Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man run reaches its conclusion with this Wednesday's issue #74, and we're anticipating a lot of big reveals. The writer has already retconned "Sins Past" so that Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn never had an affair, while it appears the Harry Osborn A.I. that tormented Peter Parker after his death could be the one responsible for Kindred's creation.
We still don't know what the deal with the other Harry (or his corpse) is, while it's become clear the artificially created Gabriel and Sarah Stacy have also played a role in Kindred's plan. The giant-sized finale needs to tackle all of this, but we do have at least one intriguing reveal courtesy of Bleeding Cool.
In the pages of "One More Day," Mephisto made a deal with Spider-Man: he would save Aunt May's life in exchange for Peter Parker and Mary Jane's marriage. Fans have wondered ever since what the devil would want out of this bargain, and it turns out Mephisto had a bigger plan. That involved making sure his vision Spidey is the one who ends his reign in Hell never comes to pass (and now, you're not imagining it - this is the first time we've heard of any such vision).
However, it's not Peter who is ultimately responsible for that; instead, it's his daughter, May Parker.
We met her as a child in "One More Day," and this deal means Mephisto succeeded in ensuring Spider-Girl would never be born. Taking the marriage was all a ruse, and while we still have some unanswered questions, we can't help but wonder if Peter and MJ's true relationship will now be restored.
Spider-Man has been contemplating proposing to Mary Jane again, but Kindred has managed to put a stop to that...for now. Needless to say, Amazing Spider-Man #74 can't get here soon enough!