BLADE: Mahershala Ali Reportedly Still Attached, But The Movie Could End Up Being Delayed

BLADE: Mahershala Ali Reportedly Still Attached, But The Movie Could End Up Being Delayed

A rumor that Mahershala Ali had parted ways with Marvel Studios' Blade reboot did the rounds last night, but the actor is reportedly still on board - although the movie could end up being pushed back.

By MarkCassidy - Feb 16, 2024 09:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Blade

Hard as it may be to beieve, it's been over four years since Marvel Studios first announced plans for a Blade reboot starring Mahershala Ali during San Diego Comic-Con, and if reports are accurate, the project has been plagued by production woes ever since.

A recent exposé outlined some of the (supposed) issues the project has been faced with over the past while, and the studio was said to be having a hard time nailing down Blade's story (which isn't exactly a major revelation given the amount of writers and directors that have been attached at various points).

It was also claimed that star Mahershala Ali threatened to depart the movie at one point due to frustrations with the script.

Apparently, some early drafts saw Ali's new take on the Daywalker "relegated to third or fourth lead" in his own movie, and while this has been disputed by a writer who worked on a draft prior to the strikes (more here), it's clear that this production has been anything but plain sailing.

Last night, a rumor did the rounds online that Ali has finally had enough, and left the movie after a falling out with Kevin Feige. We didn't put too much stock in it at the time, and Jeff Sneider said he believes Ali is still very much on board in the latest edition of his Newsletter.

Sneider seems confident that Ali is happy with where the script is now, but that doesn't mean Blade will enter production anytime soon, as he's also heard that it could realistically end up being pushed into 2026, with The Fantastic Four moving into its (unconfirmed) July 25, 2025 release date.

It's worth noting that Ali's last update during an interview with EW was a positive one.

“We’re working on it. That’s the best I could tell you. I’m really encouraged with the direction of the project. I think we’ll be back at it relatively soon.”

“I’m sincerely encouraged in terms of where things are at and who’s on board and who’s leading the way as far as the writing of the script and the directing and all that,” he added. “So that’s the extent of what I can tell you.”

Following numerous drafts and screenwriters, Logan and Alien: Covenant scribe Michael Green recently signed on to pen the script.

Yann Demange (who stepped in to replace Tariq earlier this year) is still on board to direct, and has previously confirmed that the movie will indeed be rated R.

"I'm excited to show a kind of ruthlessness, a roughness he has, that allows him to walk the earth in a particular way. I love him for that," said the filmmaker. "He’s got a dignity and integrity, but there is a ferocity there that he usually keeps under the surface. I want to unleash that and put it on the screen."

Blade will also star Aaron Pierre, Delroy Lindo, and Mia Goth.

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MotherGooseUPus - 2/16/2024, 8:54 PM
What a joke that they can't get this movie right after 4yrs. Like seriously man. Pick up a comic and do some homework. I like Ali alot but dude will be 60 by the time this comes out... might as well get Snipes back

What a f*cking let down
Cobalt416 - 2/16/2024, 11:49 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - I’ll never understand why most of these writers never so much as glance at a comic book during the process. It’s painfully obvious that most Marvel writers haven’t.
WruceBayne - 2/17/2024, 12:48 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - just like F4, they waited too long to introduce them. Now you have to explain where vampires have been through all these events and why’s there no mention of them ever.
Origame - 2/17/2024, 7:13 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - they're desperate to find a way to sell Ali on blades daughter essentially being the main character and a "vampire goddess", which he isn't having 🤣
dragon316 - 2/17/2024, 7:29 AM
@WruceBayne - do what first blade movie where vampires have been there in open in night but they blend in to well you can’t tell differnce until to late
MotherGooseUPus - 2/17/2024, 9:55 AM
@WruceBayne - my thoughts exactly... good luck explaining this one to the GA
Scarilian - 2/17/2024, 11:02 AM
@MotherGooseUPus -
After all these delays, it's going to still be garbage because it's not even about Blade - they want it to be about his daughter and the main villain is motivated to go after his daughter.
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 5:51 PM
@WruceBayne - I think they can get away with it by having the movie be set somewhere in the 80s.

