THOR: The God of Thunder, The Hero, The Mightiest Avenger

THOR: The God of Thunder, The Hero, The Mightiest Avenger

With the Thor film recently hitting theaters in the U.S. and doing very well at the box office, I thought it would be a great idea to pay tribute and give you the origin and background on the Asgardian thunder god himself. Check it out!

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - May 08, 2011 10:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Real Name: Thor Odinson

Current Alias: Thor

Aliases: Scion of Asgard, God of Thunder, Thunderer, The Mighty Thor, "Goldilocks", Dr. Donald M Blake; Sigurd Jarlson; Jake Olsen; Donar the Mighty; Arkin Torsen

Relatives: Buri (Tiwaz) (paternal great-grandfather), Bolthorn (maternal step-great-grandfather), Bor Burison (paternal grandfather), Bestla (paternal grandmother, presumed deceased), Fygorgyn (maternal step-grandfather), Mimir (paternal great-uncle), Odin Borson (father), Gaea (mother/maternal step-grandmother), Frigga (step-mother), Vili Borson (paternal uncle, deceased), Ve Borson (paternal uncle, deceased), Fulla (maternal step-aunt), Cronus (maternal half-brother), Atum (maternal half-brother), Half-brother to Gaea's other children, Balder Odinson (paternal half-brother), Hermod (paternal half-brother), Vidar Odinson (paternal half-brother), Bragi (paternal half-brother), Tyr Odinson (paternal half-brother), Loki Laufeyson (paternal adoptive brother), Idunn (sister-in-law), Nanna (former sister-in-law), Solveig (former sister-in-law), Cisa (former sister-in-law), Sigyn (former sister-in-law), Hoder (paternal cousin), Zeus Panhellenios (nephew), Narvi (nephew, deceased), Váli (nephew, deceased), Hela (alleged niece), Fenris Wolf (alleged nephew), Midgard Serpent (Jordmungand) (alleged nephew), Hoarfen (alleged great-nephew), Sturm (alleged great-nephew), Drang (alleged great-nephew), Wolf Gods (alleged great-nephew)

Affiliation: Avengers, God Squad

Base Of Operations: Asgard, near Broxton, Oklahoma, formerly New York, New York

Alignment: Good

Identity: Public Identity

Citizenship: Asgardian

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Lord of Asgard; Physician (as Blake); formerly EMS Technician (as Jake Olsen)

Education: Tutored by scholars of Asgard

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 640 lbs (291 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Place of Birth: A cave located somewhere in Norway

Created by: Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (artist)

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery #83 (August, 1962)

Character Creation
The Marvel Comics superhero Thor debuted in the science fiction/fantasy anthology title Journey into Mystery #83 (cover-date Aug. 1962), created by editor-plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and penciller Jack Kirby. Lee in 2002 described Thor's genesis early in the Marvel pantheon, following the creation of the Hulk:

"How do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? It finally came to me: Don't make him human — make him a god. I decided readers were already pretty familiar with the Greek and Roman gods. It might be fun to delve into the old Norse legends... Besides, I pictured Norse gods looking like Vikings of old, with the flowing beards, horned helmets, and battle clubs. ...Journey into Mystery needed a shot in the arm, so I picked Thor ... to headline the book. After writing an outline depicting the story and the characters I had in mind, I asked my brother, Larry, to write the script because I didn't have time. ...and it was only natural for me to assign the penciling to Jack Kirby...

The 13-page feature "The Mighty Thor" continued to be plotted by Lee and scripted by Lieber or by Robert Bernstein, working under the pseudonym "R. Berns". Various artists penciled the feature, including Jack Kirby, Joe Sinnott, Don Heck, and Al Hartley. With Journey into Mystery #101 (Feb. 1964), the series began a long and definitive run by writer and co-plotter Lee and penciler and co-plotter Kirby that lasted until the by-then-retitled Thor a.k.a. The Mighty Thor #179 (Aug. 1970).

The five-page featurette "Tales of Asgard" was added in Journey into Mystery #97 (Oct. 1963), followed by "The Mighty Thor" becoming the dominant cover logo with issue #104 (May 1964). The feature itself expanded to 18 pages in #105, which eliminated the remaining anthological story from each issue; it was reduced to 16 pages five issues later.

Journey into Mystery was retitled Thor (per the indicia), a.k.a. The Mighty Thor (per most covers) with issue #126 (March 1966). "Tales of Asgard" was replaced by a five-page featurette starring "The Inhumans" from #146–152 (Nov. 1967 – May 1968), after which featurettes were dropped and the Thor stories expanded to Marvel's then-standard 20-page length.

Thor is the son of Odin, the ruler of the extra dimensional realm of Asgard, and the Elder Goddess Gaea, Goddess of the Earth and personification of Mother Nature. Raised in Asgard by Odin and his wife, the goddess Frigga, who served as Thor's mother, Thor grew up alongside his step-brother Loki. In need of a powerful weapon with which he, and someday a worthy son of his, could defend Asgard from it's many enemies, Odin commissioned the dwarfs Brokk and Eitri to forge Mjolnir, a mystical hammer made of Uru and enchanted with Odin's magic. It was Odin's intention for Mjolnir to be Thor's, but not wanting this powerful weapon to be given to Thor until he'd earned the right to have it, he decreed it would be given to Thor only after he'd proven himself worthy of the right to possess and wield it by first becoming a truly noble and honorable man and warrior of the highest order. Odin enchanted the hammer so it could only be lifted by someone, including but not limited to Thor, who was indeed worthy and had met these requirements.

After years of training, accepting and completing a number of different quests to prove he was worthy of wielding Mjolnir, Thor still could not lift the mighty hammer. He was finally able to lift it after hearing about the kidnapping of his friend Sif, a girl he'd been educated alongside and grown quite fond of, and risking everything to save her. Thor ignored the direct commands of his father and went into Odin's treasure room to retrieve the hammer. He found himself able to lift it with ease because he desired to save his friend instead of searching for personal glory. With the hammer now in his possession, Thor was able to successfully rescue Sif. Mjolnir has belonged to Thor ever since.

Thor became Asgard's greatest warrior. Before Thor was twenty, he had fallen in love with the goddess Sif. This romance waxed and waned over the centuries. Sometime in the 9th Century AD, Thor traveled to Earth to promote his worship among the Vikings. Both the Norsemen and the Germans, who called him Donner ("Thunder"), came to worship Thor and other Asgardians. Thor actively encouraged the adulation of his Viking worshipers for years, and also encouraged them to find glory in battle.

But finally, Thor discovered that a part of his Viking worshipers had slaughtered the inhabitants of a Christian monastery. Shocked, realizing that some of his more zealous worshipers were committing atrocities like this one in his name, Thor withdrew from Earthly activities altogether, and the active worship of the gods of Asgard ended.

