The Quicksilver 'Controversy' Will End In A Dry Fart

The Quicksilver 'Controversy' Will End In A Dry Fart

I do not understand why people are making such a big deal out of this.

Editorial Opinion
By imadick - May 28, 2013 04:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

It's been somewhat big news the past few days. So you all probably
know about it all already. But I'll summarize it a bit up here anyways
for the sake of context and self-contained-ness.

Several years ago Marvel was in bad shape business-wise and sold several of its superhero properties to anybody willing to buy for whatever price. One of these properties (the X-Men) ended up with the Fox movie studio. Fox shamelessly abused what it had bought off Marvel (X-Men 1-3, and XMO-Wolverine are all unwatchably bad) for a full decade before finally showing it some respect in the form of X-Men First Class. Which is objectively one of the best superhero films of all time, despite complaints from some silly fans who can't tell the difference between "bad movie" and "unfaithful adaptations".

Now the thing is that the somewhat commercial success, but more importantly the absolute critical success, of X-Men First Class has finally breathed some life into a dying franchise and instilled it with some respect from critics and fans that it desperately needed (i.e. it acted like the Batman Begins of the franchise). Fox has been given a shot at absolute redemption with their next proper X-Men film: Days of Future Past (which could be their The Dark Knight -though, they probably have no real shot at any Oscars or billion dollar grosses).

In the meantime, Marvel Studios has managed to regain the rights to a lot of its dispersed characters and slowly built itself up as a behemoth of a franchise with the success of Phase One films (Iron Man 1-2, Captain America, Hulk, and Thor) leading up to the worldwide phenomenon The Avengers.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch: Uncomfortably close

The problem arises now with the use of the characters Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who are both X-Men characters and Avengers characters. The wonky copyright stuff with them is that both Fox and Marvel can use these characters, however, any mutant related references are owned by Fox, and any Avengers related references are owned by Marvel.

Marvel pretty much called gunshot on them by kind-of-sort-of announcing that they'll be using the characters in Avengers 2. And then Fox, being the shitty company that it is, has decided to shed any facade of ethics and give Quicksilver a public golden shower by announcing that the dweeby-looking Evan Peters has been added last-minute into Days of Future Past as Quicksilver for an unnecessary tacked-on role in the film, for the sole purpose of marking their territory.

Cold War Ensues!!
Or Does It?!

No it doesn't.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch engage in incest, as Wolverine pulls a Peeping Tom and masturbates in the bushes

As I described above, Marvel Studios has become a powerhouse in not just the superhero business, but in the movie business period. This was further solidified by the awful Iron Man 3 managing to cross the billion dollar mark and becoming the 5th highest grossing movie of all time trailing the grand Harry Potter finale and the behemoth Avengers itself (it most likely won't overtake them). On the other hand, Fox has run its X-Men franchise into the ground, with First Class' critical success giving them a shot at second life. But in terms of box office, First Class was no Avengers. Wolverine will probably do disappointing business since it looks shitty and rote.

This territory marking gesture by Fox will be utterly meaningless in the long run. Because the cold hard facts are that (1) not many people care about X-Men anymore. (2) Days of Future Past will probably be in the same vein as the atrocious non-First Class X-Men films, since it will be director by the master of blandness, Bryan Singer (latest film: soulless Jack The Giant Slayer). Not to mention the fact that (3) shitty Wolverine film will damage the brand a little more before Days of Future Past can have a chance to fix what is already broken. All of this, while (4) Marvel is a box office monster machine that is at the forefront of most moviegoing public's mind.

Days of Future Past will use Quicksilver.
Nobody will notice or remember this Quicksilver.

Avengers 2 will use Quicksilver and will break all the box office records that you didn't even know could be broken.
Everyone will notice and remember this Quicksilver.

So no need for any attempts at coalescing universes on Marvel's part. They will just do their own different Quicksilver, and this Days of Future Past problem will go away automatically. So yeah, this will pretty much be one of those occasions where the 'ignore it till it goes away' approach will work.

Sorry to anybody hoping for a Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western-style climactic showdown between competing rivals. This is more like a gang of popular jocks (Marvel) beating up a scrawny loser cripple (Fox) and then giving him a wedgie.

Anyways, Cheers

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MoonDoggyX - 5/28/2013, 5:14 AM
I agree with you that marvel will win this. Singer sucks. In X-Men we're gonna get a kid with quicksilver's powers. Wheadon is. Awesome. In the avengers will will actually get quicksilver the character.

BTW, Marvel Studios is not quite a powerhouse. Not yet anyway. Any movie without RDJ pretty much made as much as the X-Movies. I'm really hoping that Thor:TDW will break that trend. But until they have a mega hit without RDJ, its just Iron Man that is the cenematic powerhouse.
CorndogBurglar - 5/28/2013, 5:22 AM
Stopped reading at "floppy pussy".

Lol, kidding. But it does seem like you were trying too hard at times with this article. Which is a shame because you're making a valid point that I completely agree with.

