Today big news came out of the WB share holder's meeting with the announcement of the DCCU now official and taking the Comic world by storm, but one big date was overlooked, the release date for the next BATMAN MOVIE!
The above picture was tweeted by the movies producer Chris Miller (who Co-Wrote & Co-Directed "
The LEGO Movie") Whom announced it was time to celebrate.
Here's the tweet:
Of course the picture looks A LOT like this one (the now famous Batman/Batfleck reveal along with the new Batmobile
Is this a sing of things to come? not likely but it's a very classy nod for the Dark Knight.
Before you get too excited I'm talking about the WB announced
2017 LEGO BATMAN Movie...NOT the live action Batfleck venture, The Following announcement was made at the WB meeting about LEGO films
2016 THE LEGO NINJAGO Movie will be released on the 23rd of September, the movie will be based inside the LEGO Movie Universe that was established this 2014 with THE LEGO MOVIE, the film will feature the ninjas & samurai from the tv series as they fight mystical enemies such as dragons and snake people. Charlie Bean directs from a script penned by Dan & Kevin Hageman.
2017 will see the release of THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, this movie is a direct spinoff from THE LEGO MOVIE. the movie will see Will Arnett return as the voice of the Caped Crusader, while if other heroes from the DC universe will be featured is not confirmed we can speculate that we will see the Justice League if the LEGO Batman videogames are any clue to what to espect as a cast, The movie is directed by Chris McKay, whom was the animator for THE LEGO Movie.
-While no exact day was given for the Batman movie WB also announced that
THE LEGO Movie 2 the direct sequel from the movie that launched the franchise this year, will be release in 2018 in an unannounced day, no plot or cast are set yet, with Chris McKay originally directing but now moving over to helm The LEGO Batman Movie in 2017 the director's chair is open for this film.
So there we have it, we have
LEGO Batman Movie in 2017 that could launch The Lego DC Universe, even if we already saw Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Superman, Green Lantern & others share the screen in The LEGO Movie and in video games, we might get 2 movie universes featuring The Worlds Greatest Heroes, one in live action and one in bricks!