Excuse me if i have grammar or spelling mistakes, i don’t live in an enlgish-speaking country.
We know that Captain America: Civil War is gonna be very crowded and that it will feature characters like: Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Black Panther... And maybe: Nick Fury, Agent 13, Maria Hill, Ant-Man, Spiderman... (Defenders? Deathlok? Mockingbird? Skye?) Plus the villains: Crossbones, Ross, Winter Soldier (yeah, i’ll include him in both lists ‘cause he’s kind of a threat) and Baron Zemo.

So people think that there is great risk that this movie may end up being a total mess, specialy with the fact that there are too many villains, a problem that some cbm’s have had. So not much ago it has been officially confirmed by Daniel Brühl himself that he will be portraying Baron Zemo in the next Captain America film, a very big villain to Rogers and the Avengers. But, supposedly, the main antagonist is Iron Man, right? So how can this work?
I personally think this can totally work following the formula used in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In Civil War, Iron man would be the equivalent of the Winter Soldier in Cap 2, and Baron Zemo would be the equivalent of Alexander Pierce, and Civil War would be the context, hence the title.
In Cap 2, Steve Rogers’ main objective was to save the world from Hydra’s plans (led by Alexander Pierce), not to stop the Winter Soldier, his presence was a coincidence, but he ended up fighting him the most, and that’s what the movie was all about, these two friends fighting. But really, he was not the main villain, the one that wanted Hydra to rule the world was Pierce, he was the bad guy of the film, the one behind everything. In Civil War, it would be pretty similar, Cap wants to stop bad guy but he also has to handle this other problem. He will fight Iron Man more times that Baron Zemo but the nazi scientist will still be the main villain.
Veredict: Change Bucky for Iron Man and Zemo for Pierce, that’s how you make it work (And then the heroes fighting in the backround as well as Crossbones working for Zemo/Pierce/Main Villain).
Thanks for reading, I am (conveniently) BaronZemo.