Last October, the news broke that DC Studios and Swaybox Studios have teamed up to develop Dynamic Duo, an animated movie revolving around Robin and Robin: Dick Grayson and Jason Todd.
It's expected to boast a unique animation style, likely giving it the same vibe as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Of course, many fans would prefer to see Dick and Jason in a live-action project, though there's so far been no sort of confirmation about whether this is a DCU or Elseworlds story.
However, according to the trades, "[Dyamic Duo] will depict how the friendship between Grayson and Todd as youths becomes tested by their diverging ideas for what their future should be. (Reports that the characters will begin as a pair of thieves in the film were false.)"
It's since been rumoured that The Authority is being redeveloped as an animated project, a smart move on DC Studios' part given the success of Creature Commandos and the fact it's hard to imagine a movie featuring those characters being a guaranteed hit.
Today, scooper @MyTimeToShineH brings word that, "DC Studios [is] already developing another animated movie [besides] Dynamic Duo." There's no word on what that movie could be and there's every chance it's a DCU title yet to be announced.
DC Studios co-CEO and Superman director James Gunn previously discussed his decision to kick off the DCU with the animated Creature Commandos.
"I don't remember [why]. I really don't remember. I think I just was like, I kind of wanted to do something animated and I wanted to do something with Creature Commandos for a while, and so I just started writing this thing," he recalled. "We didn't have a deal, we didn't have anything. I just wrote seven episodes of this TV show and was into it."
"And so then I luckily had a really great CEO at DC Studios that was me, and I greenlit my own show," the filmmaker added.
Despite those tongue-in-cheek remarks, Gunn has repeatedly talked about his desire to tell stories across film, television, animation, and video games. With that in mind, it's easy to imagine Dynamic Duo being one of many animated movies heading our way in the years ahead.
Which character or characters would you like to see highlighted in that format? As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments section.