Well, lets not beat around the bush. The subtitle for Nolan's third Batman will be..
The Dark Knight Rises.
I'm pretty sure I heard someone suggest a very similar title as fan fic once! Anyway, there you go. I for one like it. Speaking to La Times' Geoff Boucher, Nolan added..
“We’ll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we’ll be introducing some new ones,”
These characters are obviously Batman himself, Alfred, Jim Gordon, Lucious Fox among other possibilities. But could one be Harvey Dent/Two Face? Its unlikely since Nolan has already said that he was dead as a dodo at the end of TDK, but who knows. If Nolan reconsiders, it wouldn't be a huge stretch to make the "funeral" some type of tribute to Dent and have him recover from his fall, all Two Face now of course. And as Boucher rightly points out, Nolan has said in the past that the title
The Dark Knight referred as much to Dent as it did Batman. Nolan also said that he has convinced WB to allow him to film in IMAX as was the case with the previous films, and not go the popular 3D route.
Next Boucher asked if it might be possible that the villain would be a new one created just for the movie to which Nolan simply laughed, but didn't confirm or deny. There has been rumor of this before. But one thing Nolan did reveal is that despite many fans believing it was a foregone conclusion that we would see Edward Nigma bother Batman in the next movie,
the villain will NOT be The Riddler. This certainly narrows down the possibilities. But really, its almost easier to just go with who we know it won't be at this point rather than speculate. No Riddler, No Mr Freeze, and I'm going to go ahead and assume we can scratch Man-Bat off that list too! With news of Nolan's search for a female lead breaking, and now this, it seems the notoriously tight lipped director is beginning open up a bit. Lets hope more news will follow soon.
The Dark Knight Rises is expected to hit theaters on July 20, 2012.