According to the severed eye of Odin, Odin himself later caused Thor to live on Earth in the mortal guises of the Germanic heroes Siegmund and his son, Siegfried. In these two roles, Thor played a major role in Odin's efforts to regain the dangerously powerful Ring of the Nibelung. Siegmund was killed by the warrior Hunding, but Thor was reborn as Siegfried, the son of Siegmund and his lover Sieglinda. Siegfried took possession of the Ring after killing the giant Fafnir, who guarded it in the guise of a dragon (this Fafnir is not to be confused with the former king of Nastrond). Siegfried then fell in love with the Valkyrie Brunnhilde, but was murdered by Hagen, the son of Alberich, the dwarf who had created the Ring and placed a curse upon it. Odin, however, resurrected Siegfried as Thor, who again had his full godly powers, but wiped out Thor's memory of his two mortal identities.

Thor's Banishment and Lesson/Aftermath in Humility
Thor led an active, adventurous life in Asgard, doing battle with Frost Giants and other enemies of the realm. Odin watched Thor become more and more arrogant, and sent him to Midgard several times to learn humility. Over the years, Odin grew increasingly dissatisfied with Thor's headstrong behavior and excessive pride. On one occasion Thor violated a truce between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants, thereby nearly starting a war. Finally, while Thor was engaged in a brawl in an Asgardian tavern, Odin summoned him to his presence.

To teach his headstrong son a much needed lesson in humility, Odin decided to create a human/mortal persona for Thor and banished him to Midgard (Earth). Odin transformed Thor into Donald Blake, a handicapped American doctor, and removed all his godly powers and memories. As Blake, Thor was able to learn to be humble and to take care of the people around him. Blake became a successful physician and was later known to be a great surgeon. While on vacation in Norway, Blake discovered what appeared to be an ordinary walking stick during an alien invasion. When Blake struck a boulder with the stick, it was transformed into his hammer Mjolnir while he became Thor once again. At first Thor had no memory about his Asgardian life. He would regain more and more knowledge of his past as months passed. Odin then later on revealed to him that Donald Blake was just his false identity and he told him what his reason was for doing it.

Thor maintained his identity as Donald Blake on earth and continued to practice medicine. Thor could revert back and forth between Dr. Blake and Thor by striking the stick/hammer against the ground. Thor began fighting evil and was one of the founding Avengers after Loki tricked the Hulk and other heroes to fight each other eventually leading them to realize they should combine their power by banding together to face foes no single hero could defeat. Thor eventually gave up his identity as Donald Blake and later on had two other identities, Sigurd Jarlson and Jake Olsen.

There was a time when Eric Masterson, a mortal worthy of wielding Mjolnir, was temporarily granted the power of Thor and the use of Mjolnir to act as Midgard's protector when Thor was unavailable. This happened when Loki attempted to kill the woman who took care of Eric's son and Thor became angry and killed Loki. Consequently, Thor was exiled from Earth as his punishment and Eric Masterson was given Thor's power to perform his duties. Eventually Eric located Thor, who was imprisoned in Mephisto's realm, and rescue him. With the true Thor back, Eric was no longer needed to act in his stead. But since Eric had proven himself to be a worthy champion and real hero, Odin gave him the enchanted mace " Thunderstrike" which had been made just for him. The mace, due to Odin's enchantment, gave Eric powers similar to Thor's which he used to continue battling evil in his new identity; Thunderstrike.

Thor then took up his new identity as Jake Olson. He had no memories about Olson and had a hard time as him. Odin later on separated Thor and Olson and Olson was allowed to return to his daily life. Odin fell during a battle with Surtur and Thor was next in line to rule Asgard. At first he refused to accept his duty but eventually relented and became the Lord of Asgard. Thor had also inherited the Odinforce from his father upon Odin's death. Thor wanted to restore the place of the Asgardian gods on Earth as deities to be worshiped, so he brought Asgard to the Earthly plane to begin this mission. Thor's activity on Earth resulted in the establishment of the "Church of Thor". Due to various factors the people of Earth became wary of Thor and the Asgardians and launched an assault against Asgard. Angered by the assault, Thor used his power and Asgardian forces to conquer Earth and remake it in Asgards image, bringing peace and order through force and his benevolent dictatorship. After the Asgardian conquest of Earth, Thor ruled for almost 200 years. During his reign Thor married Amora the Enchantress and had a son, Magni, the Asgardian God of Strength. Through the intervention of the Designate, battle with Desak and even the words of his own son Magni; Thor finally realized the wrongs he had done as monarch of Asgard and Earth. To right these wrongs Thor traveled back in time, with the help of a machine created by Zarrko, where he met with his past self at a critical moment and convinced himself to take a different course of action, thus preventing what he'd done from ever happening.

Thor is once again faced with another threat of Ragnarok. Loki and Surtur join each other in order to end Asgard. In an epic battle against Loki and Surtur, Ragnarok, the end of Asgard, comes about. It is revealed to Thor that there exists a set of cosmic beings who constantly monitor the Norse gods. They fed off the Ragnarok cycle and were dependent on the Norse gods to kill each other and complete this cycle. These beings are only named as " Those Who Sit Above In Shadow ". When Thor possesses the powers of the runes he is met with a choice: to either become one of those who sit above or permanently end the cycle of Ragnarok, namely their constant death and rebirth. He finds out that they manipulated Asgard into repeating the cycle of Ragnarok. Thor seeks them out and he chooses to end the cycle and sacrifices his own life along with his new found power in order to free the Asgardian gods, along with all the other beings that belong to Norse mythology. Odin's plan for Thor from birth has been accomplished and it leaves Thor and the rest of the Asgardians in a long and deep sleep.

The Return of Thor
Mjolnir was found on the ground and naturally, due to it's enchantment, nobody could pick it up. Donald Blake came along and was able to lift Thor's hammer. Blake was then transported to the void where Thor had been resting all this time. Blake convinced Thor that he had ended the Ragnarok and that the world needed him. He told Thor that he was now free and that the future was his to write. Creatures in the shadows of the void started to rise as they did not want Thor to leave the void and return to the world. Thor was then surrounded by a horde of creatures and they fought. Thor then saw Mjolnir and picked it up. The God of Thunder was back and he decided that he wanted to live, breathe and fight again. He was then transported to Earth in the form of Donald Blake. He found a stick on the floor which he used to aid him in walking. Blake went to a motel and rented a room there. He went to his room and struck the stick on the ground. There was a big bolt of lighting and Blake was transformed into Blake later on found out that he was in Oklahoma. He went to a large, open field and transformed into Thor. Where there is Thor, there is Asgard and there was a big storm. After the storm settled, Thor was seen looking at his true home, Asgard. Thor went in Asgard and walked around. Moments later, police arrived and told Thor that the place where he built Asgard was a private property and he needed a permit. Thor then used his power to lift Asgard off the ground and Asgard was now floating above the ground. The policemen were shocked and then drove away. Thor reflected on how Asgard and his return meant nothing if he didn't have his people with him. The owner of the land where Asgard was built came to Thor and told Thor that he could have the land if he bought it. Thor gave the farmer enough gold to fill his truck and the farmer left. Thor then went off on a mission to return and find all the missing Asgardians.

