When you think about Marvel Comics characters that are suited to more adult interpretations or adaptations, characters like Daredevil, Punisher, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, etc. immediately spring to mind. However, Shane Black drops two characters that most fans would never dream of seeing in an R-rated Marvel film. But don't take his suggestions as gospel, the director is quick to point out that the two individuals he names probably won't get an adult feature film considering the current climate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But when it comes to these things with Marvel you never know; is it notable that he avoids the obvious choices or is he just shooting from his sleeve?

Black: I've always felt that certain characters could be adapted in a cool way. Quentin Tarantino kind of poisoned the well with Django, but I always thought there was a 1970s version of Black Panther, which was a period that could be really cool and involved a lot of racial tensions of the time. That's not gonna happen. Nick Fury, I adored growing up. If you ever read the ones that [Jim] Steranko did for Tales of Suspense followed by Nick Fury, the stand-alone number one through eight, some of the best comics ever made. [But now] you have Sam Jackson, who's 60 years old and sort of plays a patriarchal figure.
Do you agree with his comment above? Think we'll ever see a more adult take à la Marvel Knights, ever grace a movie screen? Sound off in the comment section below with your thoughts and opinions.
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