The Comic Book Movie Villain Tournament: Round 3

The Comic Book Movie Villain Tournament: Round 3

The Joker vs Joker matchup has finally arrived!

Editorial Opinion
By RobGrizzly - Apr 04, 2015 09:04 PM EST
Filed Under: The Dark Knight

Welcome to Round 3, as the tournament for the ultimate movie villain pushes on. There were three notably close races- Bane, who I truly thought might make the Final Four, fell to Ra's Al Ghul, which must have been tough to decide. Faora-Ul vs Mystique seemed to split voters too. (Imo, it shouldn't even have been close, lol) And The Abomination barely got by The Phoenix, who despite a somewhat weak movie translation, was still powerful enough that she was one of my favorite picks to win. In other elimination news, Terrance Stamp's Zod seems to have been surpassed by the Man of Steel version, and I'd have to say this week's upset is "the Smartest man on the planet" (Watchmen's Ozymandias) getting beat by Jeff Bridges. Did not see that coming! And as of this writing, The Winter Soldier got a 100% victory over Ivan Vanko! Winning by the largest margin on the bracket.

Now begins the 'Round of 16', looking at the best respective villains of their divisions. There are some good fights this week; General Zod fights Loki for ruling supremacy. The Green Goblin and his weapons have done better than I expected, but that may come to an end against The Winter Soldier. Ra's Al Ghul vs. Magneto has the potential to leave a city in ashes. But THE headline matchup is one we've all been waiting for: The Joker vs. Joker! Remember, the tournament is based on movie performances, so we want to see who gets the farthest not because of their reputation on the page, but by what they did on the screen. Get to voting and make sure who you think deserves to win does! You can see the whole bracket here.    


Loki (Thor, The Avengers) vs. General Zod (Man of Steel)
Loki was merely amused by Prince Nuada's acrobatics. Then he controlled his mind. While Terrance Stamp was demanding allegiance, Michael Shannon punched him through 6 buildings. Now activate the World Engine!
gen zod


Sebastian Shaw (X-Men First Class) vs. Obadiah Stane (Iron Man)
When Valentine found out The Kingsmen were part of Shaw's Hellfire Club, there was nothing much he could do. It was simple for The Iron Monger: Let Veidt do all the planning, and then steal his ideas and use them against him!


Ra's Al Ghul (Batman Begins) vs. Magneto (X-Men First Class, Days of Future Past)
Red Skull didn't amount to much, and Magneto showed little mercy to yet another Nazi in his way. Ra's Al Ghul ripped Bane's mask for his insubordination, and then forbid him from dating his daughter- Leaving Bane a wheezing, crying mess!


The Kingpin (Daredevil) vs. Madeline Madrigal (Dredd)
Penguin is nothing, physically, and the umbrellas didn't do much. Fisk crushes him with his bare hands. Ma-Ma had Frank's son drugged with slo-mo. Probably ran a train on him too! Poor kid... D'Amico was devastated.


Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2) vs. The Abomination (The Incredible Hulk)
The tentacles took over, and tore Venom to shreds. Now Octavius faces his strongest opponent yet....Similar to Wolverine, The Abomination could endure the worst of what Dark Phoenix has got. Once he got close, it was over. Bitch smashed!


Green Goblin (Spider-Man) vs. The Winter Soldier (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Dr. Doom showed little to match a more vicious Goblin with a more lethal arsenal. Vanko was just way too slow for TWS, whose augmented body, and heightened abilities unleashed the biggest ass-whooping of this entire tournament!
winter soldier


Joker (Batman) vs. vs. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
The long gun, the acid flower, the pen, the cellphone bomb. Chemistry. Psychology. Masks. Makeup. Disguises. Money. Public threats, gag teeth, viral videos. No rhyme, No reason, No words...Just fight!
Heath Ledger


Faora (Man of Steel) vs. Artemisia (300: Rise of an Empire)
Faora's ruthlessness and ferocity made short work of Mystique, who just wasn't fast enough. Artemisia and her army decimated Viper in seconds.
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DeusExSponge - 4/4/2015, 11:26 PM
Abomination is winning over Doctor Octopus?! Blasphemy!
RobGrizzly - 4/5/2015, 12:23 AM
Abomination could probably rip the tentacles right off Doc Ock's body!
MisterSuperior - 4/5/2015, 10:34 AM

I got stuff to do but I just gotta put my votes in!

"Bane, who I truly thought might make the Final Four, fell to Ra's Al Ghul, which must have been tough to decide."

That was my toughest choice in the last round. Still, I think it mostly has to do with Ra's al Ghul being the actual leader to the League of Shadows while Bane was only the leader of mercenaries in TDKR. Still, I think Bane should have been victorious, but oh well. Different strokes to different folks!

- Loki
- Sebastian Shaw
- Magneto
- Kingpin
- Doc Ock
- The Winter Soldier
- Joker (Ledger)
- Faora
Pasto - 4/5/2015, 2:44 PM
Everything @MisterSuperior said except Doc Ock.