Thor then arrived in the city of New Orleans. Thor was confronted by Iron Man who wanted to discuss something. Stark t ells Thor that even though he owns the land, he can't just rebuild Asgard. He had to either work for the U.S. government or be against it. Thor knew about the clone Stark made of him and Thor was angry. Thor and Iron Man fought and Thor easily destroyed Iron Man's armor. Stark asks Thor if he has "been working out" but Thor replies that he hasn't and is simply isn't holding his power back anymore. Thor then warned Stark that any person who comes in the way of him or Asgard will learn what the meaning of true power is. Thor walked away and found a man on the street. Thor sensed that the man was a friend of his and Thor transformed the man to his true form. The man was no other than Heimdall. Donald Blake was called to assist in Africa to help the injured. While in Africa, two tribes were fighting and the refugee camp where Dr. Blake was working was attacked. Blake was caught in the middle of the fight and struck his stick on the ground to transform into Thor. Thor stopped the attacking enemy tribe. Three of the camp guards who were also attacked by the enemy tribe were recognised by Thor as Asgardians. Thor transformed them back to their true form and they were revealed to be the Warriors Three, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun. To make sure that the two tribes wouldn't fight again, Thor created a large chasm in the ground to separate the two tribes. When Thor returned to Asgard along with the Warriors Three, Thor asked Heimdall if he could aid him in his quest to restore Asgard ,because Heimdall could see all. Heimdall agreed and decided to assist Thor in locating the lost Asgardians.

A mailbox was put in front of Asgard. Thor opened it and found that he had mail. Thor read the letter which invited them to a town meeting. When Heimdall learned that some of the Asgardians wre disappearing, Thor traveled to the desert and found an underground prison there. Thor was shocked when in the prison he found the Destroyer. Thor battled the Destroyer and eventually defeated it, releasing all of the trapped Asgardians into their true forms. A woman was transformed to her Asgardian form, and Thor thought that the woman was his lady Sif. The woman was actually Loki, Thor's brother, in a female form. Thor decided to give Loki a second chance as long as she doesn't scheme for evil anymore.

Thor and the Asgardians attended the town meeting that they were invited to attend. They discussed the rules to the Asgardians. Elsewhere, Kelda was seen on the streets and she talked to a man named Bill Junior. Blake then struck his stick and transformed back to Thor. Thor went above the atmosphere as part of his quest to find and restore Sif along with the rest of the Asgardians. Around the world there were thunderstorms and all the remaining asgardians were restored to their true forms. Thor was overwhelmed by the exertion of creating such a large storm and was knocked out cold. Thor fell from the sky, unconscious, and crashed to the ground.

Thor was later found lying on the ground, unconscious, by his fellow Asgardians. They brought him back to Asgard where Thor told them that he needed to undergo the Odinsleep. He was required to go into the Odinsleep to gather his strength and re-charge the Odinforce, which is significantly diminished after major exertions, which had he had inherited from his father, Odin, upon his demise. Odin, when he was alive, was also required to periodically take the Odinsleep to replenish his power, strength and vigor. When Thor underwent the sleep he was sent to different world. There Thor saw the ravens of his father. They told him of how Odin had actually sacrificed his life to save him, Thor, and the rest of Asgard. Thor ventured forth into this strange new world where he found Odin fighting Surtur. Thor rushed toward the combatants in an attempt to aid Odin but before he could get there, Odin had already slain Surtur. Thor asked Odin about the Odinsleep but Odin said that it is now called the Thorsleep as Thor has the power and he is the ruler of Asgard. Odin and Thor continued to talk and Odin told Thor about a story. He told Thor about how he, Odin, had been born, raised and then trained in the ways of battle by his father, Bor. He told Thor of battles he's fought alongside his father against the Frost Giants. Bor was trapped as a powerful sorcerer was waiting for him and the sorcerer transformed Bor into snow. Bor was gone and Odin was the new ruler of Asgard. Odin then had a son who was destined to rule Asgard one day, Thor.

Odin also told Thor a tale about the son of a frost giant. Odin had killed a mighty frost giant on the field of battle. The frost giant's young son witnessed the slaying of his father at Odin's hand. The young boy wanted to take revenge and tried attacking Odin. He was stopped, but Odin, in surprising display of mercy, decided to take the boy in and raise him as his own son. Odin then revealed the boy's identity to Thor; the boy was his adoptive-brother Loki. Odin advised Thor to leave as Surtur was coming back. Surtur's spirit struggled everyday to win freedom and return to the land of the living. But Odin was always there waiting for Surtur, ready to stop him. Everyday Odin would slay Surtur and Odin would end up dying because of his wounds and each day they begin again. They were cursed to fight each other for eternity and die and be reborn forever. Thor wanted to rescue Odin but Odin said that he could not for if Odin were to leave, Surtur's spirit would be set free. Surtur arrived and Thor and Odin stood together to fight him. Odin and Thor defeated Surtur and Thor departed and awoke from this Thorsleep.

Loki found Balder the Brave in Asgard and talked to him. Loki wasn't trusted by Balder or any of the other Asgardians. Loki brought Balder to a room where there was a large door. To open the door you needed a special ring which Loki gave to Balder. Balder entered and found himself home, in the snow. Volstagg talked to Heimdall and asked him about the Avengers. Volstagg was considering joining the Avengers as he might do well in this world. A man then interrupted as he was looking for Kelda. The man was Bill who met Kelda on the streets. Bill brought a bouquet of flowers to give to Kelda. Elsewhere, frost giants attacked a young boy and just as the young boy was about to be slaughtered, Balder saves him and fights the giants. Loki then arrives to help Balder and the two Asgardians slaughter the frost giants. Loki tried to gain the trust of Balder and she revealed a secret long kept secret from Balder. Odin was actually the father of Balder and he was a prince of Asgard also entitled to rule just as Thor rules Asgard.

Balder did not believe what Loki said and Loki told him about what happened. Odin slept with the woman Frigga and they bore a son. Odin decided to keep it a secret as Odin was troubled about it. For many nights Odin rode away in the darkness. He faced many obstacles without any fear of them. Odin reached a death chamber in a circle of stones that bound the spirit of a female prophet. She had been waiting for Odin to arrive and for Odin to free her, he must spill his blood on the stones. Odin freed her and she rewarded his son with the prophecy of his life, death and rebirth. Balder still did not believe the story of Loki and he thought it was all a lie. Loki told Balder to ask Thor himself if it was all true. Thor admitted that it was true and that they tried to keep it a secret from Balder. There was a ceremony later on to crown Balder as the prince of Asgard.

