It's always a treat when Kevin Feige does interviews for the latest Marvel Studios movies to hit theaters as we inevitably learn a whole lot more about what comes next for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With Ant-Man and The Wasp just over a week away from being released, Feige has been doing the rounds for the sequel and revealed fresh details on a huge number of upcoming projects.
Those include Spider-Man: Far From Home, The Eternals, Power Pack, Avengers 4, Captain Marvel, Young Avengers, and many more. As a result, what comes next for the MCU just became much clearer.
While we've covered some of Feige's remarks, there's a lot here we haven't touched on and I think you'll find that Marvel's Phase 4 plans are now much easier to decipher thanks to the Marvel Studios President. So, to look at the full list of reveals, all you have to do is click on the "View List" button.
Phase 4 Is All About Marvel's New Characters

While Feige has been reluctant to say too much about Marvel's Phase 4 plans, he did confirm that newcomers like Black Panther, Spider-Man, The Wasp, and Captain Marvel are "very important" to the MCU moving forward. "I mean, all of the things you've seen throughout Phases 1 and 2 and now through much of 3, the new characters always are important going forward in driving, shaping the future of the MCU," he explained, teasing big things to come for heroes who aren't, well, Iron Man.
"I think it would be amazing, another 10 years; another 20 films or so. We only focus on one step at a time but that's all about continuing to surprise with the stories, go unexpected places, continue to play with new, fresh, unexpected genres and then introduce characters that people might have heard of or a beloved big fan base like Captain Marvel or characters like Guardians where before we made that, people had never even heard of them." We'll get to more of "them" later on this post.
The Quantum Realm's Future Importance
Peyton Reed hid a reference to The Wasp in Ant-Man's Quantum Realm scene and it sounds like we'll get more teases in the sequel because Kevin Feige indicated that there will be more Easter Eggs which pay off somewhere down the line. "There are things that you see back there that Peyton has put in there. Where and how they pay off in the near term and the long term remains to be seen."
More LGBTQ Characters Are Coming To The MCU
In news which is bound to be welcomed by fans, we now know that Marvel is finally planning on bringing more LGBTQ characters to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When the Marvel Studios President was asked if those will be new or old ones, he made a shocking revelation when he said, "Both. Both ones you’ve seen and ones you haven’t seen." Who will be outed remains to be seen for now.
There are a number of possibilities, of course, as a cut scene from Black Panther pointed to Okoye and Ayo once being in a relationship and Tessa Thompson has previously said that Valkyrie is bisexual.
When Are We Getting A First Look At Captain Marvel?
Confirming Captain Marvel is two weeks away from completing principal photography, Feige added that we "already know as much as you need to" about the movie by pointing out that much of the plot has been revealed already. "We've got Skrulls, we've got the Kree, it takes place in the 90s, you have Sam Jackson with two eyes and Carol Danvers, a unique telling of Carol Danvers origin story."
As for whether or not this means the first trailer could debut as soon as Comic-Con or even with Ant-Man and The Wasp when it's released next month, he added: "I think there's still a few months on it."
The Spider-Man: Far From Home Title Has "Multiple Meanings"
Over the weekend, Tom Holland revealed that the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel will be titled Far From Home. Before fans had a chance to decipher the title, Feige weighed in on what it could mean and made it clear that it may not be as simple as referring to the fact Peter is outside of Queens.
"We like [the title] of course because it ties into Homecoming," he teased, "not just keeping that word going, which we like and we liked it more than Homecoming 2, but that notion of 'home' is a word that has dual meanings we'd like to continue with this [Marvel Cinematic Universe] version of Spider-Man. So, Far From Home has multiple meanings." Hopefully, those will become clear soon.
Young Avengers And Power Pack
Confirming that Marvel Studios once considered bringing Cloak & Dagger and The Runaways to the big screen before they found success on television, Feige noted that they're still mulling over plans for Power Pack and Young Avengers, with seeds for the latter planted thanks to Ant-Man and The Wasp.
"We’ve always been fans of Power Pack and figuring that out. Where and when we would see the evolution of that? I don’t know. And certainly – taking our cue from the comics as we always do – that’s why we wanted a very young Cassie [here], to be inspired by her father. Just planting seeds."
When Will We Learn The Title Of Avengers 4?
"That’ll be after the Captain Marvel teaser probably," he confirmed, "announcing that title. It’ll be towards the end of the year with however we launch that film." Seeing as the first Avengers: Infinity War teaser was released at the end of last year, this makes total sense and it likely means the second trailer would be attached to Captain Marvel as the exact same thing happened with Black Panther.
More Female Characters Are Coming To The MCU
Is an A-Force movie finally on the way? Feige confirmed that plans are being put in place to significantly increase the number of female heroes in the MCU and it definitely sounds like he's open to the idea.
"But, as the plan goes forward I think frankly we'll be ... you know, eventually I think we're going to reach a time where it's not just ... listen, it would be amazing to see all of our female characters the way we have seen ... most, never all male, but primarily male. I think we're getting to the point soon where we have so many great female characters that those are just our heroes as opposed to when are they all female, all male. It's just the Marvel heroes, more than half of which will be women."
Expect More Timeline Overlaps In The MCU's Future
When it was pointed out to Feige that Ant-Man and The Wasp is being released after Avengers: Infinity War but clearly takes place before it chronologically, he noted that there's a very good chance the same thing will continue to happen moving forward. "I think that's happened in the past as well."
