This year at Comic-Con, one of the most eagerly anticipated movies is
Matthew Vaughan’s adaptation of
Mark Millar’s highly praised comic series. Exclusive footage from the film will be on display tomorrow in Hall H, but don’t forget to also stop by Titan’s Booth (5337) where we will be promoting our official Movie Book with limited edition Kick-Ass bookmarks, featuring Chloe Moretz in full Hit Girl mode.
We also had the opportunity to speak with Mark Millar before the event about his thoughts on the
Kick-Ass movie and the upcoming Titan Books’ companion,
Kick-Ass: The Movie Book:
"Kick-Ass is the most fun I’ve ever had in my professional career. It’s just been the most bizarre and amazing journey. First, the comic came out and outsold Spider-Man from issue one and then just a few months later the movie started shooting with the cream of British and American talent. Having this companion book chronicling how it moved from my little lined pad to a huge Hollywood movie is a brilliant idea. It’s not only going to look as glorious as all the other ones Titan has put together, but it’s also proof for me that I haven’t been bumped on the head and imagining all this. The movie, I think, is going to redefine superhero movies in the same way Pulp Fiction redefined crime movies. Suddenly, all the other stuff just looks old. I get goose-bumps every time I watch the rushes. We’ve stumbled onto something pretty special here and pretty much every note, thought or drawing we’ve ever put together on Kick-Ass can be found in this beautiful book."

Check out all of Brent Sprecher’s exclusive interviews with today’s hottest comic book professionals!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview with UK sensation Liam Sharp!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview with Secret Invasion artist Leinil Yu!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview with Wolverine artist Marcelo Frusin!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview with Hero By Night creator DJ Coffman!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview with Jaded Publishing’s Andrew Chung!
Click HERE to watch an exclusive interview with award-winning writer Grant Morrison!
Click HERE for an exclusive interview about Bluewater Productions’ latest comic adventure, Spaced Out!