In the courtyard of Asgard, there was a blood duel between two Asgardians. One Asgardian was stabbed and was killed. The Asgardian who killed him did not understand what happened as they were supposed to be immortal. Balder explained that while Asgard was on Midgard, they were more vulnerable and mortal. A year after the death of Steve Rogers, Thor went to visit his grave. Thor summoned the spirit of Steve and talked to him. Thor offered to avenge Steve but Steve declined as he didn't want more chaos to happen. "Everybody talks about the death of Captain America, but nobody does anything about it". Thor then shuts off all of the world's communication. It was as if Thor and the whole world offered Captain America a minute of silence to honor him.

Loki went over to Hela to ask a favor. She wanted to be transformed back to her true male form as she was on a mission. Hela then transformed her into the true man Loki was. Loki revealed that the body he was using was the body of Sif. Loki was sent back in time to the time when Asgardians were fighting the frost giants. Loki was attacked and slayed a frost giant. Their leader sensed their blood flowing through Loki's veins and knew he was one of them. Bor was seen chasing a frost giant and there was a powerful sorcerer. The powerful sorcerer that killed Bor was none other than Loki. He bid Bor farewell and transformed him into snow. Loki then influenced himself as a child to take revenge on his true father and to be tough. Loki's father was killed by the hands of Odin and young Loki appeared at the scene. He attacked Odin but was stopped and Odin took the young Loki to be his own son. After they left, the current Loki arrived and took satisfaction in striking his father with a sword. Loki returned to Hela and asked to be transformed back to her form in the body of Sif.

As part of Loki's plan to control Asgard, she summoned back the first king of Asgard and the father of Odin, Bor. Bor, being confused about his new surroundings and angered by the death of Odin, set a rampage around the city. Thor went to try and stop Bor from causing more damage to the city. They ended up fighting and Thor thought that he needed help. Thor then called "Avengers Assemble" and the Dark Avengers arrived to the fight. As Thor and Bor were causing a lot of destruction, the Dark Avengers tried to stop both of the Asgardians. They ended up being defeated by Thor and Bor. Loki then brought news to Balder about the fight of Thor and their grandfather, Bor. Balder told Loki to send them to the fight in order to stop them from killing each other. The two Asgardians continued their fight each other and Thor, not knowing Bor was his grandfather, killed Bor. Just as Thor killed Bor, Loki and Balder arrived but were too late. Thor later on found out that he had killed his grandfather and the first king of Asgard. The punishment for killing any member of the Royal Family is banishment from Asgard forever. Balder then had to banish Thor from Asgard for killing Bor. With Thor gone, Loki now plans on moving Asgard from its current location to the country ruled by Doctor Doom, Latveria.

With Thor now banned from Asgard, he sits by a fire in the middle of the plains. He reflects on how bad the situation actually is. Not only is he banished from Asgard, but Mjolnir is also damaged. He talks to Blake about how it has never been destroyed by anything harder than itself. Blake begins to worry that he may be stuck in the void forever. Thor hit his hammer on the ground in order to check if he can still change back to Blake. Blake keeps the shards of Mjolnir so he can try to fix it's damage. Meanwhile, Loki and Balder meet up with Dr. Doom in his castle in Latveria. The two Asgardians are fed by Doom's slaves and Balder starts to question him on why his slaves look malnourished. They then discuss on moving the inhabitants of Asgard to Latveria.Back in Asgard, the Warrior's Three discuss what they are supposed to do now that Thor's gone. Hogun and Fandral try talking to a drunk Volstagg about their plan to go to follow Thor into exile. Kelda then appears to Willian in a bar somewhere in Oklahoma. She tells him that she will be moving away with the other Asgardians and she says goodbye to him. Loki then appears in front of Donald Blake and tells him the truth about the body he is currently inhabiting. Blake is told that he must find Sif in her last moments and say his goodbye. As the Asgardians start moving to Latveria through the magic of Loki, Kelda is about to enter the portal when William comes and tells her that he loves her before she goes in.

Jane Foster had a patient who was an old lady about to die. The old lady mentioned that she wasn't alone in her body and that she's there. Jane realized that Sif was probably inside the old lady. She contacted Donald Blake as soon as she could. Blake knew that if he couldn't save the old lady, Sif would die as well unless he could get to her in time. He struck his stick and transformed into Thor, however, he got thrown unconscious as Mjolnir was still damaged from his fight against Bor. He had to hurry to Sif as he already wasted valuable time. He collected the shards of Mjolnir and flew off to her aid.

Meanwhile, Doctor Strange felt an immense power coming his way. It was Thor. He asked Strange if he could help him and fix Mjolnir as it was made from powerful magic and it should be repaired with powerful magic. Strange told Thor that his magic alone couldn't fix Mjolnir and that he would need the magic of the Odin Force to fix it as well. Strange told Thor that if he wishes to fix Mjolnir, he would lose his father's magic and he would be back to where he was before he inherited it. Strange also told him that he would now be bonded with the hammer and if ever it get severely damaged or destroyed, Thor would die. Thor agreed to go on with the procedure in order to save Sif's life, even if it meant risking his. Strange called upon the forces of creation which was old when the universe was still young to fix Mjolnir. The elder forces passed through Thor and took with them the Odinforce and transferred it to Mjolnir. It was done. Thor saw himself inside the hammer and it was fixed.
He went as soon as he could to the old lady who was dying. He got there in time and was able to separate Sif from the body of the old lady. Thor and Sif were reunited but the old lady still lost her life. Donald Blake was watching as it was taking place and he was able to speak to the spirit of the lady.

Latverian Prometheus/Thor vs Dr. Doom
Meanwhile, in Latveria, Doom and Loki, who is now in his male form, talk about how the Asgardians are accepting their new home. Balder and Bill also talk about how moving to Latveria could prove very costly to Asgard and Doom can never be trusted. Balder then talks to Heimdall and thanks him for going along with them to Latveria. He asked Heimdall what he sees ahead and he tells Balder that all he sees is death. Bill has been killed by rogue Asgardians who were siding with Loki and Doctor Doom.

Dr. Doom sends three highly-advanced Doombots after Donald Blake. They travel to Oklahoma where Blake is with Sif and the Warrior's Three. They try to attack and kill Blake, but Sif gets in front of Blake and protects him from the Doombots. The Warrior's Three then come to aid Sif as she holds off the Doombots. The Doombots hold off the Asgardians with their attacks, until Volstagg decides to take action and he defeats them. Blake couldn't find his cane during the battle. He sees it after the fight and goes on to pick it up. He gets attacked from behind by one of the surviving Doombots. He hits his cane and then transforms into Thor. He tries talking to the Doombot, but it's memory has been erased, so he destroys it. However, Blake was injured and left weakened by the blast that hit him in the back. He goes to a hospital where he's told that we won't be able to run or do any similar activities because of the damage that his spine took. He's told to use a cane, but Blake already uses one most of the time.