The movie could thus see Blade actually defeating the vampire threat, leaving only a few vampires to fade into obscurity. It would explain why there are no vampires mentioned in the present, as there simply aren't any left.
WruceBayne - 2/17/2024, 6:29 PM
@bkmeijer1 - do you give him a trilogy set in the 80’s? I think your premise does work about there simply being no more vampires. You’d have drastically downsize the population of vampires though. Like, they couldn’t be a global threat because Blade would never find every single last one of them. But I do like your idea though.
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 6:43 PM
@WruceBayne - I doubt Blade was ever gonna get a trilogy as it's more of a passion project for Ali, but I could be wrong. Thought the sane of John Wick initially.

But yeah, there's a lot of logistics in my idea that don't work out well. Maybe just throw it on real-life technological developments like vampires not being able to live anymore because of light pollution, even at night? Or the development of led lights? Always thought the fire vulnerability was flimsy, so could play with that.
kazuma - 2/16/2024, 9:09 PM
Mahershala Ali is 50. Will we get this movie before he's 53?
Saga - 2/16/2024, 11:18 PM
@kazuma - barely looks 40 to me
Order66 - 2/16/2024, 9:09 PM
[frick] this. I’ll write blade. Literally so easy to do. You take the best parts of Blade 1 and you combine that with in your face John Wick style action and you have that street swagger that Ali had with Cottonmouth and you have him fight Lilith and post credit scenes show Lilith awakening Dracula and Blade forming the Midnight Sons.
HashTagSwagg - 2/16/2024, 9:28 PM
@Order66 - "Have him fight Lilith", yeah I don't really see Blade or any of Disney Marvel's heroes doing that, not in this day and age. Maybe she can kick him in the balls a few times but it's his daughter who's gonna have to fight the girls.
Oofenburg - 2/17/2024, 12:31 AM
@Order66 - Write it then, you pillock! So easy to do, yet you’re here all words and what to prove it?
Order66 - 2/17/2024, 1:01 AM
@Oofenburg - dude I’m being tongue in cheek. I can’t believe you’re taking me serious lol
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 5:55 PM
@Order66 - seeing how it would tease Dracula, I'm assuming you mean Lilith the daughter of Dracula and not Lilith the mother of demons?

Either way, Blade vs Lilith and Midnight Sons vs Dracula definitely sounds like something I'd have fun watching. About time the MCU introduces some proper demonic villains.
Order66 - 2/17/2024, 6:38 PM
@bkmeijer1 - yup Lilith the vampire
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 6:44 PM
@Order66 - thought so. Think that'd be a fun duology to watch. Blade can handle Lilith alone, but to face her father he's gonna need a team
Order66 - 2/17/2024, 6:52 PM
@bkmeijer1 - exactly. That’s what I was thinking. One on one blade can handle her but when she calls for reinforcements (Dad/Dracula) and all of his minions, blade needs a team.
bkmeijer1 - 2/18/2024, 3:39 AM
@Order66 - now that I think about it, it could work the other way around as well. Blade manages to defeat Dracula, but cannot handle a vengeful Lilith (and her demon buddies) alone.

