced himself to Captain America on that battlefield in Wakanda ("I...Am...Steve").
It's when Groot creates that handle for Stormbreaker that he's really given the chance to steal the show and many fans believe him picking it up is a sign that the kind-hearted sentient tree is worthy!