Kelda goes to Doom's castle to seek revenge for what's happened to her lover, Bill. She goes into the castle, but walks into a trap set by Doom, and she gets killed. Jane calls Donald up and tells him to be more careful with what he's doing. Blake then calls up Reed Richards. He asks him to help him narrow down who sent the attackers. They narrow it down to only a few possible people. Blake then tells him where Loki and the rest of Asgard currently was, they then figure out who sent the attackers. Meanwhile, Balder and the rest of Asgard go to Doom's castle to attack him and Loki and to avenge both Bill and Kelda. Loki comes to them before they attack and gets arrested. The team of Asgardians led by Balder arrive at the gates of Doom's castle where they see him waiting. He sends his Asgardian test subjects, now deformed with cybernetic implants, to attack them. Doom watches them as they fight, until he hears someone. Thor arrives and ready to fight telling him that he's about to learn a hard lesson.

Thor engages the Good Doctor, but is distracted by Balder and the Asgardians' ongoing fight with Doom's cyborg Asgardians, allowing him to escape. Thor joins alongside Balder and the rest of the Asgardians against their corrupted brethren. As they fight, Doom returns from his castle holding the dead body of Kelda, throwing her off the tower, and angering Thor. Thor destroys what seems to be Doom, only to discover it is actually a Doombot. Loki tells them how to save Kelda. They have to find her heart and bring it back to her body. Heimdall locates her heart inside Doom's castle, and Thor destroys the way to it. He sees Doom, but before he can lay a hand on him. the Destroyer armor attacks Thor. Doom acquired it from Asgard now that it's in Latveria. Doom says that the armor wasn't quite as powerful as it was before, because it isn't complete yet. Doom gets in the armor and heads on to attack Thor. The early stages of the fight show Doom overwhelming Thor with his new power set, and even managing to block Mjolnir effortlessly with one hand. However, due to the Destroyer facisimile not yet being completed, Thor is able to take the offensive and eventually manages to shatter it in 6-7 shots. Doom is then teleported away by Loki.

While in Chicago, Volstagg of the Warrior's Three was set-up by Norman Osborn upon the advice of Loki. Osborn sent the U-Foes to attack the Asgardian, make it look like Volstagg was the one causing the damage and thus frame him as a threat to America. In an effort to take advantage of the negative public opinion his manipulations had fomented, Norman took this opportunity to attack Asgard, but he did so without consulting the president first. Loki warns Balder that Norman and his army are coming to attack them.
The Sentry flies through the wall of Asgard and the rest of Norman's army then follows. Donald Blake sees the fighting while he attends to Tony Stark. He strikes his cane, transforming to Thor, then comes straight at Norman. The Sentry intercepts him and knocks him down, but Thor quickly gets up and takes the Sentry out with an attack. Norman and the U-Foes all blast an attack at Thor at the same time, which causes a giant explosion. Thor gets up but it hit back down by Norman. Norman and the U-Foes continue to attack Thor until he is finally put down. When Thor was finally put down, Norman continued the assault on Thor while the rest of his army kept its assault of Asgard. Mariah Hill comes rushing in a car to come and save Thor. They get attacked by Moonstone but a weakened Thor still finds it in him to take Moonstone down. Hill takes Thor into town to hide from anyone from Norman's army that may try to assault and finally put Thor down.. Daken is sent to look for Thor in the town and findd him in a nearby house, but Thor strikes him with lightning, leaving him near dead.

Thor makes his return to battle in order to save the kingdom that he once ruled. After the Avengers arrive in Asgard, Thor sees that Sentry starting to lose control. Thor goes to try and stop the Sentry, but his attacks seem useless to the now possessed weapon of Norman. Sentry then continues to destroy Asgard as the Avengers watch in horror and fight for their lives. Loki realizes the mistakes he's done and decides to try and save Asgard. He takes the Norn Stones away from the Hood and uses the stones to further increase the powers of the heroes trying to save Asgard. The heroes,now empowered by the Norn Stones, get the upper-hand on the villains that were once powered by the Norn Stones themselves. In the battle, Loki gets killed trying to save Asgard and yells to Thor, "I'm sorry, brother". Thor gets enraged by seeing his half-brother killed by the hands of the monster that took control of Sentry. Stark, using his technology, controls the Helicarrier then crashes the H.A.M.M.E.R. Helicarrier into Sentry who then reverts back to normal. In fear of losing control again, Sentry asks Thor to kill him. At first Thor refuses, wanting to put him on trial, but Sentry turns into the Void again, forcing Thor to kill him. With the Sentry (Robert Reynolds) now dead, Thor wraps up the Sentry's body in his cape, takes it to the sun and throws it in. Meanwhile, Norman Osborn gets arrested by the Avengers and is sent to jail to await trial for all of his many crimes.

Heroic Age
After the events of Norman Osborn's siege on Asgard, the heroes of the earth and the Asgardians work at repairing Asgard, trying to return it to it's original state. Thor, Iron Man and Bucky Barnes come together as a new incarnation of the Marvel trinity to once again form the Avengers. Despite the return of Steve Rogers, Bucky keeps the Captain America mantle while Steve assumes the role of America's Top Cop and leadership of the Secret Avengers branch of the Avengers. Mariah Hill was assigned by Steve to help organize and lead this new Avengers team. Along with Thor, Stark and Bucky; Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine rounded out the roster.

Chaos Wars
During the event known as the Chaos Wars, Thor was one of the members of the new God Squad along with the Silver Surfer, Galactus and others lead by his old sparring partner and good friend Hercules. In this story arc the Chaos King (Mikaboshi) comanding an incredible army of dark gods whom he had slain and recruited. He was planning to bring the universe to a state of darkness and emptiness, all of humanity would be placed in some sort of coma or deep sleep. Thor was responsible for defeating the being known as Glory, who was the embodiment of a pantheon of ten thousand dark gods and the worlds that worshiped them, with the help of Jane Foster and Donald Blake, who stated that their prayers to God are what defeated Glory. The Chaos Wars ended when Hercules obtained complete godhood and was further augmented by the Elder Goddess Gaea becoming the "God of Gods" and defeated Mikaboshi.

