It was in a old Interview with Tyrese, where he was discussing his new comic book hero, Mayhem. He said:
"Instead of me sitting back and waiting on 'Luke Cage' to finally happen -- which I'm still looking forward to doing once they get the script together -- and instead of me waiting on 'Captain America,' which they were talking about me for, I'm going to create my own. And that's what I did."
Yes he said it. Now the only black character in the Marvel WW2 era, that is easy to bring to film is, Isiah Bradley. Who was one of the few men successful with the serum after Captain America. Now at Comic-Con, Marvel Prez, Kevin Feige said,
"There is a group that Cap works with that will have an opportunity for much more international casting."
I know some people think It'll be the Invaders because that is a group affiliated with Captain America in the comics. Also because when asked if the Invaders would feature in the film, Kevin gave a" I Don't know".
But I think team will be of, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Isiah Bradley, Union Jack, and some other characters from different areas around the globe.
What do you think?