"We just haven't called it out as directly but the notion of this was always to be a relative stand alone film that took into account what was a fun cameo in Civil War, was really a giant deal and a big sacrifice for [Scott Lang] in his real life in his relation with his daughter and his relationship with Hank and Hope and this guy whose entire first movie was about becoming a good guy and coming out of prison and trying to make the right life for himself, which he did and he became a hero. He answered a call when heroes needed him and now he's been under house arrest for two years."
Jake Gyllenhaal Hasn't Officially Signed Up To Play Mysterio...Yet
Feige confirmed that Mysterio will be Spider-Man: Far From Home's villain but also made it clear that Jake Gyllenhaal's deal to play Quentin Beck isn't a done deal as of right now. Actors signing up for a movie such as this one takes time and while shooting is right around the corner, casting probably won't be confirmed until Marvel Studios sends out a press release announcing the start of production.
We'll Be Seeing More Of The Wasp
When Feige was asked about what comes next for Hope Van Dyne after Ant-Man and The Wasp, he confirmed that there are more appearances in store for the character (bear in mind that Evangeline Lilly has said she'll make a brief appearance in Avengers 4). "I think [Evangeline Lilly has] talked about it," he said. "There's already been additional Wasp filming of her for future movies but she's great."
The Eternals Will Expand The MCU's History
We know that The Eternals is in the works at Marvel Studios but when Kevin Feige was asked about whether or not the movie would follow Jack Kirby's run by linking those characters to Greek mythology (which would open the door to Hercules and Ares showing up), Feige had the following to say:
"Well, one of the cool things about that property and what Jack Kirby did with it and what's been done with it in recent years is it does tie into they're called Eternals, they've been around for a long time. You know? There's this notion of all of these myths and legends that we know from ancient times, were they inspired by the Eternals? Kevin Feige: Were they Eternals? It's a very ... you know, it's an ancient aliens kind of sci-fi trope that we think would be fun to explore someday."
Choosing Avengers: Infinity War's Survivors
When Feige was asked why certain heroes were chosen to survive the events of Avengers: Infinity War, he confirmed what many of us have suspected; Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and The Hulk are still around for a very deliberate throwback. "I think for a film series that is going on 10 years and is gearing towards a conclusion with Avengers 4, which you don’t usually have in these movies, you can sort of do the math. And realize it’s the original Avengers that are left."
Power Pack Will Be Aimed At Younger Moviegoers
Marvel has tackled a lot of different genres over the years but it now sounds like they could be about to take aim at families. "Power Pack is a property that we've been interested in for a long time."
"For many years because we wanted to do something for families, something that's a little younger, Ant-Man has kind of become that franchise, certainly with Ant-Man and the Wasp, but Power Pack still is one of the many things that we discuss, wouldn't it be fun to do someday?" Whether or not it will happen remains to be seen, of course, but it would certainly be something different for them.
Don't Expect To See Certain Heroes In The Avengers 4 Trailers
It's not clear how this will work but Feige has confirmed that the heroes who died in Avengers: Infinity War won't be present in any marketing materials for Avengers 4. That's a unique approach but one he's confident that Marvel can pull off. "We are working with the greatest marketing team in the world with Disney so I’m anxious to see how they start to put [the marketing] together," he noted.
How Kevin Feige Would Fix The DCEU
"I always hesitate to come off as the person who is bestowing advice on people," he said, choosing his words very carefully. "It's not really what I do. What I do know is, they're great characters."
"They're great characters," he continued, "they're good comics, they've got great history. I'm not shy about saying, Richard Donner’s Superman I still think is the paradigm by which we all still should follow. It's all there." That's great advice and seemingly exactly what Warner Bros. is doing now by lightening up the tone of its movies and taking a different approach to the way they're portrayed.
A New Type Of Superhero For Phase 4
Asked where things go next for Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Feige said: "Brand new heroes, new types of heroes, continuing what we see in Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Black Panther, and Captain Marvel. Who a hero can be, and should be, and seeing all different types of heroes." He's not just talking about powers either; we'll also see an increased level of diversity in the MCU moving forward.
"We want people from any background to be able to look at that screen and see themselves reflected, and just as importantly to have different types of people be inspired by people who don't look like them, or people who have different backgrounds than them, and let them inspire them going forward," the Marvel Studios President went on to explain. "To me, that's the most important thing that we can do, and we've started it, and we're going to continue it." That's a good plan, right?
Why Does Spider-Man Travel Overseas In Far From Home?
Kevin Feige reveals that it's because Peter Parker and his friends will be going abroad for summer vacation and seeing as he died in Avengers: Infinity War, it's fair to say Spidey will need some time away after that! "Well, when does that movie take place? We know it’s the summer. I think it’s summer vacation. I think he’s going to Europe with his friends. I don’t know what summer... I mean, I do know [but you don’t]." There is, of course, still a chance that this is a field trip related to school.
Ant-Man And The Wasp Connects Right To Avengers 4
Rumours are swirling that Ant-Man and The Wasp will tie into Avengers 4 by the time the credits roll and Feige has now confirmed that. "Ant-Man and the Wasp also connects directly to Avengers 4," he said. "These characters are going to be very important going forward." Both Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne are expected to appear in the Infinity War sequel so his remarks made perfect sense.
Spider-Man: Far From Home Starts Shooting In Two Weeks
Apparently, Spider-Man: Far From Home begins production around two weeks from now so we can expect some official casting details and story details to be with us before the summer is over. A first look at the movie is unlikely but Marvel could choose to reveal at least a fleeting glimpse of the wall-crawler's new costume. Then again, that would potentially spoil Avengers 4 so who knows!