Ages of Thunder
Asgard was under attack by the Frost Giants. All the gods were at battle as if it was soon to be the end of Asgard. In the end it was Thor standing strong with his lightning winning the battle for Asgard. Thor brought down a mighty giant who fell and destroyed a giant wall of Asgard which stood as long as anyone could remember. The wall was ruined but it was spring yet another time. Yggdrasil grew golden apples once again for the Asgardians to feast on. It was only Enchantress who had the power to pick the apples from the great tree. All of he gods gained wisdom and youth from eating the apples in all their meals. All that is, except for the mighty Thor. Heimdall then spots a man walking towards Asgard. The man was a mason who offered Odin to fix his great wall which had been destroyed in their war against the Frost Giants.
The mason said he'd be able to fix the wall in a year if you could have one thing. He wanted neither riches or power, only the Enchantress herself. Loki talked to Odin and they decided to accept his offer to rebuild their wall. However, they told him that he'd have six months and not a year to do so. They all agreed as the gods deemed it as an impossible task for the man. However, the man was building the was at an alarming rate which would eventually make him finish the wall in less than six months. This greatly angered Odin and he told Loki to fix their problem or else he'd bind him to stone forever. Loki then shape-shifted into a mare in order to distract the man's steed. All night, Loki distracted the steed and in the morning, the man wasn't able to finish the wall. Odin told the man that he couldn't complete the task but the man knew that it was Loki who was distracting his steed and who made him fail in his task. The man began to say that he'd kill them all and then the man showed his true form. He was actually a shapeshifting Frost Giant who was ready to damn the Asgardians. As he fought Loki and Odin, Thor returned from his recent journey and killed the Giant by throwing Mjolnir at him. He then ordered Loki to clean up his mess. He walked through Asgard, carrying with him the heads of several Frost Giants. Loki was later banished from Asgard for yet another attempt of trickery. Loki wandered though Asgard with no food or direction. It seemed as if he'd been traveling in the snow for thousands of years. One day, an eagle came up to him and asked him questions. The eagle laughed at Loki, seeing how weak and desperate he was. The eagle offered Loki a deal. He'd give him food if he could bring him his desire, Enchantress. Loki then talked to Enchantress and fooled her after saying he found golden apples which she could pick. They climbed to the top of the snowy mountain where a Frost Giant who was actually the eagle, was waiting for them. The Giant then took Enchantress with him to be her queen. The Asgardians then began to starve as there was nobody who could pick the golden apples from the tree. Odin then found out that it was all Loki's fault and he forced Loki to go and save Enchantress from the Frost Giant. Loki then went back to the lair of the Frost Giant. He found Enchantress laying there tied up while the Frost giant was sleeping. He sneaked her out but the Frost Giant woke up and discovered that she was missing. The Frost Giant eventually caught up to the two Asgardians and he took hold of them. There was nobody to rescue the two from the hands of the Frost Giant. But Thor came flying from the sky and he flew straight through and killed the Frost Giant. Enchantress was then returned to Asgard and the gods could all feast once again.

The Trial of Thor
For nine months, the Asgardians were at war with the Frost Giants once again. The rain itself turned red in Asgard during the nine months of butchery. Even the great Balder was defeated in the battle. Loki talks with Balder as he flees from battle into the snow to catch some rest. Loki tells him that the battle is ending as the Frost Giants begin to flee from Asgard. Then, Balder hears something in the distance. He goes on to see what was happening. He sees Thor butchering two other Asgardians with his own hands. He tells Odin the news but Odin is very displeased with what he hears. Later on, they prepared sacred rites for the Asgardians who have fallen in battle. Women came to bring apples as they attended the funerals. It was late at night and they saw a figure walking up to them. It was Thor and they talked about how he has seemingly changed. Again, Thor butchers yet another person, this time, a woman. Odin along with the Warriors Three see what has happened and Odin orders the Three to go and find out if it really was Thor who butchered the Asgardians. They get enough information which proved that he was the killer after they talked to a woman at the funeral site and an old mage who examined the bodies. Odin then became very furious and he told the Three to get out of his sight or he would kill them himself. Thor was then spotted drinking in a bar. He was outnumbered by other Asgardians who were there to arrest the Thunder God. Thor was then beaten but the Warriors Three came to rescue Thor from being arrested. Odin then hears about how Thor has escaped. The Three and Thor then travel north beyond the rumors. They tell Thor that they only saved him because of their loyalty even though they still believe that he was the killer. They all start to head back and they see an army of dwarves and Frost Giants who were headed by Ymir. They start slaying the army but then, the dwarves open a box which they had along with them. A dwarf who was made to be just like Thor emerged from the box and started battle with Thor. The sky trembles and Thor kills the impostor and his name gets cleared.

Fear Itself
After Tony Stark delivered his speech to the people describing the intent to rebuild Asgard in Oklahoma, Odin returns to his son and other Asgardians present to reclaim his throne and to bring home the children of Asgard. Angered by the humans intentions and Thor's choice to remain with humanity as Asgard is lifted into the skies, Odin strips Thor of the mighty Mjolnir.


Biologically half-Asgardian, half-Elder God, Thor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardian gods. However, some are considerably more developed than those of the vast majority of his race. Thor is the most powerful being on the planet currently and one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. While on Earth, Thor greatly withholds his power unless fighting someone with similar strength and durability and for caution of not destroying the planet with his power.

Superhuman Strength: Being the son of Odin and the elder goddess Gaea, Thor is physically the strongest of the Norse gods and one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. He easily lifted a million tons, proved able to crumble uru into dust, destroyed Silver Surfer's force-field with a single strike, knocked out a well hydrated Namor, rendered the Abomination unconscious with a single blow, matched Savage Hulk's strength for an entire hour, was able to push the WorldEngine to reverse the Yggdrasil Tree, stalemated Hercules in a strength contest, and lifted the Midgard Serpent, who was so large that it could coil around the entire planet Earth from head to tail multiple times over and crush it in its grip. He could also crush entire moons in his fists, and even shatter entire planets with the force of his blows. When he went insane, Thor struck Beta Ray Bill with such force that he destroyed the planet they were on. He has even broken through the armor of a Celestial in one blow. If pressed in battle, Thor is able of entering into a state known as Warrior's Madness, which will temporarily increase his strength tenfold.

Superhuman Stamina: Thor's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. As a result, his muscles produce practically no fatigue toxins during physical activity compared to those of humans and most other members of his race. He possesses practically inexhaustible stamina. He can exert himself at peak capacity for countless months on end at the very least without tiring at all. Thor was able to fight nonstop, for more than 9 months straight, from day to night, without any sustenance or rest, against the entire Frost Giant's army, without tiring at all. Thor was even able to fight the Sky father Zeus for entire months on end pushing him, from day to night without stopping for anything, and he still did not tire.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Thor's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have several times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being, contributing to his superhuman weight.

Self Sustenance: He is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided and does not need air.

Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Thor's body are considerably harder and much more resistant to injury than those of humans. Thor possesses tremendous durability and is practically invulnerable, which is evident as Thor is capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, high caliber bullets, rocket fire, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from orbital heights, Iron Man's repulsors blasts at full power, powerful energy attacks and blasts as powerful as nuclear attacks, withstood direct blows from beings with vast superhuman strength such as the Hulk, Hercules, Gladiator, Silver Surfer. He can survive in the heart of the Sun without even so much as discomfort, has flown through the hearts of Suns and he can survive point blank powerful energy explosions, and attacks capable of destroying entire planets without sustaining any visible physical injury. Thor has withstood the weight of a score of entire planets, and the gravity of a Neutron Star. Thor is so mind numbingly durable he was capable of withstanding a blast that had the power of an exploding Sun, unharmed. Thor was able to survive direct multiple blasts from the unstoppable Destroyer (the weapon created by Odin and the other gods of Earth to battle the all powerful beings known as the Celestials) with no visible physical damage. He has withstood a blast from omnipotent Odin himself, attacks from the almighty Celestials, and even withstood attacks from the leader of the Celestials, the One Above All.