And having demons like Zarathos, Nightmare, Mephisto and maybe even Chthon as those demon buddies, ties into Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange for example as well.
JFerguson - 2/16/2024, 9:10 PM
happy birthday mahershala
MyCoolYoung - 2/16/2024, 9:11 PM
Take your time and get it right. Don’t go into production until you like the story. You’ll be fighting nostalgia and fatigue
slickrickdesigns - 2/16/2024, 9:13 PM
I wish marvel would develop the Midnight Sons more. Seems like a bunch of open ended cameos at the moment.
JDL - 2/16/2024, 10:44 PM
@slickrickdesigns - Unless it plays well outside of the US/Canada that's doa as a movie and quite frankly I don't think it would. YMMV.
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 5:57 PM
@JDL - think it wouldn't be DOA if they really play into European mysticism and Grimm horror. I know for sure I'd watch the hell out of that
JDL - 2/18/2024, 7:59 AM
@bkmeijer1 - My impression is that we already stole all the good European stuff and warped it to our tastes. Is there anything fresh left ? As for the stuff we've repurposed I don't think that will play well elsewhere.
bkmeijer1 - 2/18/2024, 9:45 AM
@JDL - that's kinda why I think they should just warp it back. Would feel fresh in comparison to comic stories, and I feel the MCU has changed stuff before that better suit the story they wanna tell (like with Shang-Chi for example)
Matchesz - 2/16/2024, 9:20 PM
Why do these writers struggle so hard these days
ShimmyShimmyYA - 2/16/2024, 9:24 PM
@Matchesz - it’s marvel not the writers

Said it before they’re micromanaging way too much
TrentCrimm - 2/16/2024, 9:26 PM
@Matchesz -

Corporate pressure. A lot of these writers have the higher ups breathing down their necks steering the ship, people who need a script to check off all the boxes of what's "in" right now and how can we squeeze that into the movie to maximize capital. The bigger the machine grows the more people want their hands in the mix. It's hard to write a cohesive story when you're constantly being pulled in 20 different directions.
At the end of the day these companies are businesses, they're always going to do what they think at least, is best for the bottom dollar, not for the fans. They make decisions based on spreadsheets and numbers.
WarMonkey - 2/17/2024, 7:06 AM
@Matchesz - They are being hired for their skin colors, sex, and sexuality and willingness to push political subversion into stories and onto characters they did not create or help build an audience for. They have no meaningful life experiences or interactions with other people. They know nothing about the world or the people that inhabit it besides what they see in tv shows or movies. They can not create anything new, only take what others have already done and then repackage and resell it while claiming it's now theirs.

For example look at Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry flew combat missions and saw friends die in World War 2 which later shaped his stories as he created a world without all that hate and bigotry which many people like me love to visit for all our lives. Now look at the new "modern audience" writers life experience, they have nothing besides going to school, living in upper middle class to rich towns with high quality of life and safety, and uninteresting social interactions with others almost exactly like themselves and with same experiences and points of views. Basically they are NPCs.
IronMan616 - 2/17/2024, 8:54 AM
@WarMonkey - well said.
HashTagSwagg - 2/16/2024, 9:22 PM
Dude's gonna be pushing 60 by the time they get a sequel, if they get a sequel. Good thing they're already setting up his replacement in his first outing. Smart thinking Disney.
MarvelZombie616 - 2/16/2024, 9:24 PM
Marvel seems to have problems getting good writers.

Also Blade is only pushed to 2026 because 3 movies in one year are enough.

I think that Cap 4 in february, T-Bolts in may and F4 in july - all three 11 or 12 weeks away from each other is too close to each other
TrentCrimm - 2/16/2024, 9:30 PM
@MarvelZombie616 -

It's because most writers in the I dustry at this point have heard the horror stories.
That and writers are creative people, they enjoy telling their own stories, and with Marvel you're not telling your own story, you're telling their story, and you're telling it how they want you to tell it, the creative freedom most writers thrive on just isn't on the table working for Marvel. It's not an appealing gig.
Origame - 2/17/2024, 7:17 AM
@MarvelZombie616 - this movie was announced after Ali won his Oscar for the green book. That was about 4 years ago, and still nothing. No shooting, no other casting news. Just writing problems and being pushed back.

It's foolish to think it's because "too many movies that year" when you can easily just push back another of those movies without looking as bad.
bkmeijer1 - 2/17/2024, 6:01 PM
@MarvelZombie616 - think it's difficult to space them properly, especially given Disney also has to balance it with Pixar, 20th Century, Animation and Lucasfilm movies.

Ideally, they'd be four months apart, but I think they wanna get the best movie summer spots before the competition takes it. May and July just make sense on that front, and they already got the holiday season locked down with Star Wars and Avatar.
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