COMICS: Avengers vs. X-Men 'Bendis On Professor X'

COMICS: Avengers vs. X-Men 'Bendis On Professor X'

By now, I'm sure you're well aware of what occurs between Cyclops and Professor X in the latest issue of AvsX. Hear from the man who wrote the issue plus a look at how the issue came together.

By MarkJulian - Sep 17, 2012 06:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: MTV Geek

At this point, I've continued following AvsX out of shear stubbornness and a hope to see a conclusion that can at least somewhat salvage what's been largely one predictable cliche after another. Spinning out of AvsX #11, there's our first casualty that's received quite a bit of coverage in the last week. Below you can here from the writer himself about Professor Xavier and what's going down in issue 11.

Bendis-"I'm a big fan of Xavier...I fought for him to be part of the story. He's the guy that should show up and slap him across the face...."

Marvel Editor Tom Breevort - " Ultimately it may be a little too late [for Professor X to stop Cyclops]'s a do or die situation."

Bendis - "Cyclops will kill Xavier, like [in] Blade Runner....the X-Men are going to come out of this event without Xavier."

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Avengers Vs. X-Men or AvX is a limited series comic book crossover to be published by Marvel Comics beginning in April 2012, that involves the rebirth of the Phoenix Force, the subsequent war between the Avengers (consisting of the main team, the New Avengers, and the Secret Avengers) and the X-Men, and the emergence of a future Age of Ultron, as foreshadowed in Marvel Point One. It will be a 12-issue limited series following Avengers: X-Sanction and X-Men Regenesis story lines.

The event is preceded by Avengers Vs. X-Men #0, which will be published in March 2012. According to Marvel, Avengers Vs. X-Men is the end result of all the threads from the Fear Itself, X-Men: Schism and Avengers: The Children's Crusade stories coming together.

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Shadowelfz - 9/17/2012, 6:43 AM
Wait Bendis wrote that? Sigh.

I would expect that from those hacks Aaron and Gillen, but not Bendis! It's like hes pulling a Loeb and just giving up. Oh how the mighty have fallen...
forceflow23 - 9/17/2012, 6:47 AM
despite all the cliches and over-used plot points, I've really enjoyed AvX. The artwork is beautiful and it's great to escape into the world of Marvel for a bit.
seamuskeaneart - 9/17/2012, 6:59 AM
WOW Professor X is Dead! Haven't they flogged that dead horse already!
TheAbomination - 9/17/2012, 7:03 AM
AvX has been a pretty good series so far. I've enjoyed it.
mctrinket - 9/17/2012, 7:13 AM
He will come back as Kid X or something.
pepe - 9/17/2012, 7:18 AM
He dies again... And will come back. And now we have a new Dark Phoenix... Does this never end. It´s repetition all over again.
ATrueHero1987 - 9/17/2012, 7:20 AM
AvX wasn't a horrible event but it should've been thought out a lot more.
n1ghtw1ng2832 - 9/17/2012, 7:21 AM
BENDIS SUCKS MAJOR BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
ninzen - 9/17/2012, 7:37 AM
Just a matter of time before Prof X comes back. Nothing to see here.


The mini-series that both Marvel and DC put out are boring for one reason. Nothing changes. There is some big, epic, life altering battle that takes 10 to 12 books to tell it, then after the series is over everything kinda falls right back into the mold it was in before.

One of the crossovers I really enjoyed that still has an impact on the Marvel Universe was the original Secret Wars. Spider-man came back with the black suit that eventually becomes Venom and spawns Carnage, etc..... The Molecule Man is changed and the change has stayed permanent.

One other thing in the Marvel Universe that's been bugging me for the last couple of years is every time a writer wants to prove how powerful a threat is it seems like they always end up having them beat Galactus. Like, OMG, that dude just beat Galactus, there's no way anyone can stop him. Zzzzzzzzzz........