- Godlike Invulnerability: Being that Thor is a god whose heritage is half-Asgardian & half-Elder God affords Thor absolute invulnerability and immunity to such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, electrocution, asphyxiation, lead, and radiation poisoning. Thor can drink meade all day long and not get drunk. It would be extremely difficult to kill Thor as his life force is considerably augmented by his godlike heritage, powers, Mjolnir, and the Odin Force even if it is only a small portion that resides in Mjolnir.

Superhuman Speed: Thor's superhumanly strong legs allow him to run and move at superhuman speeds far greater than the finest human athlete. He is so fast, he is capable of moving at speeds faster than the human eyes can see, and he was able to create trenches before his teammates, including superhumanly fast beings such as Quicksilver, could react. He was stated by Hela herself to move at speeds beyond comprehension and he has moved as fast as the space winds and the lighting he commands.

Superhuman Agility: Thor's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Thor's reflexes are similarly greatly enhanced and are much more superior to the reflexes of the finest human athlete. He possesses "godlike" speed and reflexes as he has stated in the past. He has been able to react fast enough to catch bullets out of mid air, hit beings able to move at speeds faster than light such as the Silver Surfer etc. He has such reflexes that he is capable of reacting to faster than light attacks.

Superhuman Senses: Thor possesses incredible superhuman senses, as he is able to effortlessly see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System, and hear cries from as far as the other side of the planet.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it is possible to injure Thor. In the rare instances that he is injured, his body is capable of repairing damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than the body of a human being and almost all other Asgardians. He can regenerate missing limbs or organs, with the aid of magical forces such as Mjolnir or the Odin Force.

Superhuman Longevity: Thor, like all other Asgardians, isn't immortal in the same sense of some other god pantheons. Thor ages at a pace far, far slower than a human being as he is countless years old; mortals' life spans are comparable to nothing more than a blink of his immortal eyes. He has watched worlds die, and even witnessed Suns explode throughout his unimaginable long life meaning that his at least millions of years old. The consumption of the Golden Apples of the goddess Iddun is essential to an Asgardian maintaining their physical vigor but this has not shown to apply to Thor. Thor is immune to the effects of all Earthly diseases and infections.

Earth Control: After his resurrection, Thor has accepted his heritage as a child of the Elder Goddess Gaea and has gained the ability to control the Earth completely and has demonstrated this ability by being able to create country-spanning chasms in the Earth itself.

Magic Spells: During Ragnarok, Thor acquired knowledge and use of the Runes which granted him a practically infinite supply of mystical power and spells in addition to his other powers as a result of drinking from the Well of Mimir for wisdom and clarity of inner vision. Thor was able to cast spells generating a variety of powerful effects while in the Asgardian dimension including flight without the use of Mjolnir, teleportation within a dimension, while even Odin could not, to Valhalla, Surtur's realm, and the Fates at the World Tree, destroy a Mjolnir copy and channel its energy into a magical force blast sufficient to destroy two demons simultaneously, unleash a wave of mystical energy of enough strength to best Loki armed with Mjolnir's duplicate, destroy the rebuilt Valhalla and slay numerous Rock Trolls in seconds, raise circular energy shields bordered by runes to block the formidable blows of Mangog, "bottle" Mangog and "empty" the bottle as well, apparently turn "a witch into the wind," see even without physical eyes and remove Loki's head without quenching his life. It is unknown whether he still possesses the power of the Runes and if so to what degree since his rebirth; however, Thor's eyes have both been restored, and there is no visible indication at any instance that the Runes have been retained.

Odin Force: The Odin Force enables him to tap into the practically infinite resources of cosmic and mystical energies of the dimension Asgard exists within, enhancing all of his abilities in turn. The sum total of Odin's power as the king of Asgard plus the power of his brothers Vili and Ve, as well as his own, which made Thor effectively omnipotent. The Odin Force significantly increased Thor's powers as well as giving him greater abilities than his father Odin and the previous Asgardian sky fathers possessed. While only barely tapping into the limitless power of his vast magical power, Thor was capable of easily disintegrating Captain America’s shield with simply a look, easily teleport Asgard to the skies above New York City, able to recreate the moon after it was destroyed in a battle with him and a powerful entity, will Mangog into nothingness, decapitate a Desak-occupied Destroyer by focusing a portion of his power into one Mjolnir hurl, and easily conquer all of Earth, and defeat all of its inhabitants such as the powerful Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Strange etc. According to the Odin Force (which took the shape of Odin), Thor recreating celestial bodies and his other accomplishments during his time on Earth were nothing but minimal compared to the Odin Power's limitless power, and to illustrate its point, it casually creates a pocket Universe. After acquiring the power of the Runes his powers reached even greater heights, and he reached the point of surpassing his father in power to an even greater extent. With gaining the power of the Runes he gained understanding and enlightenment. He became virtually omniscient as well as quasi-omnipotent, being able to see the past, present, and future completely, being able to see past the veil of time itself, he could see the future of all things, of every man and beast, every leaf on every tree, he could see beyond quantum structure; beyond the cosmic architecture, into the nothingness itself and the end of all things. After his rebirth, Thor possessed only a tiny portion of the seemingly infinite power source that is the Odin Force which he used in the fight where he murdered Odin's father Bor, and now that is imbued in Mjolnir.

Great Knowledge of Magic: During Ragnarok, Thor acquired knowledge and use of the Runes which granted him a virtually infinite supply of mystical power and spells in addition to his other powers, considerably honing his long undeveloped vast magical potential.

Master Combatant: Thor is a superbly skilled warrior trained in the arts of war with over countless years of combat experience. He is one of the most skilled fighters to ever walk the planet. He has been able to fight and gain the advantage with Captain America when powerless to the point he was mortal, and he was able to defeat even the likes of Grog the God Crusher, while similarly powerless and mortal, with only his vast fighting skills. Although, he possesses vast fighting skills, due to his warrior pride, when engaging opponents such as the Hulk, Juggernaut and other brutes in hand-to-hand fights, Thor reverts to using the same brawling type fighting as they do, in which he is also a master. He is a master marksman, and master in all areas of combat including hand-to-hand, wrestling, brawling, swordsmanship, hammer throwing, mace wielding, and more. He has also shown great skill with numerous other weapons such as axes, shields, and clubs. Thor is known to be very cunning and intuitive in battles and wars.

Master Tactician: For over thousands and thousands of years he has lead Asgard into battle against overwhelming forces with great leadership and employed strategies and tactics from every culture, including forgotten ones.

Master Hammer Fighter: After centuries of practice wielding his hammer, Thor is a master of fighting with his hammer.

Expert Medic: Possessing a gifted intellect, Thor also has extensive medical knowledge due to his years spent on Earth as successful physician and surgeon Doctor Donald Blake and the EMT Jake Olson.