I have to admit that I laughed my ass off at the caption of that Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Wolverine pic, though.
NovaCorpsFan - 5/28/2013, 5:55 AM
Haha, you're description on that Pietro and Wanda thing is fvcking priceless, dude.
Highflyer - 5/28/2013, 6:17 AM
I have to disagree. Quicksilver appearing in the upcoming x-men film makes more sense with magneto being his father. And why are you judging a film that hasn't been released. Its kind of funny really. You assume that the avengers's quicksilver wil steal the show like the hulk based on what? Do you even remember how they wasted hawkeye?
LEVITIKUZ - 5/28/2013, 6:33 AM
Everybody is talking about Quicksilver.

I'm just sitting here masterbating.

Would have posted that on a Spider-Man meme but I'm on my phone.

imadick you should seriously write more articles. This was [frick]ing funny.

Honestly, I don't care for Quicksilver. He will be used about as much as Hawkeye. It's not a big deal.

What is a big deal is who is going to hell in that photo you posted. Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch for [frick]inh or Wolverine for watching and not doing anything to stop them.
Tainted87 - 5/28/2013, 6:35 AM
Hehehe, that was a fun read. And you're right.
MoonDoggyX - 5/28/2013, 10:49 AM
I admittedly haven't been following DOFP news too closely with Man of Steel only weeks away. But are they doing DOFP with no Bishop???
Ocelot - 5/28/2013, 11:15 AM
No one cares or gives a damn about this non-issue except comic book fans. 97% of people who watch both films wont notice or care. They're watching the films to see The Avengers and Wolverine not Quicksilver. When did Quicksilver get elevated to Batman and Spider-Man status, I didn't know he was that popular among the CB community.

The hysteria and commotion over two supporting characters is nothing but laughable. If Fox inserted a Robert Downey Jr look a like who wear a knockoff Iron Man suit then the hysteria could have been warranted. Vice-Versa if Marvel Studios inserted a Wolverine knockoff into their Avengers sequel, however they're not.

Quicksilver probably isn't even going to speak in the movie, he'll just be used like Riptide in First Class, a character who's powers can make for amazing visuals in the film. The version in The Avengers 2 will be different(looks and character wise) and far more fleshed out, so what's the damn problem.


Omar Sy is playing Bishop
AshleyWilliams - 5/28/2013, 6:52 PM
Love the article man.

Big Ian McShane here.
CorndogBurglar - 5/28/2013, 7:29 PM

I don't mean to sound like i didn't enjoy the article. It made me laugh, for sure. It was just maybe a LITTLE too much. But like I said, you made a good point, brother, and I totally think you're right.
SteveBosell - 5/28/2013, 7:59 PM
I liked this article because the title made me laugh. The farticle was good too.
Ocelot - 5/29/2013, 8:52 AM

Well you know, there's a mindset on here that the character appearing in DOFP before The Avengers 2 will "confuse" people and harm the version in The Avengers 2 and that the movie will suffer as a result of it. You know Fox Studios are trying to "cash in" on "The Avengers hype" and on a character that's so popular and on the levels of Spider-Man, before Marvel Studios have decided to. These claims dont just effect and apply to the comic book community but also the general audience, for instance a comic book fan who knows about the character wont get "confused", whilst an average movie goer apparently will.


"he's a good enough character to add to ANY team roster. Especially if Marvel Studios is in control of the project."

I never said he wasn't. I never said anything to suggest otherwise, I simply said that both versions will be supporting characters at most and apart from super speed will be largely different from each other. The hysteria over this isn't warranted.
Ocelot - 5/29/2013, 9:28 AM

I dont think you know what a "supporting" character in a movie is, it's got nothing to do with them being background characters at all. "Supporting" doesn't equate to a background character, that's a minor character.

For example the main(lead) characters in The Avengers were
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow

Some supporting characters in the movie were
Maria Hill

Whilst some minor charactera in the movie were Pepper Potts, Sitwell and the people on the world security council.

Coulson has been a supporting character in most films he's been in yet he was able to stand out, likewise with Maria Hill in The Avengers, that will be the case with but they'll most likely have far more screentime than him. However the main characters in The Avengers 2 will be well "The Avengers" who will have more screen time than Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

Ocelot - 5/29/2013, 12:02 PM

"pushing hard for people to notice them already. Why would they do that for a couple of "supporting" characters if they had no intention on making them stand out on the same level as those other guys? ".

They will be "supporting" characters in the film, Potts and Rhodes were supporting characters in the Iron Man films, Selvig, Darcy, Jane and The warriors 3 were supporting characters in Thor, Peggy Carter and Bucky Barnes were supporting characters in the Captain America film. The main leads of the films i've mentioned were the titular characters.

The main leads of The Avengers will still be Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor and most likely Fury and Widow. They will be at the forefront for most of the film. "Supporting" doesn't mean or equate to a small or limited role in the film, you can also have a major supporting character in a film. A supporting character can have less screen time than other supporting characters or the main leads and still be vital and critical to the films plot. This is most likely what Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be in The Avengers 2.
MrCBM56 - 5/30/2013, 4:16 AM
Haha great article man. You should do more. I agree with everything you said.
Digiomegamon - 2/23/2016, 12:05 AM
Look back three years later. Whelp, turned out no one cared for quicksilver at all in the Avengers plus he died. On the other side, people spasmed and even considered quicksilver's role in X-men by fox to be the single most popular scene.

If your predictions were ever the exact opposite, it's this
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