Where are some decent writers?
TheFallen - 9/17/2012, 7:40 AM
Oh Avengers Vs X-men what could have been. The sloppy writing of this "major event" is killing the image of so many characters. Why kill off Xavier when he just became relevant again !? Not to mention all the fake conflict they are trying to create out of nothing. This event really could have worked if the writing and over all story actually presented real conflicts. 2 ways I think it could have gone instead of the current mess that was chosen:

1. When stark splits the Phoenix Force into 5 they could have chosen better hosts . I think Cyke and Emma should have been in the 5 but having 3 more mutants who were on cyke's side from day one doesn't add to the conflict. Instead of namor ( Namor now not being in the 5 adds to the jealousy and competition for Emma with Scott, since Scott would now have a God like status with the Phoenix Force in him) , colossus , and magik. The 5 should have had Storm ( Very powerful influential mutant ,has ties to the X-men and Avengers not mention her husband is the Black Panther.). The next would be Thor ( He is practically a God already and did battle with the Phoenix proving his worth. How would Cap feel about the Phoenix if one of the mar key Avengers was in the Phoenix 5.) The last would be the Silver Surfer ( he has had alot of time spent working for and battling Galactus so he understands what an all powerful force can do to worlds. Imagine his cosmic power merged with the Phoenix force. Also his connections to the FF and Defenders would help in actually creating some conflict). Mixing the 5 with X-men and Avengers actual makes both sides question who and what they believe and who do they choose to follow. Esp. since some of the previous mentioned 5 were originally against Scott and brining the Phoenix Force to Earth and letting Hope absorb it.
Now when they start reshaping the world for the better they could show everyone including the avengers letting their guard down and thinking maybe Cyke was right because look at all the good they have done. Except maybe keeping Capt., Iron man, and Wolverine still slightly skeptical but in secret. That could then lead to each of 5 slowly being corrupted by the power forcing Avengers and X-men to join forces and defeat the 5.

2. Another way it could have played out is when Stark separates the Phoenix we learn that their were other people interested in obtaining the power of the Phoenix for themselves. How are we suppose to believe in the return of the Phoenix there are no villains who want the power for themselves !? They could have had Sinister( always trying to evolve the mutant gene and would obviously like the idea of mutants being re populated and made to be the dominate species) tracking the Phoenix and the avenger's and X-men this whole time waiting for the right moment to obtain the force for himself and few other big bad villains - Thanos ( the guy court's death, loves power and is one of the greatest marvel villains ever) . Why would he not be interested in having the all powerful phoenix force!? Exodus would be another choice for me. ( He is one of the most powerful mutants in the marvel universe and was last seen in the comics trying to reunify the x-men by force when he heard of the split after schism). Next would be Dr. Doom. one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel universe he would prove to be a major addition to these group. His conflicts with so many marvel heroes makes this a great opportunity for him . My final addition would be Vulcan , the younger brother of Cyke and Havok. He is an extremely powerful mutant who has a thirst for vengeance and power. obtaining the phoenix force would allow him to get revenge on prof. x and the X-men as well has the shi'ar empire. ( I Kept Apocalypse , Red Skull, and Kang off the list since they will be used in Uncanny Avengers with Marvel NOW)

There are 3 ways i think this could play out:
1.The first would be right from the get go the 5 present their intentions of ruling earth and enslaving other world's with their new powers forcing the X-men and avengers to unite. This corruption of the phoenix force being split in an unnatural way could spark the return of Jean Grey when it seems like all hope is lost, to help defeat the 5 and have the Phoenix re join her.
2. The avengers and the X-men could be battling these 5 as the world is destroyed around them losing many members along the way but in the end they defeat the last of the 5 and the Phoenix force goes into Hope who then uses the force to restore the earth and all those who were killed in the events of the 5 .
3. The 5 obtain the power and say they are here to save mutant kind and reshape the world in a more harmonious fashion for all and ask the X-men ( not the avengers) and other mutants to help them in this quest as they all "believed" in the good restoring power of the Phoenix. Cyke thinks he was right about the Phoenix force ( thinks Capt. and iron man are just jealous that he was right about the Phoenix and that the 5 chose mutants to help them not avengers. ) and in the beginning the 5 do help to make the world a better place. Capt, Iron man, Richards, Wolvy, Prof. X , Magneto, Namor and Emma Frost all doubt the 5's intentions but meet in secret to discuss these things so not to cause distraction. This obvs. causes a rift between Cyke and that group when he learns of this group and their meetings. Esp. emma ,namor, and prof. X. Eventually though we find out the 5 want to make humans slaves or rid them from the earth as they are not as highly evolved as the 5 and their mutant allies. And all the good deeds they had done were simply all traps to kill the innocent ( exp. where there was no water the 5 made water there but now it is massive flooding waters and title waves destroying and killing people. fault lines that were deemed safe and now have ppl living there suddenly split with earthquakes having ppl fall to thier death ect.) Scott feels extremely guilty and gives a heart felt speech/apology to all the X-men and avengers saying he failed them as a leader and his blindness has doomed the world. However He rallies to lead the avengers and X-men to defeat the 5 showing off all the great qualities which made him such an amazing leader in the first place and even sacrificing himself in the end to save the world.

