Before I begin, I want to note that I'm not even sure how I feel about the conclusion I've come to with the theory I'm about to describe. Another disclaimer is that I do read the comics, but Iron Man comics specifically have not been my forte, so please feel free to point out problems with my claims.
Since The Avengers came out speculation has been rampant about what we should expect for Avengers 2. Like many, I went to IM3 looking forward to some hint about what we could be looking at--if not from the movie itself, then from the after-credit scene. A thought hit me in the middle of the end fight, though, and I want to hear what you lot think.
To state it straight out, my theory is that MCU may possibly be steering JARVIS towards filling the role of ULTRON.
First, for the "evidence":
1. EMH's arc on Ultron: If I remember correctly, Ultron was a factor that really pulled Pym back in (temporarily) while he was struggling with the debate of whether to quite being Ant-Man. This could parallel the end of IM3 when Tony seems to be quitting the superhero way of life.
2. In the comics, Ultron has been shown rebuilding itself through Stark's Armor more than once, especially recently. It's also interesting to note that during the first arc Ultron appeared in (in the comics) he hypnotized Jarvis (the human butler/Alfred equivalent to Tony) to turning against Iron Man and the Avengers.
3. In EMH's arc with Ultron, Ultron was a peacekeeping force until the Avengers were forced to program him for violence when they had their backs against the wall, and it's this that ultimately turns Ultron evil. This is the first movie that Tony commanded JARVIS to carry out violence independent from human control and direct command. Could this lead to a parallel story in the Avengers 2?
4. The fight scene at the end: one suit may have damaged/misfunctioned/etc, and easily could have gotten away. Tony blowing all the suits up at the end makes for a convenient way so that after the after credit scene they don't start cleaning up and wonder why a single suit hasn't been accounted for.
5. I had just leaned over to poke my friend and share my crazy idea with her when a IM suit shot across the screen as its faceplate was getting ripped off, and I swear that in that half a second it looked glaringly similar to Ultron. Granted, this particular suit (Red Snapper, or something) crashed right after this shot in spectacular fashion, so it's dubious that that specific suit would become Ultron, if any. Maybe I'm just seeing things, maybe this is just crazy coincidence. What do you think?

6. This isn't evidence, but I just want to throw in the point that turning JARVIS evil would be interesting in that most movie-goers (myself included) looooooove the movie "character" of JARVIS. There would be more connection and sense of betrayal than if we just have some random robot or AI go evil.
Some of my issues with my own theory:
1. What's the point of Ant-Man if he's not around to create Ultron? Granted, I'm not a huge Pym fan, but in my opinion his creation of Ultron is pretty much the only reason to bring him into the MCU.
2. More pulling away from the comics generally just stinks in my opinion, but look what they've already done. Who knows what they might try at this point?
The more I write about this, the less certain I am about my own wonderings, but I thought I'd see what you lot thought.
What do you think? Sound off below.