Mjolnir: Thor wields Mjolnir, a hammer forged from uru metal. Mjolnir itself is already extremely durable like the Earth metal Adamantium or the Olympian metal Adamantine, and combined with the various enchantments placed upon it by Odin, is for all intents and purposes, indestructible. It has survived heat as extreme as the heart of the Sun, blasts powerful enough to destroy planets, and it has contained energy sufficient enough to destroy an entire Galaxy. Mjolnir also grants Thor countless mystical attributes and powers such as manipulation of the fundamental forces of the Universe such as the electromagnetic spectrum, gravity, etc. A few other examples of the countless abilities Thor has shown with Mjolnir are:

-Weather Control: Mjolnir grants Thor the ability to command the powers of the storm, causing rain, thunder and lightning although he cannot control artificial weather. He can create giant raging electrical storms complete with thunder, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and torrential rains across entire planets at a moment's notice. He can also create any of these phenomena individually. Another aspect of this power allows him to stop any of these weather conditions instantly as well.
Thor can create storms on a planetary wide scale or larger if needed, and is not limited to the normal limits of Mother Nature and can go beyond and defy what natural weather can do such as creating rain in space where there is no atmosphere. Thor's ability to control and create storms extends to any and all storms as he has been shown to control and create raging temporal storms in time, create Solar Flares, powerful stellar winds in space and so on. Thor's ability to control the elements and storm are absolute so even a powerful weather manipulator such as Storm was easily overpowered by his ability to control the weather and easily defeated. Thor can also channel the storm's fury, and magnify it into extremely powerful energy blasts capable of destroying objects of high durability, such as Adamantium etc.

-Resurrection: While channeling his power through Mjolnir, Thor was able to resurrect a man he had wrongly killed.

-Alpha Particles: Thor's hammer can harness Alpha Particles from the atmosphere and could use it to atomize any weaponry.

-Negation of Mystic Energy: He used this ability on the Juggernaut himself to negate the mystical energies that grant him his mystical invulnerability, allowing him to defeat the Juggernaut in combat.

-Cosmic Energy: Mjolnir allows Thor to produce and control Cosmic Energy to an unknown limit for a variety of purposes.

-Matter Manipulation: This ability allows Thor to manipulate matter from a molecular level to a vast scale, which allows him to create other configurations and even allows him to transmute the elements themselves. This ability was evident when he transmuted the Absorbing Man's wood and iron body to the gas helium.

-Thermo-blast: Thor has the ability to produce a Universe shaking thermo-blast capable of decimating even entire planets and beings as powerful as Ego the living planet.

-Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation

-Invisibility and Intangibility: Thor can turn himself or others, using Mjolnir, completely intangible and/or invisible. An offshoot of this ability is that Thor can use Mjolnir to completely disrupt the phasing abilities of super humans such as the Vision, Shadowcat etc.

-Barriers: With Mjolnir, Thor is capable of creating powerful barriers, force fields and vortexes that are impenetrable. These vortexes and barriers are so immensely durable that Thor was able to completely contain the explosion generated by a life bomb, which is so powerful it would have completely destroyed a fifth of the Marvel Universe, without the vortex even faltering, meaning that Thor literally contained a blast that is capable of annihilating millions upon millions of Galaxies.

-Energy Absorption: Thor is able to use Mjolnir to absorb any energy blasts directed towards him as means of attack. Once the energy is absorbed, Thor can redirect it back towards the source and/or use it as a weapon of his own. Thor has been able to reflect the vast and hazardous amounts of energy being emitted by the biological weapon implanted within the Wasp's body by the Skrulls back at her while all of Earth's other super humans were helpless. Thor's ability to absorb energy is so powerful he managed to absorb, contain and redirect the entire energy of the Null Bomb, which was powerful enough to destroy the entire Galaxy.

-God Blast: Thor is capable of channeling different amounts of his godly energies through Mjolnir for a single massive blast known as the God Blast. His godly energy is so vast and powerful, that even when reinforced with the Belt of Strength, which should double Mjolnir's fortification and durability, when Thor channeled his godly energies into Mjolinr to destroy the Brain Dome of the mighty Celestial Exitar, the hammer shattered from the amount of power Thor channeled. The God Blast is so immensely powerful and destructive that it has proven capable of destroying beings as large and as powerful as the Midgard Serpent and even causing such a great degree of damage to a being such as Galactus that he was forced to flee for his life. Thor has used this ability only a few times.

-Anti-Force: Thor is capable of producing an indescribably powerful blast known as the Anti-Force which is capable of annihilating entire planets. This blast is so powerful that with just a single emission, Thor was capable of putting down and seemingly killing the powerful entity known as Mangog himself.

-Transmigration of Souls: Thor's hammer has the ability to manipulate souls.

-Flight: Thor is capable of hurling Mjolnir with great force and, by holding onto the leather thong, is capable of flying through the air at tremendous speeds. While in an Earth-like atmosphere, Thor generally flies at roughly the Speed of Sound, roughly 770 miles per hour. However, he is capable of achieving speeds far faster than light. He can use the winds to hover and has shown the ability to fly without the aid of Mjolnir.

-Teleportation: By grasping Mjolnir by the leather thong and rapidly swirling it, Thor can channel energies for the purpose of opening gateways which he and others can pass through. He can open gateways which allow him to travel across locations no matter how great the distance within moments or even across entire dimensions, as he does when he travels from Asgard to Earth and vice-versa. He formerly possessed the ability to travel through time, but the temporal energies of the hammer were drained when Immortus asked Thor to use his hammer to save the planet Phantus and bring it back out of limbo and into the space-time continuum.

-Mystical Link: Mjolnir obeys Thor’s commands as though it were alive, and if Thor’s will is strong enough, the hammer can pass through nearly any barrier to reach him should he so desire; Mjolnir will even carve its way through the very center of entire planets to get back to Thor. Mjolnir can also transform Thor into his civilian guises. When Thor is a civilian, the hammer most often becomes an old wooden cane. While employing a mortal guise, Thor would transform back into his mortal form if he was separated from Mjolnir for more than 60 seconds. The 60 second enchantment no longer applies.

-Worthiness Enchantment: This enchantment surrounding Mjolnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy. Thus far, this includes Thor, the Awesome Android, Odin, Tiwaz, Red Norvell, Beta Ray Bill, Bor and Captain America. To anyone else, Mjolnir cannot be lifted from the ground nor wrested from Thor’s grip.
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GrandWrex - 5/9/2011, 1:31 AM
That's one hell of a great read

thanks for the info
axiouz - 5/9/2011, 5:08 AM
Epic article man! so much to read
axiouz - 5/9/2011, 5:08 AM
Epic article man! so much to read
thunderforce - 5/9/2011, 6:01 AM
Awesome article sagemode maybe now people can see why Thor is nigh unbeatable .
LEEE777 - 5/9/2011, 6:12 AM
Nice work buddy!

Thumbs up! ; )
SageMode - 5/9/2011, 4:22 PM
Thanks guys
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