yes that was a very long rant but i just had to get it out !
OtakuPapi - 9/17/2012, 7:40 AM
Xavier's only role in this store was to die! Besides that he offered nothing besides in one book of Secret Avengers meeting with the Illuminati And Cap! I would've like this to be a big event spread throughout books opposed to a monthly release, that messed up the depth of the story and involvement in characters such as Prof X.It could've been much better if it wasn't for the monthly Avx release.The tie in books where just every freakin where!
malschla - 9/17/2012, 8:33 AM
Okay, the whole "nothing ever changes" in Marvel argument sucks, because when Marvel DID create a universe (Ultimate) that they did make the changes permanent, people now whine because the characters are so far from what they know in the 616 universe.
HelaGood - 9/17/2012, 8:46 AM
regardless, Coipel's art in #11 is [frick]INGMINDBLOWING!!!!
Keldor - 9/17/2012, 8:51 AM
@TheFallen: Couldnt agree with you more. Too bad you dont work for Marvel.
Shadowmaster35 - 9/17/2012, 8:59 AM
Should have been Frost. Hate that b.
beane2099 - 9/17/2012, 9:36 AM
I still maintain that what's happened in Uncanny X Men is more interesting than anything that's happened in the overall series. This started out being about Hope and now... I don't know, man. Whatever. At this point it's late and I want to get some sleep. Just finish up already.
NewNameWhoDis - 9/17/2012, 9:55 AM
You guys all complain that it's nothing new and this and that, but really need to keep in mind that there are a lot of new readers jumping on board with this series, as well as people like me, who are super fans of these characters, but just fell out of the collecting many moons ago and haven't read every single story arch ever printed. I've started buying a lot of TPB's and graphic novels again, but I don't buy issues for the same reasons I don't watch tv shows. I like to wait til the whole thing is done, and read/watch it in its entirety. From the people I've talked to who have been reading this, they've been really in to it. I'm excited to get the collected hardback this month and read til my eyes hurt.
SpideyQuad - 9/17/2012, 10:09 AM
Seriously the guy looks like uncle fester for Dr. evil for that matter. His stories suck
xstryker - 9/17/2012, 7:49 PM
Sinister did try (and briefly succeeded) to steal the Phoenix force. Read the Uncanny X Men tie in. It's good.
xstryker - 9/17/2012, 7:50 PM
Better than the rest of AvX anyway.
slimsummers - 9/17/2012, 10:14 PM
I for one enjoyed AvX.. I wasn't there when Dark Phoenix first rears its head, I wasn't there when Prof X died the first time, so all this, is new to me.. It's not the same when you just read the past trades because I still missed the discussions and arguments, which I experienced now..

Too bad too many fans are jaded now. Everything for them is "been there, done that". I pity you who cannot get excitement from a comic book anymore...
xcrementus - 9/18/2012, 8:51 AM
yeh, nothing ever changes in the Marvel Universe, this event is irrelevant!!

Oh wait, Havok is leading the Avengers, and Cannonball & Sunspot are joining them.. SCORE!!!

Can't wait for Marvel NOW.
xcrementus - 9/18/2012, 8:54 AM
@slimsummers...amen man. People are really hard to please, this event has kicked major ass, and i love how certain characters have really stepped up eg Iron Fist, Panther, Hope, and Noh-Varr.

I loved Noh-Varr's arc especially, coolest thing to happen to him since he became Protector. I'm really hoping him being exiled from Earth makes him pop up in Guardians of the Galaxy (most likely a new NOW title).
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