Michael C. Hall returns to the world of small screen drama this Friday with Netflix's Safe, a series revolving around a single father's mission to find his missing daughter alongside a police detective. Early reviews have been positive and after those awful final seasons of Dexter, it's fair to say the actor could do with a hit. However, could a superhero movie role now be somewhere in his future?
As you may already know, Hall voiced the Caped Crusader in Justice League: Gods & Monsters but how would he feel about returning to the role? He started off by sharing his love of the iconic hero.
"In that particular iteration of the superhero origin story, it was an alternative universe, he was a vampire. But Batman in general, I like him as a superhero, because he’s not particularly endowed with superpowers, he’s just smart. And the suit!" Hall went on to say that the Dark Knight is his favourite superhero but would he be willing to play Bruce Wayne on the big screen down the line?
"I’m Batman, tell your friends about me," he growls. "I love that, that was the Michael Keaton version. Well, thanks, sure – I’m all for that." That's probably the answer you'd expect but seeing as the chances of Ben Affleck returning to the role are slim, Matt Reeves could do worse than Hall!