- Loki
- Sebastian Shaw
- Magneto
- Kingpin
- Abomination
- The Winter Soldier
- Joker (Ledger)
- Faora
MarkyMarkRises - 4/5/2015, 9:45 PM
Faora was underdeveloped, I actually liked Artemisia and really felt for her character. Faora, while badass, was not a super interesting character.

Also I can't believe Ma-Ma is people have no sense??
MarkyMarkRises - 4/5/2015, 9:47 PM
General Zod
Sebastian Shaw
Doc Ock
Winter Soldier
Heath Ledger
RobGrizzly - 4/6/2015, 12:21 AM
@RobinHood: I considered New Goblin, but Spidey already had 4 villains in the tourney, and I had yet another Goblin in Dane Dehaan. Had to make some cuts.
Would have been a good fight!

@MarkyMarkRises: It would be amazing to see Ma-Ma make it to the Fina Four!

RobGrizzly - 4/6/2015, 12:45 AM
Some great points. Jack's Joker certainly seems more lethal. (I'm a sucker for the hand-buzzer too). Shocked more voters aren't supporting him

Which would you say is the toughest match this week? Mine is actually Goblin and TWS. I feel like flight gives him a distinct advantage.
Bearjew - 4/6/2015, 6:56 AM
-General Zod (way stronger and more deadly with a way more affective army)
-- Sebastian Shaw (as soon as he absorbs any energy, goodbye Iron Monger)
- Magneto (this is not even a contest, Magneto could tear him to shreds or strap him to an anchor and send him to the bottom of the ocean).
- Kingpin (Kingpin is way stronger and would kick ass in a hand to hand fight but he also is THE quintessential crime boss)
- Abomination (Doc Ock is still a fleshy, fragile mortal whereas the abomination rivals the Hulk in strength and invulnerability)
- Green Goblin (this was the toughest but Gobby can disintegrate fools)
- The Joker "Heath Ledger" (Heath's was a much more insidious and less cartoony Joker and had the ability of manipulation, that's by I have it to him).
Bearjew - 4/6/2015, 6:57 AM
And Faora (not even a judgment call)
MisterSuperior - 4/6/2015, 9:17 AM

Green Goblin or The Winter Soldier was definitely the toughest choice for this round. Part of me wanted to vote for GG. Maybe it was even just based off of me recently watching Spider-Man 1 and 2 in a marathon-like way, and then reading the Spider-Man 3 novelization afterwards, haha. But in the end, I just think TWS is the better villain between the two. People say "Bucky was never a villain!", but he was brainwashed and he was one hell of a mercenary. In a way, TDKR's Bane is like that....he was attentive to protect Talia and that continued to the day he died.
beto - 4/6/2015, 12:43 PM

It would be cool to have one of these thingys for not-yet-seen CB villains.

I mean we have discussed in different ways about these villains before, thousands of times. (btw there's no way Heath's gonna lose this)

On the other hand, it is more gray terrain if we discuss about villains that are yet to come. An we have tons of CBM coming in the following years! I mean... I truly ignore who would win there.

Imagine this competition of expectations:

-Eisenberg's Luthor
-Brolin's Thanos
-Leto's Joker
-Ceasar's Ulysses Klaw
-Ultron guy
-Issac's Apocalypse
-Koba's Dr Doom
-The entire cast of Suicide Squad
-Iron Man (he is kind of the villain of Cap 3)

if you add TV then you could have Kingpin & Grood there too!

(Also, it would have been cool to add TV on this one too. Some or them are bad villains but Reverse-Flash, Deathstroke, Rosenbaum's Luthor were cool"

knightfury - 4/7/2015, 8:06 AM
Sebastian Shaw
The Abomination
Winter Soldier
Heath Ledger
beto - 4/7/2015, 11:13 AM
So we are heading for the final 8...

DC 3, Fox 3, Sony 1, Marvel Studio 1

It does say something about these companies' quality on their villains.

*sits down and waits to be called a troll
RobGrizzly - 4/7/2015, 10:02 PM

Reverse Flash! Rosenbaum's Luthor (maybe Gotham's Penguin)- these would have been great additions

The upcoming villains thing is intriguing as well. Maybe I can cook up something for that...
RobGrizzly - 4/7/2015, 10:10 PM
@bearjew: great explanations!
Like you said for The Joker, manipulation can work wonders in gaining the upper hand. Perhaps that could help Loki against Gen. Zod?
Bearjew - 4/8/2015, 12:16 PM
@RobGrizzly Thank you, I would say Loki's a pretty strong manipulator but against Zod's level of strength and power which seems to be almost equivalent to the Hulk's I'd still give it to Zod. Only if we're going by the movie's representations.
MrsBouquet - 4/8/2015, 1:54 PM
Oh dear,

Loki being beaten by that Zod hoodlum. That won't do at all!
VictorMancha - 4/9/2015, 3:52 AM
General Zod (although I like Loki better)
Magneto (although Ra's is cooler)
Dock Ock (duh)
The Winter Soldier
The Joker (both great, but no competition for Heath)
Faora ofcourse
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